In Strict Confidence - Spread Your Wings Part II - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction In Strict Confidence - Spread Your Wings Part II

Spread Your Wings Part II
Spread Your Wings Part II
We, as angels, each with one wing, must embrace so that we may fly.
We, as angels, each with one wing, must embrace each other so that we may fly.
Siamo tutti angeli con un′ala sola e per volare dobbiamo abbracciati.
We are all angels with only one wing, and in order to fly we must embrace each other.
Somos todos anjos de uma asa só, e para podermos voar temos que nos abraçar.
We are all angels with only one wing, and in order to fly we must embrace each other.
Nous sommes tous des anges munis d'une seule aile, on doit s′embrasser pour pouvoir voler.
We are all angels with only one wing, and in order to fly we must embrace each other.
Wij zijn allen engelen met maar een vleugel en wij moeten elkaar omarmen om te kunnen vliegen
We are all angels with only one wing, and to fly we must embrace each other.
Wir sind alles engel mit nur einem flügel und wir müssen uns umarmen um fliegen zu können.
We are all angels with only one wing, and in order to fly we must embrace.
Vi är alla änglar med endast en vinge vi måste omfamna varandra för att kunna flyga
We are all angels with only one wing, and to fly we must embrace each other.

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