Instrumenti feat. ansis - Atmiņas Problēmas - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Instrumenti feat. ansis - Atmiņas Problēmas

Atmiņas Problēmas
Memory Problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Redzi jau pa gabalu kā, prese stāv manā pagalmā
See from afar, the press is in my yard
Reputācijas sagraut nāk, tiesas prāvas jau gatavi sākt
They come to destroy my reputation, lawsuits are ready to start
kaijas barā gaida gabalu maizes
Like seagulls in a flock waiting for a piece of bread
Man nav laika, krekls, kurpes, kaklasaite
I don't have time, shirt, shoes, tie
Jā, lūdzu, ko no manis jums tagad vajag?
Yes, please, what do you need from me now?
Ticiet man mēs visi zinām, ka likumam ir stingras robežas
Believe me, we all know the law has strict limits
Šīs ir tenkas, kuras izplata citas politiskās nometnes
This is gossip spread by other political camps
Kādas telefona sarunas? Nē, nav mana balss
What phone calls? No, that's not my voice
Kāds ir viltojis šos manus parakstus
Someone forged my signatures
Diemžēl tāda ir šī valsts
Unfortunately, that's how this country is
Un varbūt vainīga ir sistēma
And maybe the system is to blame
Varbūt man kaut kas var draudēt
Maybe I'm in some kind of danger
Varbūt es šo sakot riskēju
Maybe I'm taking a risk by saying this
Bet es nebūšu tas, kurš zaudēs
But I won't be the one who loses
Čaulas organizācijas un ofšori (es to nekomentēšu)
Shell organizations and offshores (I won't comment on that)
Upe pie fabrikas naktīs spīd fosfors (es to nekomentēšu)
The river near the factory shines at night like phosphorus (I won't comment on that)
Darba auto ar vēl lielāku motoru (es to nekomentēšu)
Company car with an even bigger engine (I won't comment on that)
Uz oligarhu jahtas uzņemti kaut kādi foto
Some photos taken on the oligarch's yacht
(Nu, es neko tādu neatceros)
(Well, I don't remember anything like that)
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Jūtu jau pa gabalu kā, atkal nāk, atkal sākas
I feel it from afar, it's coming again, it's starting again
Mentu tačka ir atkal klāt, ekipāža brauc savākt kādu
The cop car is back, the crew is coming to pick someone up
Man nav tēva, man nav mātes
I have no father, I have no mother
Man nav bērnu, man nav māju
I have no children, I have no home
Dokumenti? Priekš kam man tādi?
Documents? Why do I need those?
Ko tieši vēl gribi man pajautāt?
What exactly do you want to ask me?
Mēs te šodien visi vienkārši bijām visu laiku kopā
We were all just together here today all the time
Atkal savārījis ziepes kāds, es pat nezinu ko domāt
Someone messed up again, I don't even know what to think
Šajā pagalmā viss mierīgi, Taņa dežūrēja logā
Everything is quiet in this yard, Tanya was on duty at the window
Janka tobrīd bija iemidzis, neredzēju es neko tādu
Janka was asleep at the time, I didn't see anything like that
Varbūt kāds te cauri izskrēja
Maybe someone ran through here
Varbūt tas bija tikai caurvējš
Maybe it was just a draft
Varbūt bija mana iztēle
Maybe it was my imagination
Lai kas tas būtu, vairs nav šeit
Whatever it was, it's not here anymore
Iet studentam nogopīt somu
To steal a bag from a student
Kurš rudenī dodas uz skolu
Who goes to school in the fall
Ejot no muguras soli pēc soļa
Walking from behind step by step
Necenšoties lieki nodarīt postu
Not trying to do unnecessary damage
Parauj aiz rokas un dod tam pa žokli
Pull by the hand and give it to the jaw
No pleciem otrs somu nokrata nost
The other one shakes the bag off his shoulders
Kas tev ir kabatās? Dod arī to
What do you have in your pockets? Give that too
Džeki sētā ieskrien aizelsušies
The guys run into the yard out of breath
nav pirmā reize, kad tur beidzas maršruts
This is not the first time the route ends there
Somu kaut kur krūmos aizmetuši
They threw the bag somewhere in the bushes
Ātrāk dalīt savā starpā steidzas grašus
They hurry to share the pennies among themselves
Jankam bija galīgi slikti un stukaču Taņkai vajag, alibī, piķi
Janka was really bad and the snitch Taņka needs an alibi, money
Kad sētā ar sirēnām ieripoja mašīna
When the car rolled into the yard with sirens
Visiem no mums kaut piekliboja atmiņa
All of us had some kind of memory lapse
Tās ir
Those are
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems
Kādas problēmas?
What problems?
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
es risinu problēmas
That's how I solve problems
Atmiņas problēmas
Memory problems

Writer(s): Ansis Kolmanis

Instrumenti feat. ansis - Cilvēks
date de sortie

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