Intars Busulis - Miglas Rīts - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Intars Busulis - Miglas Rīts

Miglas Rīts
Morning through the Mist
Atkal klāt ir rīts
Once again, morning has arrived
Just as it always does
Pat ja miglā tīts
Even if shrouded in mist
Tas šoreiz būtu
This time, I'd like
Esi man šodien
For you to be with me today
Un būsim piedzimuši
And let us be reborn
Tai saulei vienai
To that one sun
Aiz miglas
Behind the fog
spīd aiz miglas
It shines, behind the fog
tavs maigums
Like your tenderness
Migla miegs
The mist is like sleep
Bet es jūtu to
But I feel it
Tas pieskaras man
It touches me
Kad man vajag to
When I need it
Tikai to
Just that
Es tevi mīlu
I love you
Joprojām mīlu
I still love you
Gadiem ilgi
After many years
Sirds man jūt
My heart senses it
Tas ir dzīves brīnums liels būt kopā, tik ļoti
This is the true miracle of life to be together, so deeply
Man ar tevi būt mūžam
To be with you forever my love
Jaunā dienā
In this new day
Tevi mīlu
I love you
Caur gadiem ir iets, smagiem, ciests ir un sāpēts
Throughout the years, I've trudged through hardships
Bet zinu es kāpēc dienai šai ir jāpienāk
But I recognize why the reason this day arrived
Zinu es kāpēc tāds ir maigais spēks
I know why it is because of the power of love
Pat ja migla ir tik bieza
Even when the fog is dense
Es zinu gan saule tur spīd vienmēr
I know that the sun still shines
Tā... spīd mums
It... shines for us
Vienīgi mums
For us alone
Vienīgi mums
For us alone
Vienīgi mums
For us alone

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