In Team - Ya Hanana (International Version) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction In Team - Ya Hanana (International Version)

Ya Hanana (International Version)
Ya Hanana (International Version)
ظَهَرَ الدِّينُ المُؤَيَّد بِظُهُورِالنَّبِى اَحمَد
The true religion has appeared confirmed by the advent of the Prophet Muhammad
Dzoharoddiinul muayyad bidzhuhuurin nabi ahmad
Dzoharoddiinul muayyad bidzhuhuurin nabi ahmad
Telah muncul agama yang didukung, dengan munculnya sang Nabi Ahmad
Now appeared the religion endorsed along with the presence of the Prophet Muhammad
يَا هَنَانَــــــــا بِمُحَمَّد ذَلِكَ الفَضلُ مِنَ الله
O MY BELOVED! This is due to Prophet Muhammad. This is a special favor from Allah
Ya hana na bimuhammad dzalikal fadhlu minallah
Ya hana na bimuhammad dzalikal fadhlu minallah
(Saw), itulah anugerah daripada Allah SWT
(SAW), from Allah SWT
يَا هَنَانَا
Ya hana na
Ya hana na
Betapa Beruntungnya Kami
How fortunate we are!
خُصَّ بِالسَّبعِ المَثَانِى وَحَوى لُطفَ المَعَأنِى
He has been favored with the seven oft-repeated verses and bestowed with the kindness of meanings
Khusho bissab′il matsani wa hawa luthfal ma'ani
Khusho bissab′il matsani wa hawa luthfal ma'ani
Diistimewakan dengan as-Sab′ul Matsany
Distinguished with as-Sab′ul Matsany
(Al-Fatihah), penghimpun rahsia bagi setiap makna
(Al-Fatihah), containing the essence of the meanings
مَالَهُ فِى الخَلقِ ثَانِى وَعَلَيهِ اَنزَلَ الله
There is no equal to him in creation
Ma lahu fil kholqi tsani wa a'laihi anzalallah
Ma lahu fil kholqi tsani wa a'laihi anzalallah
Tidak ada yang senilai dengannya,
There is no one equivalent to him in creation,
يَا هَنَانَا
Ya hana na
Ya hana na
Betapa Beruntungnya Kami
How fortunate we are!
مِن مَكَّةٍ لَمَّا ظَهَر لِاَجلِهِ انشَقَ القَمَر
From Makkah when he appeared, and the moon split by the miracle
Min makkatillamma dzohar liajlihin syaqqal qomar
Min makkatillamma dzohar liajlihin syaqqal qomar
وَافتخَرَت الُ مُضَر بِهِ عَلى كُلِّ الاَنَام
The tribe of Mudar took pride in him over all of mankind
Waf takhorot aalu mudhor bihi ala kullil anam
Waf takhorot aalu mudhor bihi ala kullil anam
SAW) dibanggakan oleh seluruh manusia
SAW) was the pride of all mankind
Ya hana na
Ya hana na
Betapa beruntungnya kami
How fortunate we are!
اَطيَبُ النَّاسِ خَلقًا وَاَجَلُّ النَّاسِ خُلُقُا
The kindest of people in character and the noblest of people in conduct
Athyabunnasi kholqon wa ajallunnasi khuluqon
Athyabunnasi kholqon wa ajallunnasi khuluqon
Beliau adalah manusia yang terbaik ciptaanNya, dan teragung akhlaknya
He is the best of humans in character, and the most noble in conduct
ذِكرُهُ غَربًا وَشَرقًا سَائِرٌ وَالحَمدُ لِله
His remembrance is prevalent in west and east, all praise is due to Allah
Dzikruhu ghorbaw wa syarqon saa iruw walhamdu lillah
Dzikruhu ghorbaw wa syarqon saa iruw walhamdu lillah
Semua berzikir ke atasnya samada di barat
Everyone remembers him, whether in the west
Atau di timur, segala puji hanya bagi Allah SWT
Or in the east, and all thanks are due to Allah SWT
Ya hana na
Ya hana na
Betapa beruntungnya kami
How fortunate we are!
صَلُّوا عَلى خَيرِ الاَنَام المُصطَفَى بَدرِالتَّمَام
Send blessings upon the best of mankind, the chosen, the full moon
Shollu a'la khoiril anami al musthofa badrittamami
Shollu a'la khoiril anami al musthofa badrittamami
Berselawatlah ke atas sebaik-baik manusia
Send your blessings upon the best of mankind,
صَلُّوا عَلَيهِ وَسَلِّمُوا يَشفَع لَنَأ يَومَ الزِّحَام
Send blessings and peace upon him, that he may intercede for us on the day of turmoil
Shollu a′laihi wasallimu yasyfa′ lana yaumazzihami
Shollu a′laihi wasallimu yasyfa′ lana yaumazzihami
Sampaikanlah salam kepadanya, moga diberi syafaat di hari kebangkitan
Give him your peace and blessings, may he intercede for us on the Day of Judgment
يَا هَنَانَا
Ya hana na
Ya hana na
Betapa beruntungnya kami
How fortunate we are!

Writer(s): Inteam

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