Iuliana Beregoi - Kontrol - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Iuliana Beregoi - Kontrol

Doi zece hello,
Two tens hello,
Am camera vraiste da-i vineri din nou
My room is a mess, but it's Friday again
Sapte zile din sapte
Seven days a week
Ma lupt sa -mi fac alta realitate
I'm fighting to make another reality for myself
Lasa-ma -n lumea mea,
Leave me in my world,
Nu-mi strica vibeul sunt bine asa
Don't ruin my vibe, I'm fine like this
Cand nu mai pot piesa preferata mi-e antidot
When I can't cope, my favorite song is my antidote
Cand lumea vrea sa te schimbe
When the world wants to change you
Crede-ma nu-i usor
Believe me, it's not easy
Da ce-o sa fie o sa fie
But what will be, will be
Totul e sub control
Everything is under control
Intre ce vor ei, ce sunt eu
Between what they want and what I am
Nu pot sa ma impart deloc
I can't split myself at all
Dar cat timp am baterie,
But as long as I have a battery,
Totul e sub control.
Everything is under control.
Follow me, follow me follow me
Follow me, follow me, follow me
Nu dau followerii mei pe bancile gri
I don't trade my followers for gray benches
Am alt stil alt ritm,
I have a different style, a different rhythm,
Stau treaza noaptea ziua as dormi
I stay awake at night and sleep during the day
Viata nu are filtre,
Life has no filters,
Dar ce rau sa-i pui cateva sa mai schimbe
But what's the harm in adding a few to change it
Suntem imperfecti,
We are imperfect,
Perfecti avem praf de stele pe sageti
Perfect, we have stardust on our arrows
Cand lumea vrea sa te schimbe
When the world wants to change you
Crede-ma nu-i usor
Believe me, it's not easy
Da ce-o sa fie o sa fie
But what will be, will be
Totul e sub control
Everything is under control
Intre ce vor ei, ce sunt eu
Between what they want and what I am
Nu pot sa ma impart deloc
I can't split myself at all
Dar cat timp am baterie,
But as long as I have a battery,
Totul e sub control.
Everything is under control.
Nu fug de realitate ca stiu cum e
I don't run away from reality because I know what it's like
Stiu ca e loc de mai bine
I know there's room for improvement
Nu- mi spune nu se poate ca nu - nteleg
Don't tell me I can't because I don't understand
Si oricum fac tot ca mine
And anyway, I do everything like me
Ummm... oricum fac tot ca mine
Ummm... anyway, I do everything like me
Cand lumea vrea sa te schimbe
When the world wants to change you
Crede-ma nu-i usor
Believe me, it's not easy
Da ce-o sa fie o sa fie
But what will be, will be
Totul e sub control
Everything is under control
Intre ce vor ei, ce sunt eu
Between what they want and what I am
Nu pot sa ma impart deloc
I can't split myself at all
Dar cat timp am baterie,
But as long as I have a battery,
Totul e sub control.
Everything is under control.

Writer(s): Dumitru Dascalu, Theea Miculescu

Iuliana Beregoi - Kontrol
date de sortie

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