Iwan Fals - Bangsat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Iwan Fals - Bangsat

Sudahkah kita terbebas dari korupsi?
Have we been freed from corruption?
Merdeka tapi koruptor berkeliaran
Independence but corruption roams free
Hari-hari gelap
Dark Days
Di mana cahaya itu?
Where is that light?
Hari-hari gelap
Dark Days
Orang miskin tersenyum padamu
The poor smile at you
Teganya kau beri makan keluargamu
How dare you feed your family
Dengan rezeki dari bangkai saudaramu sendiri
With the dead bodies of our own brothers
Padahal kita tahu hidup hanyalah sesaat
Even though we know life is but a moment
Padahal kita pun tahu itu namanya sesat
Even though we know it is called heresy
Nasehat-nasehat tinggallah nasehat
Advice remains just advice
Ingin selamat tapi kelakuan bejat
Wanting to be saved but acting corruptly
Kalau begitu aku perlu bertanya lagi
If that is the case, I must ask again
Apakah benar-benar kita sudah merdeka?
Are we truly independent?
Aku jadi ragu
I begin to doubt it
Terpaksa kujilat lagi ludahku
Forced to lick back my own spit
Maafkanlah aku tak mampu
Forgive me that I am unable
Meraih merdekamu
To seize your independence
Lagu untuk rakyat yang sudah jadi pejabat
A song for the people who have become officials
Pejabat yang senangnya menghisap darah rakyat
Officials who love to suck the blood of the people
Bagaimana mungkin kita merdeka
How is it possible for us to be independent
Kalau hutang sini hutang sana?
If we are in debt here and in debt there?
Masih jutaan orang yang hidupnya sengsara
There are still millions of people whose lives are miserable
Di zamrud khatulistiwa yang tenteram raharja
In the tranquil and peaceful emerald of the equator
Masukkan ini ke dalam mimpimu
Keep this in your dreams
Sudahkah kita terbebas dari korupsi?
Have we been freed from corruption?
Merdeka tapi koruptor berkeliaran
Independence but corruption roams free
Hari-hari gelap
Dark Days
Di mana cahaya itu?
Where is that light?
Hari-hari gelap
Dark Days
Orang miskin tersenyum padamu
The poor smile at you

Writer(s): Virgiawan Listanto

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