J.A.R. - Leky - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais J.A.R. - Leky

O jedenáct gramů víc
Eleven grams more
Seká tu kat
The executioner chops here
A ruka mu jde cik cak
And his hand goes zig zag
Čeká hlad
Hunger awaits you
A ruce bijou tik ťak
And hands beat tick tock
Tady stával poplakával dej mu svatej klid a jeď
He stood here crying give him holy peace and go
Se notabene vycpat
Notabene to stuff
A čatanůga čuču
And Chattanooga choo-choo
Nadrátovat se
To wire up
To stuff
Ráda by ti přišla k chuti
She would like to suit your taste
Ráda dala zadupala pohladila potěšila
She would be happy to stomp her feet, pat, and please
Mrcha malá nezradila
The little wretch didn't let me down
Ale byla trochu dole na to aby utěšila
But she was a little down to comfort
Katanou kata sekat chce kat
The executioner wants to cut with a katana
Kolíbala tělo z boku
She swung her body from side to side
Neviděla do tlumoku uletěla do Bangkoku
She didn't see into the baggage, she flew to Bangkok
Mezi bandu velecvoků
Among the gang of chatterers
Pobyla tam dvacet roků žila v bahně veletoku
She stayed there twenty years, lived in the mud of the river
Katanou kata sekat chce kat
The executioner wants to cut with a katana
Nebyly by tady nějaké léky
Wouldn't there be any pills here?
Dnes večer mám plán
I have a plan for tonight
Chci zábavný být jako v mládí táta
I want to be fun like my father in my youth
S dívkou snít
To dream with a girl
Led voda rum a limeta a máta
Ice, water, rum, lime, and mint
Nepochopitelně život chvátá
Life rushes by incomprehensibly
Rád jsem s vámi
I'm happy to be with you
Milovala pilovala
She loved, she sawed
Nekecala nemluvila svýho muže nebudila
She didn't talk, she didn't speak, she didn't wake up her husband
Potom si narazila
Then she ran into me
Toho vola vyvolila lopatu vyhodila
She chose that fool, she threw away the shovel
Katanou kata sekat chce kat
The executioner wants to cut with a katana
Nakonec nebyla proti
In the end, she wasn't against it
Mimo sexu nebo smrti to jsme teda idioti
Apart from sex or death, we're idiots, aren't we?
Jedu titi naprotiti
I'm going to meet you head-on
Kdo stojí se neupotí kamaráda neuhodí
He who stands won't sweat, he won't hit a friend
Katanou kata sekat chce kat
The executioner wants to cut with a katana
Nebyly by tady nějaké léky
Wouldn't there be any pills here?
Dnes večer mám plán
I have a plan for tonight
Chci zábavný být jako v mládí táta
I want to be fun like my father in my youth
S dívkou snít
To dream with a girl
Led voda rum a limeta a máta
Ice, water, rum, lime, and mint
Nepochopitelně život chvátá
Life rushes by incomprehensibly
Rád jsem s vámi
I'm happy to be with you
Zlatej retrívr vyšel k Red River
A golden retriever went out to the Red River
Zastepuj mi inženýre
Substitute for me, engineer
Zlatej retrívr vyšel k Red River
A golden retriever went out to the Red River
Nebylo by tady nějaké mýdlo
Wouldn't there be any soap here?
Dnes nechci být sám
I don't want to be alone today
Je báječně pružná dívčí kýta
A girl's leg is wonderfully flexible
Blázním rád
I love to fool around
Kdo se chce smát prášek
He who wants to laugh has powder
Nebyly by tady nějaké léky
Wouldn't there be any pills here?
Dnes večer mám plán
I have a plan for tonight
Chci zábavný být jako v mládí táta
I want to be fun like my father in my youth
S dívkou snít
To dream with a girl
Led voda rum a limeta a máta
Ice, water, rum, lime, and mint
Nepochopitelně život chvátá
Life rushes by incomprehensibly
Rád jsem s vámi
I'm happy to be with you
Katanou kata sekat chce kat
The executioner wants to cut with a katana

Writer(s): Roman Holy, Dan Barta, Oto Klempir

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