J-Ax - Meglio prima - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction J-Ax - Meglio prima

Meglio prima
Better Before
Ououou era meglio prima
Woo-hoo, it was better before
Ououou era meglio prima
Woo-hoo, it was better before
Ououou era meglio prima
Woo-hoo, it was better before
Quando la roba era made in Italy e non made in China!
When stuff was made in Italy, not in China!
J-Ax era meglio prima
J-Ax was better before
dice quello con la nostalgia come se fosse colpa mia
Says the one with nostalgia, as if it's my fault
che non tromba dai tempi di Maria Maria!
He hasn't gotten laid since the days of Maria Maria!
Meglio prima? Meglio prima? Andare al cinema era meglio prima..
Better before? Better before? Going to the cinema was better before..
scuola, moda, panorama espresso moca cola coca!
School, fashion, the view, espresso, mocha, cola, coke!
Succede anche alla diva, quando arriva la nuova velina,
It even happens to the diva, when the new showgirl arrives,
non è mai bona come quella prima ma a fine stagione sembra più figa!
She's never as hot as the one before, but by the end of the season she seems hotter!
Meglio adesso che la rete ha svincolato la pornografia
It's better now that the internet has freed pornography
o meglio prima con Cicciolina, con il pitone il cavallo, yaa!
Or was it better before with Cicciolina, with the python, the horse, yeah!
Ououou era meglio prima,
Woo-hoo, it was better before,
ououou come i film di Vanzina,
Woo-hoo, like Vanzina's movies,
ououou quando la roba era made in Italy e non made in China,
Woo-hoo, when stuff was made in Italy, not in China,
era meglio prima!
It was better before!
Era davvero meglio prima forse per la discografia,
It was really better before, maybe for the music industry,
ma quando non c’erano gli MP3 io mi facevo la cassettina!
But when there were no MP3s, I used to make my own cassette tapes!
Meglio prima, ma quanto prima?
Better before, but how long ago?
Ahhh? Quando abitavamo nella cascina,ahh?
Ahhh? When we lived in the farmhouse, ahh?
Quando facevamo la prima col fiocco azzurro e la preghierina
When we had our first child with a blue ribbon and a little prayer
la cartolina che ti spediva a fare il soldato,
The postcard you sent while doing your military service,
che è una gran bell’esperienza
Which is a great experience
tranne per il mio amico che s’è sparato!
Except for my friend who shot himself!
Nella mia classe girava tutto e di più,
In my class, everything and more was circulating,
contrabbando come a Cancún, ed il mio bullo se l’è spassata,
Smuggling like in Cancún, and my bully had a blast,
senza denunce e senza Youtube!
Without complaints and without YouTube!
Ououou era meglio prima,
Woo-hoo, it was better before,
ououou come i film di Vanzina,
Woo-hoo, like Vanzina's movies,
ououou quando la roba era made in Italy e non made in China,
Woo-hoo, when stuff was made in Italy, not in China,
era meglio prima!
It was better before!
Ououou era meglio prima
Woo-hoo, it was better before
Ououou era meglio prima
Woo-hoo, it was better before
Ououou era meglio prima
Woo-hoo, it was better before
quando la roba era made in Italy e non made in China!
When stuff was made in Italy, not in China!
E alloooora, J-Ax, vai bello,
And soooo, J-Ax, come on man,
mandami il rap come quello di una volta, quello stiloso!
Send me that rap like the old days, that stylish one!
Ehy tipaaa!
Hey girl!
Era meglio con J-Ax quando stava con gli Articolo,
It was better with J-Ax when he was with Articolo,
Bill Clinton suonava il sax e intanto bombardava il Cossovo
Bill Clinton played the sax while bombing Kosovo
quando c’era l’analogico e giocavi con il Commodore
When it was analog and you played with the Commodore
e i ragazzini e le tipette ci mettevano solo il Cristal Ball,
And the boys and girls only put on Cristal Ball,
la tua playstation, il mio atari, la tua acala, la mia cartina,
Your PlayStation, my Atari, your Acala, my map,
la mia Falcucci, la tua Gelmini, la Chernobyl, la tua Fukushima!
My Falcucci, your Gelmini, Chernobyl, your Fukushima!
Non è meglio prima, ne meglio di prima,
It's not better before, nor better than before,
io gioco ancora per l’adrenalina,
I still play for the adrenaline,
sei tu che mo te ne stai a casina
It's you who stays home now
e non la vuoi questa musica che ti incasina!
And you don't want this music that messes you up!
Ohhhh, meglio prima si credeva ai tg ma
Ohhhh, it was better before, we believed the news, but
almeno prima si poteva senza Wikileaks,
At least before we could without Wikileaks,
non si sapeva che succedeva al chirichetto nell’abbazia,
We didn't know what happened to the altar boy in the abbey,
ne si trovava l’analogia tra non è la rai e la pedofilia!
Nor did we find the analogy between Non è la Rai and pedophilia!
Meglio prima senza i rappers, solo i Beatles e i Rolling Stones,
Better before without rappers, only the Beatles and the Rolling Stones,
meglio prima tutti in playback, le spicegirls, le Lollypop!
Better before everyone lip-synced, the Spice Girls, the Lollypop!
Io non lo so perché guardo avanti e me ne fotto degli altri,
I don't know why I look ahead and I don't give a damn about others,
ero meglio con Tranqui Funky o sei te che sei scemo,
Was I better with Tranqui Funky or are you the stupid one,
a capirmi ci impieghi anni?
It takes you years to understand me?
Ououou era meglio prima,
Woo-hoo, it was better before,
ououou come i film di Vanzina,
Woo-hoo, like Vanzina's movies,
ououou quando la roba era made in Italy e non made in China,
Woo-hoo, when stuff was made in Italy, not in China,
era meglio prima!
It was better before!
Ououou era meglio prima
Woo-hoo, it was better before
Ououou era meglio prima
Woo-hoo, it was better before
Ououou era meglio prima
Woo-hoo, it was better before
quando la roba era made in Italy e non made in China!
When stuff was made in Italy, not in China!

Writer(s): Alessandro Aleotti, Riccardo Garifo, Daniele Lazzarin

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