J Alvarez feat. Oneill, Don J Leone, Guariboa, Lito, Polakan & Gambito - Rube Buay - Remix - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction J Alvarez feat. Oneill, Don J Leone, Guariboa, Lito, Polakan & Gambito - Rube Buay - Remix

Rube Buay - Remix
Rube Buay - Remix
la calle me puso nombre
The streets gave me a name,
y ya no tengo salida
and now I have no escape.
los dias pasan
Days pass,
el tiempo corre pero yo sigo en la mia
time runs, but I'm still in my game.
somos hijos de la bre'a
We are children of the ghetto,
criados entre balas y maladad
raised among bullets and evil.
maldita oscuridad
Damn darkness,
todavia no veo el sol salir
I still don't see the sun rise.
desde que vi al primo morir
Ever since I saw my cousin die,
me converti en un rube buay
I became a rube buay.
yo muero aqui por que de aqui soy
I die here because I'm from here,
yo soy un rube buay
I am a rube buay.
rube buay rube
Rube buay rube
(la cosa nunca cambia)
(Things never change)
rube buay rube
Rube buay rube
(la calle sigue llamando)
(The streets keep calling)
rube buay rube
Rube buay rube
(la gente sigue matandose)
(People keep killing each other)
rube buay rube
Rube buay rube
(en busca de ese ticket)
(In search of that ticket)
rube buay rube
Rube buay rube
(la corta siempre chambea)
(The shorty always works)
rube buay rube
Rube buay rube
(hay rifles en to'a la esquinas)
(There are rifles on every corner)
rube buay rube
Rube buay rube
(y nadie quiere una guerra)
(And nobody wants a war)
rube buay rube
Rube buay rube
(pero saben que se aproxima)
(But they know it's coming)
aveces me siento frente al espejo
Sometimes I sit in front of the mirror
a hablar con mi reflejo
to talk to my reflection.
veo todos mis defecto
I see all my flaws,
de la cual no me acomplejo
which I don't feel insecure about.
pruducto de mi crianza
Product of my upbringing,
consecuencia de la vida
consequence of life,
y todas las lecciones aprendidas
and all the lessons learned.
me crie en medio de la maldad
I grew up surrounded by evil,
al codigo cho'ta distribucion
to the code of the streets, distribution,
5% de lealtad 95 de traicion
5% loyalty, 95% betrayal,
sin direccion
without direction.
solamente me importaba el dia a dia
I only cared about the day-to-day,
ubicar el pan era todo lo q queria
finding bread was all I wanted.
nuca tuve los recursos ni la educacion
I never had the resources or the education,
lo que tenia era pa comer
what I had was to eat
y pa mi proteccion
and for my protection,
lo poco que considere de corazon
the few I considered close to my heart,
unos terminaron muertos
some ended up dead,
y otros conmigo en prision
and others with me in prison.
pero me toco ser libre
But I had to be free,
despues de cumplir como todo un baron
after serving my time like a man.
de preso comprendi que ya era hora de una evolucion
In prison, I understood it was time for an evolution.
en la calle enganche los guantes
On the streets, I hung up the gloves,
pero se me ocurrio una meta
but a goal came to mind.
todo el dia soy un gigante gracias a la libreta
All day I'm a giant thanks to the notebook.
rube buay rube buay
Rube buay rube buay
(la cosa nunca cambia)
(Things never change)
rube buay rube buay
Rube buay rube buay
(la calle sigue llamando)
(The streets keep calling)
rube buay rube buayi
Rube buay rube buay
(la gente sigue matandose)
(People keep killing each other)
rube buay rube buay
Rube buay rube buay
(en busca de ese ticket)
(In search of that ticket)
rube buay rube buay
Rube buay rube buay
(la corta siempre chambea)
(The shorty always works)
rube buay rube buay
Rube buay rube buay
(hay rifles en to'a la esquinas)
(There are rifles on every corner)
rube buay rube buay
Rube buay rube buay
(y nadie quiere una guerra)
(And nobody wants a war)
rube buay rube buay
Rube buay rube buay
(pero saben que se aproxima)
(But they know it's coming)
iba caminando por la esquina
I was walking down the corner
sonaron tres disparos por la esquina
three shots rang out around the corner
una niña corre x la esquina
a little girl runs across the corner
y una bala ciega su vida
and a stray bullet takes her life
hoy corre sangre manin en la esquina
today blood runs, girl, on the corner
ya esto se ha vuelto una rutina
this has become a routine
y cuando a la direccion no se tira
and when the address is not targeted
viene una bala perdida
a stray bullet comes
yo veia la prenda desde chamaquito
I saw the garment since I was a kid
siempre fui un guerrero
I was always a warrior
siempre yo oseaba
I always dreamed
y me preparaba mientras lloraba
and I prepared myself while I cried
y le pedia a dios q a mi mai la ayudara
and I asked God to help my mom
salio un sicario con un pistolon
a hitman came out with a big gun
directo del callejon
straight from the alley
la mente bucaba pase lo que pase
the mind sought whatever happens
no importa morir en la mision
it doesn't matter to die in the mission
llego a la mision o tardo en la mision
I get to the mission or I'm late to the mission
pensando con tanta ambision
thinking with so much ambition
la niña esta muerta la madre llorando
the girl is dead, the mother crying
matan al sicario salen de prision
they kill the hitman, they get out of prison
gracias con la bendicion
thank you with the blessing
que con mi cancion y dedicacion soy ejemplo de superacion
that with my song and dedication I am an example of overcoming
hoy en dia, se quien soy y pa donde voy
today, I know who I am and where I'm going
y si, alguien soy a mi barrio gracias le doy
and yes, I am someone, I give thanks to my neighborhood
el tiempo no se detiene
time does not stop
como las olas del mar van y vienen
like the waves of the sea come and go
en la vista paisajes decretado q se puede
in the view landscapes decreed that it is possible
me arrepiento en mi quedo el conocimiento sin remordimientos
I regret in me the knowledge remains without remorse
a mis raices representó
to my roots I represent
con orgullo castillo de arena
with pride sandcastle
hoy dia contruyo
today I build
ya no soy el hombre aquel que casi mi vida destruyo
I am no longer the man who almost destroyed my life
como tantos que la bestia les tiro por si me manto
like so many that the beast threw them in case I kill myself
los castillos en la acera y una madre sufre en llanto
the castles on the sidewalk and a mother suffers in tears
sus hermanos se montaron en un auto
her brothers got into a car
dos con arma corta tres con rifle largo
two with short weapons, three with long rifles
decididos a vengar lo buscaron
determined to avenge they looked for him
ese dolor poder saciar
that pain to be able to quench
pero no hallaran la paz
but they will not find peace
terminaran empeorando
they will end up making things worse
la vida es asi y a la vez sorpresas
life is like this and at the same time surprises
de falsas promesas
of false promises
detenciones perversas
perverse arrests
la vida es asi y a la vez sorpresas
life is like this and at the same time surprises
de falsas promesas
of false promises
detenciones perversas
perverse arrests
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(la cosa nunca cambia)
(Things never change)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(la calle sigue llamando)
(The streets keep calling)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(la gente sigue matandose)
(People keep killing each other)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(en busca de ese ticket)
(In search of that ticket)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(la corta siempre chambea)
(The shorty always works)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(hay rifles en to'a la esquinas)
(There are rifles on every corner)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(y nadie quiere una guerra)
(And nobody wants a war)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(pero saben que se aproxima)
(But they know it's coming)
no son tiempos de machete
These are not times of machetes
cuchillos ni de teisel
knives or teisles
la oracion negra mata
the black prayer kills
facil mata al sinpelcin
easily kills the innocent
que en el ejercito pero estamos mas crazy
than in the army but we are crazier
tiempo de necesidad va pa halla
time of need go there
somos hijos del pecado pulidos x la maldad
we are children of sin polished by evil
engreidos por el fallo de nuestra sociedad
conceited by the failure of our society
seguimos en realidad
we continue in reality
pa q voy a mentirles
why am I going to lie to you
nacidos sin un peso
born without a penny
pero abundondo en los milles
but abounding in the millions
no pa todo el mundo amanece
not everyone sees the dawn
muchos sueños perecen
many dreams perish
la maldad el egoismo abaricia q crece parece como si nos tragara un abismo
the evil selfishness greed that grows seems as if an abyss swallowed us
de fanatismo lo q no es realismo
of fanaticism what is not realism
y eso mismo es lo q nos tiene a vapor
and that same thing is what has us at full steam
con las cortas chambiar y los peines de tambor
with the short ones working and the drum combs
tu sabes de modelos pal carajo al amor
you know about models to hell with love
los corazones ahora, son necros
hearts now are dead
nadie siente el dolor
no one feels the pain
me acuerdo del verano del 96
I remember the summer of '96
las balas entrando sin tocar al re
the bullets entering without touching the re
desde tu boca haber bajado la ley
from your mouth having lowered the law
de garrafa le, deusen un dobley y me levante luche y tire pa lante
of garrafa le, deusen a doubley and I got up fought and threw myself forward
creia lo que vivia sin saber que mas adelante me abria la puerta un genero comvirtiendome en uno de sus mas legendarios cantantes
I believed what I lived without knowing that later a genre would open the door for me, making me one of its most legendary singers
le doy gracias a dios por permitirme expresar en esta cancion
I thank God for allowing me to express myself in this song
si no fuera por el don estuviese muerto en prision
if it weren't for the gift I would be dead in prison
mis heridas nunca sanan son marcas, del corazon y aun que por fuera sonria
my wounds never heal they are marks, of the heart and even though I smile on the outside
lloro sin consolacion
I cry without consolation
de niño soñaba con un rifle
as a child I dreamed of a rifle
con peine tambor para sacar lombrices
with a drum magazine to get rid of worms
rompo la manzana pa q mucho cyncel
I break the apple so that a lot of cyncel
loco por quemar a chipetazos al que se rife
crazy to burn with chipetazos whoever dares
me llego la fama me pegue
fame came to me, I stuck
disfrute hoy viajo por el mundo sin poderlo creer
I enjoy today I travel the world without being able to believe it
nunca me esperaba salir de donde empece
I never expected to get out of where I started
y aunque me he caido me levanto y vuelvo otra vez
and although I have fallen I get up and come back again
agradezco a todo el que creyo en mi
I thank everyone who believed in me
para matar la pista mista hoy soy un gran liricista
to kill the track, girl, today I am a great lyricist
listo mode dem tiren yno bajes de la nuve aun que te critiquen
ready mode dem throw and don't come down from the cloud even though they criticize you
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(la cosa nunca cambia)
(Things never change)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(la calle sigue llamando)
(The streets keep calling)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(la gente sigue matandose)
(People keep killing each other)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(en busca de ese ticket)
(In search of that ticket)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(la corta siempre chambea)
(The shorty always works)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(hay rifles en to'a la esquinas)
(There are rifles on every corner)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(y nadie quiere una guerra)
(And nobody wants a war)
rube buay rube buay
rube buay rube buay
(pero saben que se aproxima)
(But they know it's coming)

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