JOKER - Last Letter - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction JOKER - Last Letter

Last Letter
Last Letter
كيف الاوساخ وسخ فبالوساخه انا كيفتك
How the dirt is dirty, so I dirtied you with dirt
والحبر لو نضف بتنح انت ولون فصيلتك
And if the ink is clean, you'll get erased, you and the color of your kind
الصمت كبرياء بس الكلام لغة اشكالكوا
Silence is pride, but speech is the language of your kind
فى يبخ قلمى زفت عشان ابقى سيد مقامكوا
My pen writes like shit so I can be the master of your place
باصم فى قلمكوا و فى فلوهاتكوا
I sign on your pen and on your flows
فى لو الاولد تقل اظن واضح مين اتقلكوا
If the boy says less, I think it's clear who I'm talking to
باشوف بنشاتكوا مقاس عبطكوا
I see your benches measuring your stupidity
فانزل بالبنش ادق تتش جديدى بيعيطكوا
So I get on the bench, hit my new tech that makes you scream
عمرى ماسمعكوا ولا اقبل التكنيك بتاعكوا
I never listen to you, nor accept your technique
بديك تكنيك فى بيت عارف ياشقيق منين اوجعكوا
I'm giving you a technique in a verse, brother, I know where to hurt you
كل ما اجمعكوا فى تراك ادمعكوا
Every time I gather you in a track, I make you cry
عينى في عينك عينك من النني السابورت وهنفعكوا
My eye to your eye, your eye is from the weak support, and I will help you
الاولد اسكول ململم بارات ريحتها شعبى
The old school is full of bars that smell like the streets
مش هتصنف كأول عشان اقرف تيجوا بعدى
You won't be classified as the first because I'm disgusted that you come after me
فأنا لوحدى كفة باسلوبى ومساحتى
So I alone am a scale with my style and my space
و ابقى قابلى سمسم يا لولو لو فلحتى
And I accept you, Sesame, ya Lulu, if you fail
بستكبر على الام سيس وسط تعليم مجانى
You're too big for Ms. Sis in the middle of free education
ضعيف Enough صد عفا نزار قبانى
Weak enough, shut up, Enough Nizar Qabbani
اجلى مش هجلى هعلم على المتنبى
My education is not my education, I will learn from Al-Mutanabbi
الأعمى شاف سطوره وانا العمى اتلموا جنبى
The blind man saw his lines, and I, the blind, gathered around me
ابياته اقتلته باراتى حرقتكوا
His verses killed him, my bars burned you
سايب قصور الشعر جاى اسيب علامة فى بيتكوا
I'm leaving the palaces of poetry, I'm coming to leave a mark on your house
الجوكر فوق الكل ذل بس فل غلطة شرطة اكتب فوقيها " هكيدهم "
The Joker is above all, humiliation, but in a mistake of the police, write above it "I will get them"
شوق العبد كرسى سيده آشق بار ببنشى اجيبه
The desire of the slave, the chair of his master, Ashq bar, with my bench I bring it
هدفهم اقل مش يزيدوا حلم الكلب عضمة مش فى ايده
Their goal is less, not more, the dog's dream is a bone, not in his hand
برضوا مش هيجوا نصايحى مش هتفيده
Still they won't come, my advice won't benefit them
نقل الدم مش هيحى حد الضعف صاب وريده " فانكش "
A blood transfusion won't revive anyone, weakness has infected his vein "So perish"
وسيبوا ماهما تسيبوا سيبها للايام تجيبه
And leave what you leave, leave it for the days to bring it
عارف ان طول لسانه عشان يدارى قصر ايده
You know that his tongue is long to hide the shortness of his hand
وعيدوا مهما تعيدوا فى التراك حاولوا تقليدوا
And repeat as much as you repeat in the track, try to imitate
مش عيب عاللى قلمى ساعده لما دخلت فيتو
It's not a shame on the one who helped my pen when I entered the veto
فتحت ايدى صانعه وتحت السلعة قرعة
I opened my hand as a maker, and under the commodity is a lottery
حتى الام سيس تشوفهم دول واخدين باراتى راضعة
Even Ms. Sis sees them, they are taking my bars, suckling
فالجسه خاضعها لسيوف واللام لمعتها ساطعها
So the body subjected it to swords, and the L to its meaning, it shattered it
فى الراب يجمعنا بيف فى الدنيا سيب تجمعنا قاطعة
In rap it brings us together, beef, in the world, leave our gathering, cut it off
صراحة مستنضفش لا ده Flow ولا ده شخص
Honestly, I'm not impressed, neither this flow nor this person
لو كان الراب دراع بالاجماع مستحرمش
If rap was a drug in terms of numbers, I wouldn't be forbidden
فوقوا مابخسرش الاولد سكول مبيقفش
Wake up, I don't lose, the old school doesn't stop
الكيك تحت رجلى داقق كل سنير ببنش
The cake is under my feet, tasting every senior with a bench
بسيب زبون الكيف بكيفه والتراكات دى اوفر
I leave the client of the weed to his weed, and these tracks are over
واسيب الـ Beat فى بيته لو مش راكب ركب جوكر
And I leave the Beat in his house if it's not riding, ride Joker
وسجل سابقة خاطفة سارقة
And record a fleeting, stolen precedent
الفن من تحتك لتحت رجل حد ابقى
Art is from under you to under someone's foot, be
وسيبنى انقى بعيد عن كل خرئه
And leave me to choose far from all the bullshit
فكر انه ذئب بس هو نمرة فاشلة
He thought he was a wolf, but he's a failed tiger
فادوده تحرق حوده الأيد قصيره أفعاله محدوده
So his circle burns his circle, the hand is short, his actions are limited
تلف تلف فى عيبه يتف وش لوش عينه مكسوره
Spinning, spinning in his defect, turning, face to face, his eye is broken
فادى السلاح بسلاح سماح مفيش سماح
So the weapon is a weapon, forgiveness, there is no forgiveness
واللي مش قد قوله مكنش دوره عمل سفاح " برزع "
And whoever is not up to his word, it wasn't his turn to act as a thug "I'm stitching"
فالغرزة كانت ميعادنا من غير سلاح قاعدنا
So the stitch was our appointment, without weapons, we sat down
واللى ليه شوق لو قد شوقه كان نزل زعلنا
And whoever has longing, if he was up to his longing, he would have come down and upset us
فكرنا نسيبوا ارمى السلاح اللى بتهيبه
We thought about leaving him, throw away the weapon that he fears
دى مرات الاسد تتعرف من الواد اللى بتجيبه
This is the lion's wife, she knows from the boy she brings
والدنيا ضيقة دوارة بتلف شوف بقى
And the world is narrow, spinning, look, it's become
منى فين هتستخبى عيال ايديها رقيقه
Where will you hide from me, children with delicate hands
مكالمة مسجلنها اجمالا كاسر عينها
A recorded call, beauties, I broke her eye
نمسى على الشباب وعلى المربعة اللى منها
Let's forget about the youth and the square that it came from
واللى فى قلب كان قلب بس القلم قلاب
And what was in the heart was a heart, but the pen is fickle
والسب كان بسبب رقة شفة قلب الشباب
And the insult was because of the softness of the lips of the young man's heart
فلفت لفت لو حدفت العين علينا تهاب
Turn, turn, if an eye is cast upon us, it will fear
حذفت انك اتكسفت يا كاتش خطة راجل كداب
I deleted that you were embarrassed, you catch, the plan of a lying man
فكسر كسر عبد يكسر أسر يوم اسير
So break, break, a slave breaks the captivity of a prisoner's day
لأ على جسه سيدك سيبك مش هتركب السبق
No, on your body, your master, leave you, you won't ride the lead
فركب الرجولة تاكسى يروح الجوكر جه
The chivalry rode a taxi, he went to the Joker
اركبنى لو عرفت تقولها ياض يالدغ فى الره
Ride me if you know how to say it, oh man, in the pawn
فادى الزباين كتروا وفى الاخر بيجروا
So the customers increased, and in the end they run
بينى وبينك كاسر عينك يشهد سور المترو
Between me and you, I broke your eye, the metro lines testify
فسيب ماسيب سيب سويتها للى يعدى بيها
So leave, leave, leave her condition to the one who passes by her
ويجيب من بوء الديب اللقمة لو كانت عينه فيها
And bring from the wolf's den a bite if his eye is on it
بطلوده واسمعوده يابا مسى نفسى
With his heroism and his listening, Papa Messi, I swear
تقديرها اللى كبيرها اكبر فانزى
Her appreciation is the greatest, my biggest fan
شلة مبتعرفش فى وشى مبتقفش
A gang that doesn't know how to stand up to my face
Stop مين ياحيليتها الـ Top فوق ومابيتصابش
Stop, who, oh, her trick, the top is above and doesn't get hurt
ضرب مين مضربش الجوكر مبيخربش
Who hit, who didn't hit, the Joker doesn't get confused
واللى جيت لأسمه اسمه فى ضهره مبيذكرش
And whoever came to his name, his name in his back, he doesn't remember
الف الجوب هوب تاخد انت والجوب صوره
The thousand Joop Hops take you and the Joop a picture
باراتى واستفاتى عالية عليك عينيك مكسورة
My bars and my inquiries are high on you, your eyes are broken
الاولد معلمهولك باهت فوق اسلوبك
The boy taught them to you, faded above your style
الخبرة عبرة فى كل تراك جديد بسمعهولك
Experience is a lesson in every new track I hear you
بانش حيليتها عادى فى بيتها
Punch, her trick, is normal in her house
سمعتك اطمنت ان تراكاتى سابت بصمتها
I heard you reassured that my tracks left their mark
فوق الخط شد سطر نلعب فوق الـ Beat
Above the line, draw a line, we play above the beat
شغل النط فوق الكتف لأ فوق ياشقيق
The jump work over the shoulder, no, above, brother
واللى رشق نشأ من تحت ايدى اسأل حنون
And whoever threw grew up under my hand, ask Hanoun
ده كوبى وبيست تيست نون النسوة فى الملعون
This is copy and paste test, none, the women in the cursed
باسوا ايد ورجل عشان افضى شبر
Kiss their hand and foot so I can empty an inch
حلم آلقطة تبقى شبل حلم مشمش يبقى نمر
The cat's dream is to become a lion, the apricot's dream is to become a tiger
بقر يلف آلساقية التبن الأصلى أصلى يآض يا أستبن
A bull rolls the original straw, the original, oh man, you steppe
فوق العرش وسط جزيرتى بينى وبينكم بحر حبر
Above the throne, in the middle of my island, between me and you is a sea of ink
جو ده دق دق عالكروان ساعة ما زق زق
Joe, this is a knock, knock on the curlew, when he pushed, he pushed
لولو هأهأ فرق واضح داهية تآخدك
Lulu, haha, a clear difference, a genius will take you
فأنا بخرق سين وصاد بيهم فشختك
So I pierce Sin and Sad with them, I tore you apart
اه ده لأ لأ برا برا راكبهآ قبلك
Oh, this is no, no, pra, pra, she rode it before you
بقولك لو الزبون نضيف غلف وابعتله في تراكاتي
I'm telling you, if the customer is clean, wrap it and send it to him in my tracks
لو ودنه كسر سيبه يسمع في تراكات الباقي
If his ear is broken, let him hear it in the rest of the tracks
وانا اللى باقى فوق وفوقى مش هتلاقى
And I am the one who remains above and above me you will not find
باكل واكل فتشوف العز بان فى عيالى
I eat and eat, so you see that pride is in my children
حتي الي قالك ركز لو ركز يموت
Even the one who told you to focus, if he focuses, he will die
ف بحر الألف به ما جه غير جوكر اخطبوط
In the sea of a thousand, there came only the Joker octopus
برضوا البيتات ساوند كليك تشيك ياحيليتها
Again, the beats sound, click, check, oh, her trick
ميزيتها لو على البنشات ام سيس زعلت فى بيتها
Its advantage, if on the benches, Ms. Sis got upset in her house
كسرت عينك اسبلك والد ووالدة
I broke your eye, I spit on you, father and mother
سجل الكل رايح اكتب جوكر أقوى عوده
Record everyone going to write Joker, the strongest return
فباك باك لو أذاك فى الاتاك
So back, back, if I hurt you in the attack
تعرف ان معاك عدد جسس وقدره فى التراك
You know that you have a number of spies and power in the track
ده كتر الشوف عمانى وكتر السوق خلانى
This is the multiplicity of vision, Omani, and the multiplicity of the market made me
ممدش ايدى للكلاب لتنهش فيها تانى
I no longer extend my hand to the dogs so they can bark in it again
فقلمى بأنبوبتين بأختلاف نوع الحبرين
So my pen has two tubes, with a difference in the type of ink
حبر صوته عقلى حبر يكتب شفتين
Ink, its voice is my mind, ink that writes two lips
اللي زيك شغل يساوي شغل ضيق
Someone like you, work equals narrow work
بديك ليرك تكنيك وبالجديد تملي جيلك
I'm giving you lyric technique, and with the new, you fill your generation
لقبونى بالدساوى وانت نسخة فيك مش ذاوى
They nicknamed me Al-Dasawi, and you are a copy of you, not Zawwi
فات الاوان يا لولو بطل تحزق فى الاغانى
It's too late, Lulu, stop choking on the songs
النجم يسطع في السماء قاعد مبرطع
The star shines in the sky, sitting perched
عشان بادئ من القمة وانت بادئ من الصفر ياسطى
Because I started from the top and you started from scratch, master
فتشوف الفرق غرب شرق واسمع لو عميت
So you see the difference, west, east, and listen if you are blind
من فوق لتحت اه من برى النحت وجليت ماشى
From top to bottom, yes, from the mainland I carved and came out walking

Writer(s): 伊達幸志

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