JPelirrojo - A quien bien pudiese interesar - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction JPelirrojo - A quien bien pudiese interesar

A quien bien pudiese interesar
To Whom It May Concern
Un catorce de noviembre de no hace mucho tiempo
One November 14th, not so long ago
Una dama tuvo a un niño después de un concierto
A lady had a child after a concert
Colorado su pelo, rosada su cara
Red his hair, pink his face
Nació sano y llorón a media jornada
He was born healthy and crying at midday
Fueron largas madrugadas, incansables lloros
There were long early mornings, tireless cries
Tan pequeño y ya tan cansino como pocos
So small and already so tiring, like few others
Un buen día decidió dejar de respirar
One day he decided to stop breathing
Como si supiese que ese mundo no era su lugar
As if he knew that this world was not his place
Ingresó en el hospital, le enchufaron maquinas
He was admitted to the hospital, they plugged him into machines
Y allí tiró pa'lante hasta no necesitarlas
And there he pushed forward until he didn't need them
Volvió a llorar con ganas, más seguro de si mismo
He started crying again with gusto, more sure of himself
El bebé creció y con el tiempo se hizo niño
The baby grew up and over time became a child
Revoltoso y peleón, no como su hermana mayor
Rebellious and a fighter, not like his older sister
Y pronto él también se hizo hermano mayor
And soon he too became an older brother
Otro bebé, poca cosa, llegó a su casa
Another baby, a small thing, arrived at his house
El niño felizmente entre sus brazos lo acunaba
The child happily cradled him in his arms
Se notaba, tenía una gran corazón
It showed, he had a big heart
Pero de su madre heredó la sensación
But from his mother, he inherited the feeling
De no encajar, de saber y no entender
Of not fitting in, of knowing and not understanding
Sentía cosas raras que no se podían ver
He felt strange things that could not be seen
Hay cosas y cosas, es difícil explicar
There are things and things, it's hard to explain
Historias e historias que no se pueden contar
Stories and stories that cannot be told
No todo el mundo es capaz de escuchar, ah
Not everyone is able to listen, ah
Va para quien bien pueda interesar
This is for those it may concern
Hay cosas y cosas, es difícil explicar
There are things and things, it's hard to explain
Historias e historias que no se pueden contar
Stories and stories that cannot be told
No todo el mundo es capaz de escuchar, ah
Not everyone is able to listen, ah
Va para quien bien pueda interesar
This is for those it may concern
El niño hablaba, aunque a veces sin palabra
The boy spoke, although sometimes without words
Hasta tardía edad se meaba en la cama
Until late age, he wet the bed
No podía estar a oscuras, no podía estar a solas
He couldn't be in the dark, he couldn't be alone
Especialmente allí notaba raras cosas
Especially there, he noticed strange things
Su padre no ayudaba, tenía mano dura
His father didn't help, he had a heavy hand
Su madre vivía su propia amargura
His mother was living her own bitterness
El caía en locura, nadie le escuchaba
He fell into madness, nobody listened to him
¿Cómo podía ser que nadie lo notara?
How could it be that nobody noticed?
Tenía un don que no pidió y aunque él estaba cuerdo
He had a gift he didn't ask for, and although he was sane
Más de un psicólogo quedó en su recuerdo
More than one psychologist remained in his memory
Es triste tener miedo y no saber a qué
It's sad to be afraid and not know what of
Por que entonces jamás podrás enfrentarte a él
Because then you can never face it
Tener miedo al miedo te hace pensar
To be afraid of fear makes you think
Cuando eres consciente de tu vida en ponerla un final
When you are aware of your life, about ending it
Conocer el infinito y conocer la nada
To know infinity and to know nothingness
Puede hacer que una mente quede magullada
Can leave a mind bruised
No pasa nada, su madre le consolaba
It's okay, his mother comforted him
Mientras un Jesusito en la mano le doblaba
While a little Jesus in his hand doubled over
Funcionaba por la noche pero durante el día
It worked at night, but during the day
Solo era feliz cuando su mente evadía
He was only happy when his mind was escaping
Hay cosas y cosas, es difícil explicar
There are things and things, it's hard to explain
Historias e historias que no se pueden contar
Stories and stories that cannot be told
No todo el mundo es capaz de escuchar, ah
Not everyone is able to listen, ah
Va para quien bien pueda interesar
This is for those it may concern
Hay cosas y cosas, es difícil explicar
There are things and things, it's hard to explain
Historias e historias que no se pueden contar
Stories and stories that cannot be told
No todo el mundo es capaz de escuchar, ah
Not everyone is able to listen, ah
Va para quien bien pueda interesar
This is for those it may concern
Siguió creciendo y se hizo adolescente
He continued growing and became a teenager
Allá donde fuese no encajaba con la gente
Wherever he went, he didn't fit in with people
Pero con el tiempo encontró una salida
But over time he found a way out
El miedo no estaba si lo ahogaba en bebida
The fear wasn't there if he drowned it in drink
Chicas, drogas, delitos, dinero
Girls, drugs, crimes, money
Se sentía uno más y no pensaba en su miedo
He felt like one of the crowd and didn't think about his fear
El tiempo pasaba, las cosas no iban bien en casa
Time passed, things weren't going well at home
Pensó que en su vida no había nada
He thought there was nothing in his life
Un día por Malasaña su vida cambió
One day in Malasaña his life changed
Encontró a una chica distinta que le ayudó
He met a different girl who helped him
Le dio un motivo para cambiar su rumbo
She gave him a reason to change his course
Así lo hizo y así se derrumbó
So he did, and so he crumbled
Ya que le abandonó y volvió a notar
Because she left him and he noticed again
Esas cosas raras que le acechaban sin cesar
Those strange things that haunted him incessantly
Dejó de estudiar, casi de pensar
He stopped studying, almost stopped thinking
Dormía a todas horas para no tener que estar
He slept all day so he wouldn't have to be
Se obligo a encontrar un motivo distinto
He forced himself to find a different motive
Algo que estuviese hasta el final de su camino
Something that would last until the end of his road
Abrazó a las melodías y forzó las sonrisas
He embraced melodies and forced smiles
Abrió las alas y buscó los buenos días
He spread his wings and looked for good mornings
Hay cosas y cosas, es difícil explicar
There are things and things, it's hard to explain
Historias e historias que no se pueden contar
Stories and stories that cannot be told
No todo el mundo es capaz de escuchar, ah
Not everyone is able to listen, ah
Va para quien bien pueda interesar
This is for those it may concern
Hay cosas y cosas, es difícil explicar
There are things and things, it's hard to explain
Historias e historias que no se pueden contar
Stories and stories that cannot be told
No todo el mundo es capaz de escuchar, ah
Not everyone is able to listen, ah
Va para quien bien pueda interesar.
This is for those it may concern.

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