No es amor si ya no quiero estar contigo aunque te quiera, has cambiado como cambia la marea, ¿y qué pasó?
It's not love if I don't want to be with you anymore, even though I love you. You have changed like the changing tide, and what happened?
Dime qué pasó. ¿Y qué pasó con el chico del que me enamoré?
Tell me what happened. What happened to the boy I fell in love with?
Yo siempre cariñoso, siempre tan atento.
I was always affectionate, always so attentive.
Ambos tan independientes pero siempre compartiendo y en algún momento todo cambió.
Both so independent but always sharing and at some point everything changed.
Me hablaste de mitades cuando siempre fuimos dos.
You talked to me about halves when we were always two.
Llegaron los celos, malos consejeros y mis amigos ya no te parecían buenos porque según tú todos querían algo conmigo.
Jealousy arrived, a bad advisor and my friends no longer seemed good to you because according to you they all wanted something with me.
Y así de uno en uno fui perdiendo a cada amigo y a cada amiga por no quedar, no te fueses a enfadar si salíamos a bailar a algún bar... y poco a poco y sin darme cuenta me fuiste encerrando dentro de tu celda.
And so one by one I lost each friend for not staying, so you wouldn't get angry if we went dancing to some bar... and little by little and without realizing it you were locking me up in your cell.
Si no hay libertad no es amor, mi amor.
If there's no freedom it's not love, my love.
Si no hay confianza no es amor, mi amor.
If there's no trust it's not love, my love.
Controlarme, amenazarme, no es amor, mi amor.
Controlling me, threatening me, it's not love, my love.
No hay mitades, somos dos, eso es amor, mi amor.
There are no halves, we are two, that's love, my love.
Si no hay respeto no es amor, mi amor.
If there's no respect it's not love, my love.
Si no hay cariño no es amor, mi amor.
If there's no affection it's not love, my love.
Vigilarme, intimidarme no es amor, mi amor.
Surveilling me, intimidating me is not love, my love.
No hay mitades somos dos, pero nos duele a todos.
There are no halves, we are two, but it hurts us all.
Empezaste a controlar cada mensaje que escribía y cuando salía el cómo me vestía.
You started to control every message I wrote and when I went out the way I dressed.
Y no es normal que me hicieses sentir mal por querer un poco de espacio personal... y aunque siempre fui leal tu siempre lo dudaste, me dejaste, volviste y así hasta mi desgaste.
And it's not normal that you made me feel bad for wanting a little personal space... and although I was always loyal, you always doubted it, You left me, came back and so on until I was worn out.
Me hiciste creer no ser nada sin tí.
You made me believe I was nothing without you.
Me hiciste incluso olvidarme de mí, anulándome por ti, por el bien de los dos, olvidando que un día fuimos dos, pero ya no.
You even made me forget about myself, making me nothing for you, for the sake of both of us, forgetting that one day we were two, but no more.
Ya no, ahora también he cambiado, sé que podré brillar si me alejo de tu lado y siento mi amor no haberte avisado, pero lo nuestro ya se ha terminado.
No more, now I have also changed, I know that I will shine if I get away from you and I feel sorry for not having warned you, but our relationship is over.
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