Jabier Muguruza - Yessica - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jabier Muguruza - Yessica

Autoa espaloi ondoan gelditu da
The car finally stopped on the side
Eta Yessica irten da lehenengo,
And Yessica was the first to exit,
Beltzaran, exotiko, polita, ez argalegia
A Black beauty, exotic, pretty, not too thin
Ilea atzera bilduta, ezpain lodiak, galtza estuak
Her hair tied back, plump lips, tight pants
Txamarra alaia beroa baino areago.
A funky jacket that was more cozy than warm.
Karpeta bat ezkerreko besoan,
A folder in her left arm,
Zorro beltz bat sorbaldatik zintzilik.
A black purse hanging from her shoulder.
Ez du hitz egiten, ez du hitz egiten
She doesn't talk, she doesn't talk
Ez du irribarre egiten.
She doesn't smile.
Gizon bat atera da gero gidariaren aldetik
A man then got out from the driver's side
Eta autoa itxi du, urrutiratu ahala. Pip.
And locked the car, as it drove away. Beep.
Yessicaren parera iritsi da, isilik
He came to Yessica's side, silently
Inguruan fabrikak eta pabiloiak
Factories and warehouses were all around
Horietako batera doaz biak,
They both walked toward one of them,
Elkarren ondoan, gizona eta neska,
Next to each other, the man and the girl,
"Oficina" jartzen duen ate baterantz.
To a door that said "Office."
Ez du hitz egiten...
She doesn't talk...
Gizona zaharragoa, hirurogei-bat urte,
The man was older, around sixty-one
Hemengo gizon gehienen tankerako janzkera
Dressed like most of the men here
Adin horretako gizon gehienena.
Most men of that age.
Praka grisak. Esku biak sakeletan.
Gray pants. Both hands in his pockets.
Ezkerrekoa eta eskuinekoa, biak.
Left and right, both.
Eskuinekoa: orain gutxi, Yessicaren belaunean
The right one was recently on Yessica's knee
Egon den eskuineko esku hori bera.
That same right hand.
Ez du hitz egiten...
She doesn't talk...
Orain dela gutxi, zenbait minutuz,
A short while ago, for many minutes,
Minutu gehiegiz, neskarentzat gehiegiz,
Too many for the girl,
Hiritik ateratzen ari zirela,
As they were leaving the city,
Industrialde honetarantz zetozela
Heading toward this industrial area
Autoan biak, elkarren ondoan
Both of them in the car, next to each other
Gizona hizketan, Yessica isilik
The man talking, Yessica silent
Gizonaren eskua neskaren belaunean
The man's hand on the girl's knee
Ez du hitz egiten...
She doesn't talk...
Ea zer esaten diguten fabrika honetan,
Let's see what they tell us at this factory,
Ea ordaintzen diguten behingoz,
Let's see if they finally pay us,
Ez daude erraz gauzak hemen, badakizu.
Things aren't easy here, you know.
A ze zortea zuk, gurean lanean -hatzak estuxeago
Oh, how lucky you are to be working with us -a tighter squeeze
Yessicaren belaun-gain epelean-
Of his fingers on Yessica's smooth knee-
Ez kezkatu baina, ondo moldatzen bagara:
But don't worry, if we get along well:
Nik beti beharko dut idazkariren bat
I'll always need a secretary
Ez du hitz egiten...
She doesn't talk...

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