Jacques Houdek - Pričaj - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jacques Houdek - Pričaj

JPričaj gdje si i s kim si
JTell me where you are and who you're with
Dal si sretna kad s njim si
Are you happy when you're with him
Pričaj ti dobro znaš
Tell me you know very well
Da volim slušat tvoj glas
That I love to listen to your voice
Bio sam na putu za nesretne
I was on a path of sadness
Htio sam negde da sretnem tebe
I wanted to meet you somewhere
Pričaj ti barem znaš
At least tell me you
Kad govoriš srce mi daš
When you speak you give me my heart
Umoran sam od svega
I am tired of everything
Dok čekam te da mi dodješ od njega
While I wait for you to come to me from him
Reci mi, priznaj mi sve
Tell me, confess everything to me
Ja barem znam slušati te
At least I know how to listen to you
Pričaj baš sve o svojoj sreći
Talk everything about your happiness
Ništa ti protiv njega neću reći
I won't say anything against him
Ti ćeš s njim a ja nemam kome
You will be with him and I have no one
A znaj da tu sam kad svi te slome
And know that I am here when everyone breaks you
Pričaj baš sve o svojoj sreći
Talk everything about your happiness
Ništa ti protiv njega neću reći
I won't say anything against him
Ti ćeš s njim a ja nemam kome
You will be with him and I have no one
A znaj da tu sam kad svi te slome
And know that I am here when everyone breaks you
Pričaj gdje si i s kim si
Tell me where you are and who you're with
Dal si sretna kad s njim si
Are you happy when you're with him
Pričaj ti dobro znaš
Tell me you know very well
Da volim slušat tvoj glas
That I love to listen to your voice
Umoran sam od svega
I am tired of everything
Dok čekam te da mi dodješ od njega
While I wait for you to come to me from him
Reci mi, priznaj mi sve
Tell me, confess everything to me
Ja barem znam slušati te
At least I know how to listen to you
Pričaj baš sve o svojoj sreći
Talk everything about your happiness
Ništa ti protiv njega neću reći
I won't say anything against him
Ti ćeš s njim a ja nemam kome
You will be with him and I have no one
A znaj da tu sam kad svi te slome
And know that I am here when everyone breaks you
Pričaj baš sve o svojoj sreći
Talk everything about your happiness
Ništa ti protiv njega neću reći
I won't say anything against him
Ti ćeš s njim a ja nemam kome
You will be with him and I have no one
A znaj da tu sam kad svi te slome
And know that I am here when everyone breaks you

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