Jacques Houdek - Zid - traduction des paroles en anglais

Zid - Jacques Houdektraduction en anglais

The Wall
K'o vjetrovi ladu kad slome
When the winds break the ships
Bas tako su drugi slomili nas
That's how the others broke us in half
Al' više ne pricam o tome
But I don't talk about it anymore
Drzim se mraka, tu mi je spas
I hold on to the darkness, that's my salvation
Jer moja sreca se bijeli
Because my happiness whitens
K'o biser i ostavlja trag
Like a pearl, leaving a mark
Kao plijen sa strahom u grudima
Like a prey with fear in its chest
Prate ju zvijeri,
The beasts follow it,
Al' nije u zvijerima vrag
But the devil is not in the beasts
Tako crn kao u ljudima
As black as it is in people
I sada znas, kada drugi ti zavide
And now you know, when others envy you
I krene laz, kao voda sto navire
And a lie begins, like water that flows
Tisuce snova ti razbije negdje o hrid
Thousands of dreams break you somewhere on a cliff
To visok podigne zid pred tobom
That raises a high wall before you
Mjesec je svjetlo na vodi
The moon is a light on the water
Dusi u bijegu jedina luc
It's the only light in my hasty escape
Ma kud' bas se najljepsa rodi
But where the most beautiful is born
Tamo gdje zelju bacam pod kljuc?
Where do I cast my wish under lock and key?

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