Jala Brat feat. Buba Corelli & Coby - O.d.d.d. - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jala Brat feat. Buba Corelli & Coby - O.d.d.d.

Čuvala me kada smo pravili djela
You protected me when we were making our moves
A to dobro pamtim
And I remember that well
Htjela me kad me nijedna nije htjela
You wanted me when no one else did
Zato su sad na njoj dijamanti
That's why you're covered in diamonds now
U separeu prosipam flaše Belaire-a
I'm pouring out bottles of Belaire in the VIP section
Novi Rollie mi sija k'o briljantin
My new Rollie shines like a diamond
Sad vidi kako vozim bijelog BMW-a
Now see how I drive a white BMW
Preko bijelog odjela Gucci mantil
A Gucci coat over a white suit
Mama zove, kaže da sve je OK sad
Mom calls, says everything is OK now
Menadžeri me zovu na FaceTime
Managers call me on FaceTime
Imperia sve je oko nje sad
Imperia, everything revolves around her now
Oči mi suze, ona me ljubi jer sve zna
My eyes are tearing up, she kisses me because she knows everything
Duboko u noć za braću pijem i prolijem
Deep into the night, I drink and spill for the brothers
I neće me proć', sve mi liči na čarolije
And it won't pass, everything looks like magic to me
Moji neće Swatch, hoće Rollie, Rollie, Rollieje
My guys don't want Swatch, they want Rollie, Rollie, Rollies
A ona ima moć da me voli, yeah
And she has the power to love me, yeah
Ostavi nam fin stol, noćas pravimo ceh
Leave us a nice table, we're making a scene tonight
To dupe pod tim jeansom navodi me na grijeh
That ass in those jeans is leading me to sin
Niko ne gleda isto od kad imam pun sef
No one looks at me the same since I have a full safe
Ona gleda me pristojno, a želimo isto
She looks at me politely, but we want the same thing
A, mama, vidi me sad, na TV-u koji god program
And, Mom, see me now, on TV, whatever program
U novom BMW-u na 20 cola se rolam
Rolling in my new BMW on 20-inch rims
Klubovi gore, stolovi puni patrona
Clubs are on fire, tables full of patrons
Iz Diadore do Diora
From Diadora to Dior
Klubovi gore, stolovi puni patrona
Clubs are on fire, tables full of patrons
Iz Diadore do Diora
From Diadora to Dior
Klubovi gore, stolovi puni patrona
Clubs are on fire, tables full of patrons
Šta se pije?
What's to drink?
Ljudi se menjaju k'o vreme
People change like the weather
Sa više para imaš veće probleme
The more money you have, the bigger the problems
Da nije bilo tebe, ne bi bilo mene
If it wasn't for you, there wouldn't be me
Ja sam minus a ti plus, privlačimo se, magneti
I'm a minus, you're a plus, we attract each other, like magnets
Zatresi taj guz, um mi poremeti
Shake that ass, you're messing with my mind
Nekad bus, sada imamo za Bentley
Used to take the bus, now we have a Bentley
Šta sve zajedno smo prošli, kad se setim
What we went through together, when I think back
Trnovit je taj put od prosjaka do kralja
It's a thorny path from pauper to king
Ko je sada tu? Coby, Buba, Jala
Who's here now? Coby, Buba, Jala
Zna nas svaki klub i svaka mahala, mala
Every club and every neighborhood knows us, baby
A došli smo iz kraja
And we came from the hood
Ostavi nam fin stol, noćas pravimo ceh
Leave us a nice table, we're making a scene tonight
To dupe pod tim jeansom navodi me na grijeh
That ass in those jeans is leading me to sin
Niko ne gleda isto od kad imam pun sef
No one looks at me the same since I have a full safe
Ona gleda me pristojno, a želimo isto
She looks at me politely, but we want the same thing
A, mama, vidi me sad, na TV-u koji god program
And, Mom, see me now, on TV, whatever program
U novom BMW-u na 20 cola se rolam
Rolling in my new BMW on 20-inch rims
Klubovi gore, stolovi puni patrona
Clubs are on fire, tables full of patrons
Iz Diadore do Diora
From Diadora to Dior
Klubovi gore, stolovi puni patrona
Clubs are on fire, tables full of patrons
Iz Diadore do Diora
From Diadora to Dior
Klubovi gore, stolovi puni patrona
Clubs are on fire, tables full of patrons
Šta se pije?
What's to drink?

Writer(s): Jasmin Fazlic, Amar Hodzic, Admir Tinjic

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