Jala Brat feat. Buba Corelli & Rasta - Benga po snijegu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jala Brat feat. Buba Corelli & Rasta - Benga po snijegu

Benga po snijegu
Like a bullet on snow
Vozi, baca me ko benga po snijegu
Drive, you throw me like a bullet on snow
Kad te noge oko struka me stegnu
When your legs squeeze me around my waist
A te oči po pet noći ne legnu
And your eyes don't sleep for five nights
Dođi i toči mi viski po ledu
Come and pour me whiskey on ice
Po podu baci Gucci i Zegnu
Throw Gucci and Zegna on the floor
Svega je svjesna, ubija
She knows everything, she kills
Ubila bi se, ubila
She would kill herself, she would
Ne staje pjesma, uvija
The song doesn't stop, it twists
Ljubila bi se, ljubila
She would love herself, she would
Sve što htjela je da je vozi bembara crna
All she wanted was for you to drive a black BMW
U gradu nemara među vukovima ko srna
In the city of disregard, among wolves like a doe
Lete zrna, lete flaše i pare
Bullets fly, bottles and money fly
U separeu je prva, separe kao harem
She's the first in the booth, the booth is like a harem
A ja plaćam a ne vraćaj
And I pay, and don't get it back
Ma samo pojačaj, zavrti ture
Just turn it up, spin the rounds
Oko nas su braća i to najjača
Brothers are around us, and they're the strongest
A ti jača mačka od svake druge
And you're a stronger cat than any other
Što ispod leđa imaš je ko gepek fantoma bona
What you have under your back is like a phantom's trunk, honey
Sijaš, ubijaš oblinama ispod pantola
You shine, you kill with curves under your stilettos
Igraš, uvijaš, razbijaš do zadnjeg atoma
You play, you twist, you break to the last atom
A ja bi tu da ga zabijem kao Eric Cantona
And I'd be there to stick it in like Eric Cantona
Ko pandora nema zla
Like Pandora, there's no evil
Veče kod tebe, zbog tebe nemam sna
An evening at your place, I have no sleep because of you
A ni veće sreće, mala nema šta
And there's no greater happiness, baby, there's nothing
Za veče pored tebe na sve spreman sam
For an evening by your side, I'm ready for anything
Okej, laganini priđi da ti vidim zlato i nakit
Okay, slowly come closer so I can see your gold and jewelry
Na tebi samo Gucci, Versace
On you, only Gucci, Versace
Na tebi vidim ono sve što tako me mami
On you, I see everything that attracts me so
Pogledom mi kaže priđi
Your look tells me to come closer
Ona mi je bomba kao katakomba
She's a bomb for me, like a catacomb
Ko ganja iz bonga što radi ceo dan
Like someone who hits from a bong, who does it all day
Kaže ti si high to ti miriše baš dobro
She says you're high, it smells really good
I džaba htela bi da proba Amsterdam
And in vain, she would want to try Amsterdam
Ma ok, ona bi da sa mnom topi se do zore
Well, she wants to melt with me until dawn
Baš kao led za šankom
Just like ice behind the bar
Ona bi da znam da sve druge nisu bolje
She wants me to know that all the others aren't better
Da sve radi dominatno
That she does everything dominantly
Vozi, baca me ko benga po snijegu
Drive, you throw me like a bullet on snow
Kad te noge oko struka me stegnu
When your legs squeeze me around my waist
A te oči po pet noći ne legnu
And your eyes don't sleep for five nights
Dođi i toči mi viski po ledu
Come and pour me whiskey on ice
Po podu baci Gucci i Zegnu
Throw Gucci and Zegna on the floor
Svega je svjesna ubija
She knows everything, she kills
Ubila bi se, ubila
She would kill herself, she would
Ne staje pjesma uvija
The song doesn't stop, it twists
Ljubila bi se, ljubila
She would love herself, she would
Paranoja, sve bi ona dala da je moja
Paranoia, she'd give anything to be mine
Zove me sa nepoznatog broja
She calls me from an unknown number
Ona zove, ja se ne javljam
She calls, I don't answer
Zna nisam sam
She knows I'm not alone
Paranoja, sliku moju ljubi kao grupi
Paranoia, she kisses my picture like a groupie
Cori će u svakoj boji roli da ti kupi
Cori will buy you rolls in every color
Mala voli pit, mala voli da se lupi
Baby loves pit, baby loves to get hammered
Znaš kakva cupi je je
You know what a cutie she is
Skoro ponoć, ona sprema se tek
Almost midnight, she's just getting ready
Ponovo solo sama sebi je šef
Again solo, she's her own boss
Gasi žeđ sa Coronom onda pređe na Jack
Quenches her thirst with Corona, then moves on to Jack
Na nogama Manolo, pod nogama cijeli svijet
Manolo on her feet, the whole world under her feet
Uvijek ispred čeka džip je
A jeep is always waiting outside
U džipu čeka lik je, džip je
A guy is waiting in the jeep, the jeep is
Od glave do pete Dsquared štikle vrište
Dsquared from head to toe, stilettos scream
Dekolte, drink njen u ruci pink je
Décolleté, her drink in her hand is pink
Vozi, baca me ko benga po snijegu
Drive, you throw me like a bullet on snow
Kad te noge oko struka me stegnu
When your legs squeeze me around my waist
A te oči po pet noći ne legnu
And your eyes don't sleep for five nights
Dođi i toči mi viski po ledu
Come and pour me whiskey on ice
Po podu baci Gucci i Zegnu
Throw Gucci and Zegna on the floor
Svega je svjesna, ubija
She knows everything, she kills
Ubila bi se, ubila
She would kill herself, she would
Ne staje pjesma uvija
The song doesn't stop, it twists
Ljubila bi se, ljubila
She would love herself, she would

Writer(s): Jasmin Fazlic, Amar Hodzic, Admir Tinjic, Stefan Djuric

Jala Brat feat. Buba Corelli & Rasta - Benga po snijegu
Benga po snijegu
date de sortie

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