Jalex - Aynan - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Jalex - Aynan

غَضِبَ الحبيبُ فهاجَ لي استعبارُ . والله لي ممّا أُحاذِرُ جَارُ
My beloved is angry, and I burst into tears. By God, my neighbor is the one I fear.
كنّا نُغايظُ بالوِصال مَعاشراً . لهُمُ الغَداة َ بصَرمِنا اسْتِبشارُ
We used to tease each other with our love, and in the morning, our eyes would fill with joy.
إذ لا أرى شكلاً يكونُ كَشِكلِناحُسناً ويَجمعُنا هُناك جِوارُ
I see no form as beautiful as ours, and there, we were neighbors.
وكأننا لمْ نجتمع في مجلسٍ فِيه الغِناءُ ونَرجِسٌ وبَهارُ
It is as if we had never met in a gathering with singing, narcissus, and spring.
مَا كان أشأْمَ مَجلِساً كنّا بهِتلك العَشييّة َ والعِدا حُضّار
How ominous was the gathering where we were that evening, and the enemy was present?
مَدَنيّة ٌ أمْسَى العِراقُ مَحلَّهاولها بزوراء المدينة ِ دارُ
A civilization whose home is now Iraq, and its house is in the city of Basra.
أدنى قَرابتِنا إليها أنناشَخصانِ يَجمعُنا إليه نِزارُ
Our closest kinship to it is that we are two people brought together by Nizari.
ياأيها الرجلُ المعذّبُ قلبهُ أقصِر فإنّ شِفاءكَ الإقصارُ
O you whose heart is tormented, restrain yourself, for your cure is in restraint.
نزَفَ البُكاءُ دموعَ عينكَ فاستعرعيناً لغيركَ دمعُها مِدرارُ
Your tears have drawn blood from your eyes, so seek a tear from someone else.
من ذَا يُعِيرُكَ عَيْنَهُ تبكي بها؟أرأيتَ عيناً للبكا تعارُ
Who will lend you his eye to weep? Have you ever seen an eye that can be borrowed for weeping?
الحُبُّ أوّلُ مَا يَكُونُ لجَاجة ًتأتي به وتسوقه الأقدارُ
Love begins as a jest, and fate brings it and drives it.
حتى إذا اقتحمَ الفتى لُجَجَ الهوى جاءت أُمورٌ لا تُطاقُ كِبارُ
Until a young man plunges into the depths of love, things come that cannot be tolerated.
إذا نظرتَ إلى المُحبّ عرفتَهُ وبدَت عليه مِن الهَوى آثارُ
If you look at a lover, you will know him, and the signs of love will appear on him.
قُل ما بدا لكَ أن تقول فربماساقَ البلاءَ إلى الفتى المِقدارُ
Say whatever you have to say, for perhaps fate will bring disaster to the young man
يا فوزُ هل لك أن تعودي للّذيكُنّا عليهِ مُنذ نحنُ صغارُ
O Fawz, could you return to the way we were when we were young?
فلقَد خَصَصتُكِ بالهَوى وصرَفتُهعمّن يُحدّثُ عنكُمُ فيغارُ
I have dedicated my love to you and turned it away from those who talk about you and become jealous.
هل تذكرين بارِ بكرٍ لهْوناولنا بذاك مخافة ٌ وحِذارُ
Do you remember the early morning when we were playing, and we had fear and caution?
مُتَطاعِمينِ بِريقِنافي خلوة ٍمثلَ الفراخِ تزُقّها الأطيارُ
Feeding each other with our mouths in a secluded place, like chicks being fed by birds.
أم تذكُرين لِدُلْجَتي متنكِّراًوعليّ فروَا عاتقٍ وخِمارُ
Or do you remember my coming to you in disguise at night, wearing a fur coat and a veil?
فَوددتُ أنّ الليل دامَ وأنهذهبَ النهارُ فلا يكونُ نهارُ
I wished that the night would last forever and that day would never come.
أفَما لذلك حُرمة ٌ محفُوظَة ٌأُفٍّ لمَن هُوَ قاطِعٌ غَدّارُ
Is there no sanctity in this? Shame on those who are treacherous and treacherous.
سأُقِرُّ بالذّنبِ الذي لَمْ أجنِهإن كان ينفعُ عندَكِ الإقرارُ
I will confess to a guilt I did not commit if confession will help you.
ما تأمرين فَدَتكِ نفسي في فتّىما تَلْتَقي لجُفونهِ أشفَارُ
What do you command, O my soul, for a young man whose eyelids never meet?
من كانَ يبغضكمْ فباتَ مبيتَهُإن الهوى لذَوي الهوى ضَرّارُ
He who hated you spent his night in hate, for love is harmful to those who love.
صَرَمَ الأحبة ُ حبْلهُ فكأنهُإذ غادَرُه وضرّه الإضرارُ
His beloveds cut his cord, and it was as if they had left him and harmed him.
رَجُلٌ تطاولَ سُقمُه في غُربة ٍنزَحَتْ به عن أهلِه الأسفارُ
A man whose illness grew in a foreign land, and his travels took him far from his family.
لا يستطيعُ من الضرورة ِ حيلة ٍأمْسَى تُرَجَّمُ دونَه الأخبارُ
He cannot find a way out of his misery; the news is now being translated for him.
حتى أتيحَ له ، وذالك لحَينِه،رَكبٌ رمتْ بهمُ الفجاجُ تِجارُ
Until, at his most desperate moment, he was given a ride by some merchants.
حَمَلُوه بينَهُم نَحِيلاً جسمُهعاري العِظامِ ثيابُه أطمَارُ
They carried him among them, his body thin, his bones bare, his clothes in tatters.
فثَوى تُقلّبُه الأكُفُّ مُلَقَّفاًولَهُ تُشدُّ وتُوضَعُ الأَكوارُ
His bed was a makeshift one, tossed about by many hands, and his packs were tied and untied.
حَتى إذا سلَكوا به في مَهمهٍقَفرٍ تَضِلُّ به القَطا وتَحارُ
Until they passed with him through a desolate wilderness where the sandgrouse would lose their way and wander.
غَرِضُوا مِنَ النِّضْوِ العليلِ فعطَّلوامنه الرّكاب وخلّفُوه وساروا
They saw that he was weak and frail, so they left him behind and went on their way.

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