Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev - Janonim - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jaloliddin Ahmadaliyev - Janonim

Visoling dil qumsaydi qaysar yurak konmaydi
Your grace pierces my heart, my dear love
Bundan og'ir dard bo'lmaydi janonima janonim
There is no greater pain than this
Daydi dilim telba dilim
My tongue longs for you
Takrorlaydi isming tilim
It whispers your name like a mantra
Anor ko'ksim tilim tilim
My chest hurts like a pomegranate
Hayronima hayronim
I am perplexed
Yetolmayman imkonim yo'q
I cannot fathom life without you
Uzun yo'llar bo'ldi qisqa
Long roads feel short
Muhabbatsiz o'lganim yo'q
I have never known a life without love
Janonima janonim
My darling love
Sevdim desam kulgandinga
You laughed when I said I loved you
Sezdirmayin kuygandinga
You pretended not to notice my desire
Meni yomon suygandinga
You never loved me
Sarsonima sarsonim
My dear
Sarsonima sarsonim
My dear
Vasling izlab kim topdi
Who has found joy in your embrace?
Mehring izlab kim topdi
Who has found love in your heart?
Bizga baxt eshik yopdi
Fortune has abandoned us
Armonima armonim
My dear
Ozoringdan o'lsaydim
Even if you had killed me
Qolmasmidi armonim
I would not have lost my love for you
Suymasam ham suysaydi
You do not deserve my love
Janonima janonim
My darling love
Gulga qiyos etmam sira
I will not compare you to a flower
Sen qalbimni tilib ketgan
For you have stolen my heart
Gul tikonin mendan so'ra
Ask the rose about its thorns
Yomonima yomonim
My dear
Yuragimga tig'dek botar
Like a blade to my heart
Gulim desam tikoning
If I called you a flower
Ikki o'tta kuyib o'tar
You would burn between its thorns
Kamroninga Kamroning
My dear
Kamroninga kamroning
My dear
Visoling dil qumsaydi
Your grace pierces my heart
Qaysar yurak konmaydi
My dear love
Bundan og'ir dard bo'lmaydi
There is no greater pain than this
Janonima janonim
My darling love

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