James Deano - Tu t'es vu quand t'abuses - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction James Deano - Tu t'es vu quand t'abuses

Tu t'es vu quand t'abuses
Have You Seen Yourself When You've Had Too Much?
Tu t'es vu quand t'as bu t'es un taré
Have you seen yourself when you've been drinking? You're a madman
Tu cries dans mes oreilles et tu m'postillonnes dessus ça te fait marré
You shout in my ears and spit on me, you find it funny
Ah ouais tu t'es vu quand t'as bu t'es plus le même
Oh yeah, have you seen yourself when you've been drinking? You're not the same
Tu veux m'apprendre la vie pourquoi tu viens m'parler d'tes soucis personnels
You want to teach me about life? Why do you come talk to me about your personal problems?
Tu t'es vu quand t'as bu non sérieux oh arrête un peu tu sais c'est périlleux les JB et la beuh
Have you seen yourself when you've been drinking? No seriously, oh stop it, you know it's dangerous, the Jack Daniels and the weed
En plus après t'es agressif tu veux taper tout le monde et tu reconnais même plus tes potes et c'est triste
Plus afterwards you're aggressive, you want to fight everyone and you don't even recognize your friends anymore, it's sad
En réalité tu m'emmerdes
In reality, you annoy me
Quand t'es bourré t'es qu'une merde
When you're drunk you're just a mess
Quand t'es pété tu m'énerves chut tu pues du bec
When you're wasted you get on my nerves, shush, your breath stinks
Enfin tu pues tout court connard poivrot a deux trois kilomètres
Well, you stink, period, you drunk asshole, from two or three kilometers away
Et tu t'es vu quand t'as bu vaut mieux pas parce que c'est pathétique mais dis toi que nous on t'voit
And have you seen yourself when you've been drinking? It's better not because it's pathetic, but know that we see you
Tu t'es vu man quand t'abuses de l'alcool tu pues t'es un fou tu m'soules quand t'es saoul
Have you seen yourself man, when you abuse alcohol, you stink, you're crazy, you annoy me when you're drunk
Tu t'es vu quand t'as bu
Have you seen yourself when you've been drinking?
Tu t'es vu quand t'abuses
Have you seen yourself when you've had too much?
Tu m'soules tu m'soules tu m'soules
You annoy me, you annoy me, you annoy me
Tu t'es vu quand t'as bu
Have you seen yourself when you've been drinking?
Tu t'es vu quand t'abuses
Have you seen yourself when you've had too much?
Tu m'soules tu m'soules tu m'soules
You annoy me, you annoy me, you annoy me
Tu t'es vu quand t'es pété sur la piste de danse
Have you seen yourself when you're wasted on the dance floor?
Tu fais le King perte de dents sur le parking
You act like the king, missing teeth in the parking lot
Moi je t'ai vu quand y'a plus tu fais les fonds de verre mais ils vont t'suivre ils vont t'niquer et ils vont faire quoi gros
I saw you when you finish everyone's drinks, but they're gonna follow you, they're gonna mess you up, and what are they gonna do, dude?
Ca craint tu t'es endormi direction le terminus en chien comme c'est pas permis
It sucks, you fell asleep, heading to the last stop, wasted like it's not allowed
Donc tu pourris sur ta banquette de train vomi sur tes baskets requin et t'en as mis partout sur tes habits
So you rot on your train seat, vomit on your Shark shoes, and you got it all over your clothes
T'es qu'un poivrot bah vas-y dis-moi qu'c'est pas vrai en gros quand t'as abusé
You're just a drunk, come on, tell me it's not true, basically when you've had too much
T'es aussi bête qu'Avrel Oh je sais qu'en temps normal tu rapperais mais abrège avec tes lyrics pourries qui m'agressent
You're as dumb as Avril, oh I know that normally you'd rap, but cut it short with your crappy lyrics that attack me
Et toi toi tu restes toi tu persévères t'en rajoutes et t'en rajoutes et merde arrêtes
And you, you stay there, you persist, you add more and more, and damn it, stop
Tu d'viens arrogant barbant et violent pourquoi tu parles aux poules en gueulant
You become arrogant, boring and violent, why are you yelling at the chicks?
J'te l'dis clairement il faut stopper l'abus et vite t'étonnes pas si t'es potos t'évitent
I'm telling you clearly, you have to stop the abuse and quickly, don't be surprised if your friends avoid you
Tu t'es vu man quand t'abuses de l'alcool tu pues t'es un fou tu m'soule quand t'es saoul
Have you seen yourself man, when you abuse alcohol, you stink, you're crazy, you annoy me when you're drunk
Tu t'es vu quand t'as bu
Have you seen yourself when you've been drinking?
Tu t'es vu quand t'abuses
Have you seen yourself when you've had too much?
Tu m'soules tu m'soules tu m'soules
You annoy me, you annoy me, you annoy me
Tu t'es vu quand t'as bu
Have you seen yourself when you've been drinking?
Tu t'es vu quand t'abuses
Have you seen yourself when you've had too much?
Tu m'soules tu m'soules tu m'soules
You annoy me, you annoy me, you annoy me

Writer(s): Nardin Olivier Michel Jean M J, Ghion Dimitry Marc Viviane

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