Jana Kirschner - Z jedného Martina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jana Kirschner - Z jedného Martina

Z jedného Martina
From One Martin
Je leto, leto je a vonku visí vzduch
It's summer, summer time and the air hangs heavy
Nad mestom váľa sa jak vypasený chrúst
Over the city, rolling like a fat beetle
ľudia sa bláznia, utekajú k dunaju
People are going crazy, running to the Danube
A krysy ako ja len taje dúfajú
And rats like me just hope for sleep
že keď príde čas, vyzlečiem sa donaha
That when the time comes, I'll undress completely
Hojdať sa na vlnách, to by bola paráda
Swinging on the waves, that would be great
Počítam okná na vedľajšom baráku
I count the windows on the neighboring building
A kotva vo funuse, loďka na tajchu
And the anchor in the funeral, the boat on the pond
Hojdám sa zasnene, vypúšťam bubliny
I swing dreamily, blowing bubbles
A v hitparáde mojich citov jediný
And in the hit parade of my feelings, only one
V predstavách krásnych ťa naveky mám
In beautiful visions I have you forever
Na prázdniny krátke si spomínam
I remember the short holidays
Na jemný závoj augustových dní
The delicate veil of August days
Bolo to dávno, to teda hej
It was a long time ago, that's for sure
Je leto, leto je, márne chcem sa skryť
It's summer, summer time, in vain I want to hide
Bol si môj prvý naozajstný megahit
You were my first real megahit
Vravím si: bratislava nie je sahara
I say: Bratislava is not the Sahara
Na hlavu pečie slnko, asi prihára
The sun is burning my head, I think it's burning
Je mi to ľúto, že nám to nevyšlo
I'm sorry that it didn't work out for us
Boli sme blízko, no všetko rýchlo odišlo
We were close, but everything went away quickly
Ty si sa pokazil, ja som sa spustila
You broke down, I went down
Je mi to ľúto, láska je vec šialená
I'm sorry, love is a crazy thing
Je ti to ľúto, že nám to nevyšlo
You're sorry that it didn't work out for us
Boli sme blízko, šťastné tváre rodičov
We were close, our parents' happy faces
Ty si to chcel, ale ja som to pustila
You wanted it, but I let it go
Boli sme blízko, z jedného martina
We were close, from one martin

Writer(s): Eddie Stevens

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