Janek Ledecky - Vánoce v knajpě U zaťatý pěsti - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Janek Ledecky - Vánoce v knajpě U zaťatý pěsti

Vánoce v knajpě U zaťatý pěsti
Christmas in the Inn At the Clenched Fist
V knajpě U zaťatý pěsti
In the Inn At the Clenched Fist
Za fabrikou na předměstí
Near the factory in the suburbs
Na konečný tramvaje
At the end of the tram line
Posílaj' se do háje
They send each other to hell
A všechny je minulo štěstí
And all happiness has passed them by
Ten v rohu ňák dlouhý vlasy
The one in the corner has hair a bit too long
A vzpomíná na starý časy
And reminisces about the old times
Jak hráli s klukama beat
How they played beat music with the boys
Jak si ho nedali vzít
How they didn't let anyone take it from them
A s nikým nesouhlasí
And how he disagrees with everyone
Dneska je ubrus na umakartu
Today there is a tablecloth on the oilcloth
Vánoce hrajou citlivou kartu
Christmas plays a sensitive card
A salát s řízkem v týhle hodině
And a salad with cutlets at this hour
Možná ve zvláštní ale v rodině
Perhaps in an unusual family, but still in a family
Možná ve zvláštní ale ve svý rodině
Perhaps in an unusual family, but still in his own family
To Lojza moc vlasů nemá
That Lojza doesn't have much hair anymore
život mezi kolejema
Life between the rails
Míval největší svaly
He used to have the biggest muscles
Ale k letadlům ho nevzali
But they didn't let him fly planes
A pitím teď vyhání revma
And now he drinks to get rid of his rheumatism
Ta vedle si do rytmu tleská
The one next to him claps her hands to the rhythm
Ani za mlada nebyla hezká
She wasn't pretty even when she was young
Lojza mlátí kudy chodí
Lojza beats her wherever she goes
Rána vedle že prej škodí
Says that a blow to the side is harmful
Ach jak je láska nebeská
Oh, how love is heavenly
Dneska je ubrus na umakartu...
Today there is a tablecloth on the oilcloth...
Na Frantu všichni to vědí
Everyone knows about Franta
Franta odkrytý hledí
Franta has an open visor
Nehrne se do práce
He doesn't rush to work
Ale jinak je s ním legrace
But otherwise he's fun to be around
Buď tu pije nebo sedí
He either drinks here or sits here
Mařka to bejvala dáma
Mařka used to be a lady
Zdobená briliantama
Adorned with brilliants
Rok za rokem den za dnem
Year after year, day after day
No my taky nemládnem
We're not getting any younger either
Teď je ráda že je s náma
Now she's glad to be with us
Dnes je ubrus na umakartu.
Today there is a tablecloth on the oilcloth.

Writer(s): Jan Ledecky

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