Javier Krahe - Capricho Estival - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Javier Krahe - Capricho Estival

Capricho Estival
Summer Whim
Con sus libros, con sus juegos,
With your books, with your games,
Sus películas, sus vicios,
Your movies, your vices,
Sus amores, sus apegos
Your loves, your attachments
Y sus ritos veraniegos
And your summer rituals
Que exigían sacrificios
That demanded sacrifices
Hasta las claras del día,
Until the break of dawn,
Casi nunca se aburría.
You were hardly ever bored.
O tocaba la guitarra
You would play the guitar
Y escribía en el cuaderno
And write in your notebook
Y si aquí rimaba en "arra"
And if here it rhymed with "arra"
Escogía una con garra,
You'd choose one with a claw,
Un acorde así, moderno,
A chord like this, modern,
Y una dulce melodía,
And a sweet melody,
Y eso ya lo entretenía.
And that already entertained you.
Y aún más si le salía.
And even more so if it came out well.
Si salía era feliz
If it came out well, you were happy
Para toda una semana,
For a whole week,
Retocando algún matiz
Retouching some nuance
O cantándole a su hermana
Or singing to your sister
Lo que ya llevara hecho,
What you had already done,
Que era un buen trecho
Which was a good stretch
Si nadie le interrumpía.
If no one interrupted you.
Porque muy, muy a menudo
Because very, very often
Iba a verlo algún amigo,
A friend would come to see you,
Y si aquí rimaba en "udo"
And if here it rhymed with "udo"
Se decía: cojonudo,
You'd say: awesome,
¿Qué hago ahora, lo maldigo
What do I do now, do I curse him
O le muestro mi alegría
Or show him my joy
Con un vaso de sangría?
With a glass of sangria?
Y los dos, vaso tras vaso,
And the two of you, glass after glass,
Vaciábanse una jarra
Would empty a pitcher
Y le daban un repaso
And give a review
Al triunfo y al fracaso,
To triumph and failure,
Y, en su funda, la guitarra
And, in its case, the guitar
Profundamente dormía.
Would sleep soundly.
Exhibir esa manía
To exhibit that mania
Como que lo cohibía.
As if it inhibited you.
Luego, a solas otra vez,
Then, alone again,
Retomaba el roto hilo
You would pick up the broken thread
De su trama, una memez,
Of your plot, a foolishness,
Una cosa de este estilo,
Something like this,
Y poníase al acecho
And you would lie in wait
De un nuevo trecho,
For a new stretch,
A su tarea volvía.
You would return to your task.
Y, de pronto, su vecina
And, suddenly, your neighbor
Con un grupo de arquitectos
With a group of architects
Le medían la cocina
Would measure your kitchen
O, de pronto, su sobrina,
Or, suddenly, your niece,
La de párpados perfectos,
The one with perfect eyelids,
De Tenerife venía.
Would come from Tenerife.
Y hasta luego, sinfonía.
And so long, symphony.
Pero, en fin, sacaba ratos
But, in the end, you would find time
Para palabras y acordes,
For words and chords,
Y si aquí rimaba en "atos"
And if here it rhymed with "atos"
No decía: cuán ingratos,
You wouldn't say: how ungrateful,
Cuán bullicosos, cuán bordes.
How boisterous, how rude.
O si sí, con ironía,
Or if you did, with irony,
Que él a todos recibía
For you welcomed everyone
Y con suma cortesía.
With the utmost courtesy.
Qué podía hacerle él
What could you do
Si un amigo es un amigo,
If a friend is a friend,
Su vecina, Maribel,
Your neighbor, Maribel,
Y su sobrina testigo
And your niece a witness
De que entraba por derecho
That you were rightfully entering
A un tercer trecho,
A third stretch,
Pues con él lo recorría.
For you would walk it with him.
Aunque todo fuera adverso
Even if everything was adverse
Era el hombre muy paciente
You were a very patient man
Y, a la noche, estaba inmerso
And, at night, you were immersed
En su trama y verso a verso
In your plot and verse by verse
Avanzaba tercamente.
You would advance stubbornly.
Casi, casi la tenía,
Almost, almost you had it,
Pero el sueño lo vencía.
But sleep would overcome you.
En su almohada a la cosa
On your pillow, you would toss and turn
Daba una y otra vuelta
The thing over and over again
Y, si aquí rimaba en "osa",
And, if here it rhymed with "osa",
Se decía: anda, la osa,
You would say: come on, the bear,
Pero si ya está resuelta,
But if it's already solved,
Solamente faltaría
All that would be left is
Repasar esta armonía
To review this harmony
Y un remate y ya estaría.
And a finishing touch and it would be done.
Y a las tantas, yo que sé,
And at some point, I don't know,
Levantábase del lecho,
You would get out of bed,
Daba sorbos a un café
Take sips of coffee
Y, con este último trecho,
And, with this last stretch,
A su capricho estival
To your summer whim
Punto final.
The end.
Justo cuando amanecía.
Just as dawn was breaking.

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