Jaydan - El Lápiz y Mi Libreta - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Jaydan - El Lápiz y Mi Libreta

El Lápiz y Mi Libreta
The Pencil and My Notebook
Hay muchos que no me entienden,
There are many who don't understand me,
Muchos que suelen criticar,
Many who tend to criticize,
Dicen que nada ire alcanzar,
They say that I won't achieve anything,
Dicen que pierdo mi tiempo pero
They say I'm wasting my time but
No conocen mi proceso ellos no saben de lo
They don't know my process, they don't know what
Que estoy hecho.
I'm made of.
Se levanta a las cinco de la mañana va
He gets up at five in the morning, goes
Camino al trabajo con su mente estresada pues son muchas sus preocupaciones,
On his way to work with his mind stressed, because he has many worries,
Al igual que sus ocupaciones
As well as occupations
Pues como un trabajo no le es suficiente pa' pagar la renta pa' mantener a su familia a la cual sustenta,
Well, because one job is not enough to pay the rent, to support his family, which he supports,
Trabaja doble turno llega a su casa atiende a los suyos,
He works a double shift, comes home, takes care of his loved ones,
A sus hijos abraza y cada tiempo libre lo utiliza para componer tiene tanto que decir que no se puede contener ya que hace mucho sueña con la diferencia
He hugs his children, and uses every free moment to compose, he has so much to say that he can't contain himself, since he has long dreamed of making a difference,
Hacer llevando el mensaje como debe hacer a veces tiene discuciones con su esposa pues esta se ha llegado a desesperar
Carrying the message as he should. Sometimes he has arguments with his wife, because she has come to despair,
No verlo su sueño lograr al no verlo no producir o avanzar al verlo invertir su tiempo en algo que parece no llegar,
Not seeing him achieve his dream, not seeing him produce or advance, seeing him invest his time in something that seems to be going nowhere,
Lo que solo duplica la dificultad para que el pueda finalmente
Which only doubles the difficulty for him to finally
Llegar pero no por nada del mundo se daria por vencido no importando el tiempo que sea requerido.
Arrive, but for nothing in the world would he give up, no matter how long it takes.
Me acompaña el lápiz y mi libreta una maleta de sueño con muchas metas
The pencil and my notebook accompany me, a suitcase of dreams with many goals
\\me acompaña mi Fe//
\\my Faith accompanies me//
Anhelo intenso que no se explicar y una pasión intensa que no se va apagar
An intense yearning that I can't explain, and an intense passion that won't be extinguished
\\yo se que lo lograre//
\\I know I will make it//
El es un poeta de nacimiento las rimas fluyen por sus venas como el talento aunque todo humano por momento es fuertemente, acechado por la duda y lamento es una batalla de fe una batalla campal a la que dia se enfrenta donde su
He is a born poet, rhymes flow through his veins like talent, although every human being at times is strongly stalked by doubt and lament, it is a battle of faith, a pitched battle that he faces every day where his
Entorno parece decirle que nada mejora pero del cielo una voz le dice persiste ahora le sobra la letra en su libreta
Environment seems to tell him that nothing gets better, but a voice from heaven tells him to persist, now he has plenty of lyrics in his notebook.
Le acompaña el lápiz la inspiración divina en su receta
The pencil accompanies him, divine inspiration in his recipe
Redactando liricas de forma directa al corazón inspirar su canción le puede faltar el dinero y las conexiones
Writing lyrics directly to the heart, inspiring his song. He may lack money and connections
Le puede faltar ayudas o facilitaciones le puede faltar lo que a muchos le puede sobrar pero el sabe que lo suyo debe de llegar
He may lack help or facilitation, he may lack what many may have to spare, but he knows that his must come.
Mientras pueda seguir soñando pueda seguir confiando mientras pueda seguir viajando
As long as he can keep dreaming, he can keep trusting, as long as he can keep traveling
Y visualizando poco a poco escalando la montaña alta pero con paciencia se va añaditando.
And visualizing, little by little climbing the high mountain, but with patience it is added.
Me acompaña el lápiz y mi libreta una maleta de sueño con muchas metas
The pencil and my notebook accompany me, a suitcase of dreams with many goals
\\me acompaña mi Fe//
\\my Faith accompanies me//
Anhelo intenso que no se explicar y una pasión intensa que no se va apagar
An intense yearning that I can't explain, and an intense passion that won't be extinguished
\\yo se que lo lograre//
\\I know I will make it//
Asi es la vida de todos los que persigue su sueño ignorando la critica
That's the life of everyone who pursues their dream ignoring the criticism
Trabajan con empeño lo que aspiran lograr cosas radicales apartandose de las rutinas y sus males lo que no permiten
They work hard to achieve what they aspire to achieve radical things by breaking away from routines and their evils, which don't allow
Que la sociedad los limite pasando por alto todo aquello arendirce persiste que no le tiene miedo a los retos los que
Society to limit them, overlooking all that, persists that he is not afraid of challenges, those who
Se arriesgan aunque se encuentre en aprietos los que confian en Dios y su plan perfecto descansa en su palabra
Take risks even when they are in trouble, those who trust in God and His perfect plan rests on His word
Aun siendo imperfectos los que siguen su proposito verdadero yo soy unos de esos que lo sepa el mundo entero.
Even though they are imperfect, those who follow their true purpose, I am one of those, let the whole world know.

Writer(s): Jesus Martinez

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