Toy amarrao amarrao amarrao no te dejo ni me voy ni mataome.
I'm stuck, stuck, stuck on you, I won't leave, I won't go, even if it kills me.
Me tiene locamente enamorao yo lo que quiero e quedarme frizaoo¡¡¡
You have me crazy in love, all I want is to stay frozen with you forever!
Tu eres la mami que a mi me tienecontento no eh cotorra beba yo porti con lo que sea me enfrento llegaste asi y a mi vida diste aliento y me veo en una nube cuando conmigo te siento de verdad no entiendo como tu me enamoraste pusiste en mi cara una sonrisa que ni la colgate agarrame la mano que sofoco al guaremate porque mientraa temo juntos mira por mi que se mate
You're the girl who keeps me happy, I'm not a parrot, baby, I'll face anything for you. You arrived like this and gave my life breath, and I feel like I'm on a cloud when I'm with you. Honestly, I don't understand how you made me fall in love, you put a smile on my face that even Colgate can't compete with. Hold my hand because I'm suffocating the guaremate (a type of Dominican drink), because while I fear, look out for me, let him die.
Tell me!!!
Si tu me echaste brujeria pa aficiame sime que me isiste que yo no puedo safarme
If you cast a spell on me to make me love you, tell me what you did, because I can't escape.
Tell me!!!
De que forma tu lograste enamorame porque de verdad a mi se me metio un deprograme
How did you manage to make me fall in love? Because honestly, I've been deprogrammed.
Esto e con fecha y nombre ya tu eres mi loca ben dame ese beso que al envidioso sofoca la felicidad se encuentra a la vuerta de la equina pero yo creo que la mia taba hay guardaen tu boca
This is with a date and name, you're already my crazy girl, give me that kiss that suffocates the envious. Happiness is found around the corner, but I think mine was there, stored in your mouth.
Toy amarrao amarrao amarrao no te dejo ni me voy ni matao
I'm stuck, stuck, stuck on you, I won't leave, I won't go, even if it kills me.
Me tiene loca mente enamorao yo lo que quiero e quedarme frizaoo¡¡¡
You have me crazy in love, all I want is to stay frozen with you forever!
Toy amarrao amarrao amarrao no te dejo n ¡i me voy ni matao.
I'm stuck, stuck, stuck on you, I won't leave, I won't go, even if it kills me.
Me tiene loca mente enamorao yo lo que quiero e quedarme frizao¡¡¡
You have me crazy in love, all I want is to stay frozen with you forever!
Lo malo se fue de paseo contigo la vida es un tripeo si tu no estasconmigo quien se apida de este feo.
The bad things went for a walk, with you, life is a trip, if you're not with me, who will take pity on this ugly guy?
Fuera de coro dejate pone un anillo en ese deo¡ porque pami es real lo que yo en tus ojos veo.
Out of the chorus, let me put a ring on that finger! Because for me what I see in your eyes is real.
Y no te lleves de los comentarios disque por mi fama que tu eres la mujer que este loquito ama como te explico que mi corazon te aclama que en pocas palabras tu eres mi perfecta dama.
And don't listen to the comments, supposedly because of my fame, that you're the woman this crazy guy loves. How can I explain that my heart cries out for you? In a few words, you're my perfect lady.
Me encanta cuando tu me dices que quieres mi cama tu a mi me fustra cuando te encarama.
I love it when you tell me you want my bed, you frustrate me when you climb on top.
Cuando te pone celosa dique porque otra me llama pero dame un besito beba deja tu drama.
When you get jealous because another girl calls me, but give me a little kiss, baby, leave your drama.
Y entiende¡¡
And understand!!
Que yo necesito ta al lao tuyo que mi amor no lo mata el orgullo.
That I need to be by your side, that my love is not killed by pride.
Soy tuyo¡¡
I'm yours!!
Porque no hay tristeza a mi alrededor gracias por enseñarme lo que es el amor.
Because there is no sadness around me, thank you for teaching me what love is.
Toy amarrao amarrao amarrao no te dejo ni me voy ni matao.
I'm stuck, stuck, stuck on you, I won't leave, I won't go, even if it kills me.
Me tiene locamente enamorao yo lo que quiero e quedarme frizao¡¡
You have me crazy in love, all I want is to stay frozen with you forever!
Toy amarrao amarrao amarrao no te dejo ni me voy ni matao.
I'm stuck, stuck, stuck on you, I won't leave, I won't go, even if it kills me.
Me tiene loca mente enamorao yo lo que quiero e quedarme frizaoo¡¡
You have me crazy in love, all I want is to stay frozen with you forever!
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