Jeovanni El Empresario - El Pirata - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Jeovanni El Empresario - El Pirata

El Pirata
The Pirate
Las tracas blindadas, gente empecherada
The armored trucks, people crammed in
Con pasa montañas y muy buenas armas
With face masks and very good weapons
La plaza ami mando, el señor me ah encargado
The square is mine to command, the boss has put me in charge
No puedo fallarle, me a puesto confiansa
I can't fail him, he's given me his trust
Yo soy el pirata, esa es mi clave
I am the pirate, that's my code name
Me piden mi nombre, yo puedo darles
They ask me my name, I can give it to you
Eachuchen los versos, que voy a contarle
Listen to the verses, and I'll tell you
De lo que es mi jale, por si no lo sabe
About my work, in case you don't know
Naci en Hermosillo, yo soy Sonorense
I was born in Hermosillo, I'm from Sonora
Y aqui en huatabampo, yo tengo a mi gente
And here in Huatabampo, I have my people
No me dan la espalda, nunca han de rajarse
They don't turn their backs on me, they'll never chicken out
Son de sangre fria, listos pal combate
They're cold-blooded, ready for combat
Formamos equipo, pa una gran empresa
We formed a team, for a big company
Que aqui en Sonora mucho se respeta
That here in Sonora is highly respected
Trabajamos duro yo cumplo mi jale
We work hard, I do my job
Y el que se atraviesa, aqui estoy para atorarle
And whoever gets in my way, I'm here to stop them
Muchos envidiosos que quieren tumbarme
Many envious people who want to take me down
Los guerros me buscan, quieren encerrarme
The warriors are looking for me, they want to lock me up
No naci para rejas, naci pa ser grande
I wasn't born for bars, I was born to be great
Caiganle pal terre, aqui estoy pa atorarles
Come down to the ground, I'm here to stop you
Aqui los esperos con toda mi gente
I'm waiting for you here with all my people
Y tanbien sin ellos yo les hago frente
And even without them, I'll face you
Mi 45 mi cuerno de disco
My 45, my disco horn
Pechera ahustada, caiganle estoy listo
Vest on tight, come on, I'm ready
Pheonix Arizona donde yo fui criado
Phoenix, Arizona, where I was raised
Vivi tiempos buenos y tanbien tiempos malos
I lived through good times and also bad times
Trabajaba dura para alivianarme
I worked hard to ease my pain
Me meti al negocio para levantarme
I got into the business to rise up
Pero los gabachos quisieron tumbarme
But the gabachos wanted to take me down
Y gracias a dios pude fugarme
And thanks to God, I was able to escape
Ahora tengo puesto, a Pheonix no regreso
Now I have a position, I'm not going back to Phoenix
Adios Arizona me voy despidiendo
Goodbye Arizona, I'm saying farewell
Yo ya me despido, yo me voy cantando
Now I'm saying goodbye, I'm going to sing my way out
Ya conte mi historia presente y pasado
I've told my story, present and past
Desde mi principio hasta donde eh llegado
From my beginning to where I've arrived
Ahora tengo puesto tengo voz de mando
Now I have a position, I have a voice in command
Mi amistad sincera para a mis amigos
My sincere friendship to my friends
Y para las damas brindo mi cariño
And to the ladies, I give my love
Yo soy el pirata no se les olvide
I'm the pirate, don't forget it
Cuando ami me ocupen estoy pa servirles
When you need me, I'm here to serve you

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