Jeremy RFR feat. Askoman, Entre Peste & Damian Smash - Perfidia (feat. Askoman, Entre Peste & Damian Smash) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jeremy RFR feat. Askoman, Entre Peste & Damian Smash - Perfidia (feat. Askoman, Entre Peste & Damian Smash)

Perfidia (feat. Askoman, Entre Peste & Damian Smash)
Perfidia (feat. Askoman, Entre Peste & Damian Smash)
Mi mundo quedó lleno de odio
My world was filled with hate
Sin ningún apoyo
Without any support
Cansando de tanto falso amor
Tired of so much false love
Que no lloren en mi velorio
Don't let them cry at my wake
El que no ni a mis socios
Those who didn't even see my partners
Que solo vea brotar tanto licor
Let them only see so much liquor pouring out
Un trago amargo ese es el chorro
A bitter drink, that's the chorus
Pura sangre sin podio
Pure blood without a podium
Caballos de los finos mi señor
Horses of the finest, my lord
Poco siento pues yo no lloro
I feel little, because I don't cry
Sangre fría cloroformo
Cold blood, chloroform
Haciendo rap bastardo sin pudor
Making bastard rap without shame
Sucia perra en la calle me dejó
Dirty bitch left me on the street
Frio y solo con un tarro de alcohol
Cold and alone with a jar of alcohol
Penas y lágrimas lágrimas penas
Sorrows and tears, tears and sorrows
Y apenas las venas que aguantan mi so
And barely the veins that can handle my so
Salgo de la zona de confort
I leave the comfort zone
Salgo pa' darle chatarra
I go out to give scrap
Salgo en la noche y calor
I go out in the night and heat
La perra de farra en farra
The party bitch partying
Vivo la vida que yo vivo vida triste
I live the life I live, a sad life
Vivo la vida que yo vivo infelices
I live the life I live, unhappy
Tanto que me menospreciaste y no quisiste
So much you belittled me and didn't want me
Soy la puta droga que te desviste
I'm the fucking drug that undresses you
Mi mundo quedó lleno de odio
My world was filled with hate
Sin ningún apoyo cansado de tanto falso amor
Without any support, tired of so much false love
Que no lloren en mi velorio
Don't let them cry at my wake
El que no ni a mis socios
Those who didn't even see my partners
Que solo vea brotar tanto licor
Let them only see so much liquor pouring out
A la mierda el amor
To hell with love
Cuando mal nos paga
When it pays us badly
Malo si se entrega
Bad if it's given
Malo si se daña
Bad if it's damaged
Yo ya no me mato
I don't kill myself anymore
Para mi es la plaga
For me it's the plague
Ahora estoy en venta
Now I'm for sale
Ya no me maltrata y voy
Don't mistreat me anymore and I'm going
Siento que es mentira pero me voy
I feel like it's a lie but I'm going
Voy de lado a lado con precaución
I'm going from side to side with caution
Ahora me aleje aprendí la lección
Now I walked away, I learned my lesson
El dolor de ayer es motivación
Yesterday's pain is motivation
Y es que ya no no hay devolución
And there is no refund
Quedaré con la satisfacción
I will be left with satisfaction
No hay dolor suficiente
There is not enough pain
Que mi alma reviente y la mente presiente
For my soul to burst and my mind to sense
Volverás de momento
You'll be back momentarily
Con un maldito cuento
With a damn story
Pero la diferencia es que yo ya no copio
But the difference is that I don't copy anymore
Y me importan un culo recuerdos
And I don't give a damn about memories
Acaso lo pensaste
Did you even think about it
Cuando ayer me dejaste
When you left me yesterday
Y te fuiste y volaste, dijiste pensando que ya coronaste
And you left and flew away, you said thinking you had already won
No te quiero en mi mundo
I don't want you in my world
Volví del inframundo
I came back from the underworld
Visualizo el futuro te juro que no eras mi dama
I visualize the future, I swear you weren't my lady
Ni yo un vagabundo
Nor was I a vagabond
Mi mundo quedó lleno de odio
My world was filled with hate
Sin ningún apoyo cansado de tanto falso amor
Without any support, tired of so much false love
Que no lloren en mi velorio
Don't let them cry at my wake
El que no ni a mis socios
Those who didn't even see my partners
Que solo vea brotar tanto licor
Let them only see so much liquor pouring out
Dijiste lo que hiciste y me hiciste mierda
You said what you did and you screwed me over
Todo lo que hice por ti de eso no te acuerdas
Everything I did for you, you don't remember that
Perra no te di la mano pa que la muerdas
Bitch, I didn't give you my hand to bite
Y andas diciendo mil cosas de mi que no me concuerdan
And you're going around saying a thousand things about me that don't add up
Me senti mal ahogado en las pepas perdiendo plata
I felt bad, drowning in pills, losing money
Y ningún sapo de esos con los que andas se meta o lo matan
And any of those toads you're hanging out with better not interfere or they're dead
Trate de darle valor a una flor barata
I tried to give value to a cheap flower
Y sigo siendo al primero que llama cuando se dilata
And I'm still the first one she calls when she's freaking out
Una botella de vodka y clonazepam
A bottle of vodka and clonazepam
Me hicieron ver que lo que llega fácil rápido se va
Made me see that what comes easy goes fast
Lo fue ya nunca será
What was is no more
Mil bendiciones sigue tu camino y no me llames más
A thousand blessings, go your way and don't call me anymore
Mi mundo quedó lleno de odio
My world was filled with hate
Sin ningún apoyo cansado de tanto falso amor
Without any support, tired of so much false love
Que no lloren en mi velorio
Don't let them cry at my wake
El que no ni a mis socios
Those who didn't even see my partners
Que solo vea brotar tanto licor
Let them only see so much liquor pouring out
Entre barrotes cigarros leyendo tus cartas que fueron engaños
Between bars, cigarettes, reading your letters that were lies
Noches enteras de insomnio pensando en todos tus falsos te amo
Sleepless nights thinking about all your false I love yous
Que tortura imaginando que con otro estabas disfrutando
What torture imagining you were enjoying yourself with someone else
Yo pagando condena y brincando de palo en palo
Me serving time and you jumping from branch to branch
Menos mal no tuvimos cria
Thank goodness we didn't have a child
Pensaste que nunca saldría
You thought I would never get out
Que las puertas jamás se abrirían
That the doors would never open
Y la libertad nunca me llegaría
And freedom would never reach me
Lo siento bajarte del trono
I'm sorry to take you off the throne
Tumbarte de tu acomodo
Knock you out of your comfort
Que sigan pensando que eres la abeja y
Let them keep thinking you're the bee and
Yo sigo siendo el bobo
I'm still the fool
Ahora no digas lo siento
Now don't say you're sorry
Ya es tarde para lamentos
It's too late for regrets
No imaginas mi sufrimiento
You can't imagine my suffering
Pero quiero contarte un secreto que
But I want to tell you a secret
Con todas con las que me celaste
With all the ones you were jealous of me with
Con todas si tuve cuento
I did have a story with all of them
Son bajos mis argumentos
My arguments are low
Pero si te picaste por eso créeme
But if you were stung by that, believe me
Yo lo hice primero
I did it first

Writer(s): Luis Vejarano

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