Jesuly - Historias Para No Dormir 2 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jesuly - Historias Para No Dormir 2

Historias Para No Dormir 2
Stories Not to Sleep 2
Saliste convencío, muy seguro de ti mismo,
You emerged feeling confident, very sure of yourself,
Era un Sábado cualquiera y no te para un cataclismo,
It was an average Saturday and you wouldn't give up for a cataclysm,
Eras una fiera, ibas a follarte a varias,
You were a beast, you were going to fuck varios,
No importan si sus bocas están agrias o manías,
It didn't matter if their mouths were sour or mania,
La labia no te falta, te habían echao las cartas,
You didn't lack the gift of gab, the cards had been thrown at you,
Dijeron que follarías y tu moral estaba alta,
They said you would fuck and your morale was high,
La aguja no saltaría, no la pintarían ni en broma,
The needle would not jump, it would not even be painted as a joke,
Seguro que caería la que pasara por tu zona,
Surely the one that would pass by your area would fall,
Hozone puso el ritmo mientras que te maqueabas,
Hozone set the pace as you put on your makeup,
Gomina, la camisa flores, sobre cantabas,
Pomade, a floral shirt, you sang about me,
Quedaste con tres compis, en concreto íbais cuatro,
You agreed with three friends, specifically you four would go,
Queríais mojar sin pagar o que al menos fuera barato,
You wanted to get wet without paying or at least it would be cheap,
Da igual que fuera un pepino, un anormal o un tanque,
It doesn't matter if it was a cucumber, an abnormal or a tank,
Hoy de apalanque nanai, se tirásteis pa el Palenque,
Today no cuddling, you guys moved on to the Palenque,
No había una chavala que tuviera mala cara,
There wasn't a girl who had a bad face,
¿Sería que ninguna era fea o que toas te gustaban?
Could it be that none were ugly or that you liked them all?
Te asustaban las que estaban con pariento,
You were scared of those who were with their relatives,
Te habías puesto mu guapito y no querías enfrentamiento,
You had made yourself very handsome and you didn't want a confrontation,
Enfrente tuya no te miento, hermano ¡mira que esperpento!,
In front of you, I'm not lying, brother, look at that freak!,
Mediría uno noventa, esa se puede llevar cientos,
It would measure one ninety, that one could take hundreds,
te acercaste, te habías bebío seis caciques,
You came closer, you had drunk six caciques,
Así que ¿porqué no presentarse?, me lo expliquen,
So why not introduce yourself?, explain it to me,
Las tetas por amígdalas y un culo que ni Jennifer,
Her tits as tonsils and an ass like Jennifer's,
O te las pimplas esta noche o te lleva Lucifer,
You either screw her tonight or Lucifer will take you,
Simpática, agradable, bonita, parecía estable,
Nice, pleasant, pretty, she seemed stable,
Tenía un BMW Serie 3 insuperable,
She had an unbeatable BMW Series 3,
La charla fue corta, se alejásteis de la carpa,
The conversation was short, you moved away from the tent,
El asiento de su coche con lunas tintás, es mortal,
The seat of her car with tinted windows is deadly,
Estaba fuerte, catastes su material,
She was strong, you tasted her material,
Las tetas de silicona al final no están tan mal,
Silicone tits aren't so bad in the end,
Y esa faldita, vas y se la quitas,
And that skirt, you go and take it off,
Y resultó tener una polla que no cabía en el tanguita.
And she turned out to have a dick that didn't fit in the thong.

Writer(s): Jorge Masot Gallardo, Jesus Samper Belvis

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