Jesus Chairez - El Asombro - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jesus Chairez - El Asombro

El Asombro
The Astonishment
Era de los Ántrax sargento en batalla
He was a sergeant in battle for the Anthrax
Con el cinoc comenzó
He started with the Cinoc
Su mano en el hombro se movía el asombro
His hand on his shoulder, Astonishment would move
Manuel Torres le apodó
Manuel Torres nicknamed him
Desde de muy joven tenia buena puntería
From a very young age he had good aim
Pegaban rondines, equipados se movían
They would go on patrols, moving in gear
"Chuy Piedra", "El Tilin", también "El Javi"
"Chuy Piedra", "El Tilin", also "El Javi"
La escolta lo protegía
The escort protected him
Cuidaba su barba que no la cortaran
He took care of his beard so that they would not cut it
Porque fue encargo del "diez"
Because it was the assignment of "ten"
"0-1" en las cachas, su fija mirada
"0-1" on the handles, his piercing gaze
Y con un olor a Cartier
And with the scent of Cartier
Allá en La Lima y por Las Huertas patrullaba
There in La Lima and around Las Huertas he patrolled
Y en la 10 de Mayo vieran como se paseaba
And on 10 de Mayo you could see how he walked around
Las Milpitas y allá en El Salado
Las Milpitas and there in El Salado
Mucha gente lo apreciaban
Many people appreciated him
Y esta es para recordar al "sargento"
And this is to remember the "sergeant"
Aquel de la barba larga
The one with the long beard
"El asombro"
"The Astonishment"
Y así suena su compa Jesus Chairez
And this is how his buddy Jesus Chairez remembers him
Y que siga hasta El Salado oiga
And may he continue on to El Salado, listen
La noche llegaba, un toque quemaba
The night would come, a hit would burn
Y empezaba a divagar
And he would start to wander
Arena empuñaba, la pulverizaba
He would grip sand, and pulverize it
Con sus manos al pensar
Thinking with his hands
Y patrullando en la calle esquivando guachos
And patrolling in the streets, dodging narcs
Allá en el lavado de la DEA se me cuadraron
There at the DEA car wash they squared up to me
Me dijeron siga su camino
They said go on your way
No queremos afectarlo
We don't want to affect you
Sobrino Rodrigo, siempre estuvo al tiro
Nephew Rodrigo, he was always on the lookout
Adiós hermano Fidel
Goodbye, brother Fidel
De los hombres fieles, gente de Vicente
Of the faithful men, Vicente's people
Y del sombrero también
And also del sombrero
Dicen que un niño dio su pésame llorando
They say that a child gave his condolences, crying
No pudiera verlo, está en la escuela resguardado
He couldn't see it, he's safeguarded in school
El "Sargento" cayo allá en la Hidalgo
The "Sergeant" fell there in Hidalgo
Y hoy descansa en El Salado
And today he rests in El Salado

Writer(s): Compa Cháirez

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