Jeto - Sweet Seventeen - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jeto - Sweet Seventeen

Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen
Ella vivía bien en Santa
She was living well in Santa Fe
Tomaba, fumaba, reía de vez en vez.
Drinking, smoking, laughing from time to time.
Odiaba la escuela, era todo una mierda.
She hated school, it was all a piece of shit.
Ella decía "Yo ya que ¿Para qué?"
She said "I already know what I know, what for?"
Vivía un infierno, pero estaba bien.
She lived in hell, but she was okay.
Se enamoraba, la dejaban, lloraba.
She fell in love, they left her, she cried.
Nadie entendía de forma de querer,
Nobody understood her way of loving,
Pero ella siempre tenía con quien no quería crecer.
But she always had someone she didn't want to grow up with.
Se aprendió unos acordes que le enceñó no quién.
She learned some chords that I don't know who taught her.
No tocaba bien, peso sabía componer.
She didn't play well, but she knew how to compose.
Y entre bar tranzar.
And between bar hustling.
"¿Te conozco? ¿Y para qué?"(?)
"Do I know you? And why?"(?)
Escribió lo que vivía y comenzó a dat que hablar.
She wrote what she lived and started talking about it.
Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen
Fijate en tus bolsillos dama de negro,
Look at your pockets, lady in black,
No hay un centavo si el de saco (?) no te ve.
There's not a penny if the man in the suit (?) doesn't see you.
Mejor moverte en colectivos y trenes.
Better move around in buses and trains.
Mejor morir joven antes que envejecer.
Better to die young than to grow old.
Tener, tener, tener para tener.
To have, to have, to have in order to have.
Viajar para encontrar.
Travel to find.
Conocer para entender.
Know to understand.
Romper para mostrar lo nuevo que querés dar.
Break to show what you want to give.
Si al de saco (? no le gusta y la gente sigue igual
If the man in the suit (?) doesn't like it and people stay the same
Querés significar que tu infierno está bien, que nada sigue igual. P
You want to signify that your hell is okay, that nothing stays the same. P
Ero vos seguís siendo la misma niña, delineada de negro, c
But you're still the same girl, outlined in black, c
On un par de rompe huevos que antes no te
With a couple of troublemakers who didn't want you before
Quisieron y millones de boludos, envidiando tu futuro.
And millions of idiots, envying your future.
No justifiques
Don't justify
No digas como el amor y la guerra son fugases
Don't say how love and war are fleeting
Juntos, el amor y la guerra pueden vender mucho.
Together, love and war can sell a lot.
Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen
¿Qué más?
What else?
¿Qué más?
What else?
¿Qué más vas a quemar? Si papeles en tu trabajo ya no tiran más (?)
What else are you going to burn? If papers at your work no longer throw more (?)
Si el sin fin de tus heridas, ya empezaron a sanar.
If the endlessness of your wounds has started to heal.
Fuiste un desastre, pero así es como funciona.
You were a mess, but that's how it works.
No te retractes.
Don't recant.
No te arrepientas.
Don't regret.
Si tuviste que dejar, fué para explorar.
If you had to leave, it was to explore.
Si tuviste que finjir, fué para engañar.
If you had to pretend, it was to deceive.
Si tuviste que amar,
If you had to love,
Fué por una noche y el día continuar, sólo continuar.
It was for one night and the day to continue, just continue.
Los 17 no son solo años. Es la flor creciente.
17 is not just years. It's the growing flower.
Ya no quiero esperar, pero no me importa, quiero ir a jugar.
I don't want to wait anymore, but I don't care, I want to play.
Pero sé, pero sé, de qué debe tratar.
But I know, but I know, what it should be about.
Y cómo sebe ser, sólo música Rock y lo puedo manejar, y
And how it should be, just Rock music and I can handle it, and
Lo puedo majerar, lo puedo majerar, y lo puedo manejar.
I can handle it, I can handle it, and I can handle it.
Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen
Sweet Seventeen

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