Jhay Cortez feat. J Balvin & Bad Bunny - No Me Conoce - Remix - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jhay Cortez feat. J Balvin & Bad Bunny - No Me Conoce - Remix

No Me Conoce - Remix
No Me Conoce - Remix
Yeh-yeh-yeh-yeh (¿me sigue'?)
Yeh-yeh-yeh-yeh (Are you following?)
Nunca se deja ver (nunca se deja ver)
She never lets herself be seen (never lets herself be seen)
No sabe disimular (no sabe disimular)
Doesn't know how to hide it (doesn't know how to hide it)
Tiene lo suyo y le va bien
She's got her own thing going and she's doing well
Pero de noche conmigo le gusta portarse mal
But at night with me she likes to misbehave
Llega y lo que quiere es pecar, eh
She arrives and what she wants is to sin, eh
Está puesta pa' bellaquear, eh (la presión)
She's ready to get naughty, eh (the pressure)
Yo no la paro y a veces mira raro y
I don't stop her and sometimes she looks at me strangely and
Se hace la que no me conoce (la que no me conoce)
She pretends she doesn't know me (the one who doesn't know me)
Pero en mi cama se volvió un vicio como la 5-12 (como la 5-12)
But in my bed she became an addiction like the 5-12 (like the 5-12)
Me la como entera y nadie se entera un par de amiga' (un par de amiga')
I eat her whole and nobody finds out, a couple of friends (a couple of friends)
Toas solteras siempre la velan pa' que ella siga (siga)
All single, they always watch over her so she can keep going (keep going)
Se hace la que no me conoce (la que no me conoce)
She pretends she doesn't know me (the one who doesn't know me)
Pero en mi cama se volvió un vicio como la 5-12 (como la 5-12)
But in my bed she became an addiction like the 5-12 (like the 5-12)
Me la como entera y nadie se entera, un par de amiga' (¿me sigue'?)
I eat her whole and nobody finds out, a couple of friends (are you following?)
Toas solteras siempre la velan pa' que ella siga (pa' que ella siga)
All single, they always watch over her so she can keep going (so she can keep going)
Eh, si las miradas mataran, la tuya me hizo el amor
Eh, if looks could kill, yours made love to me
Se ve que estás a vapor
It's clear you're on fire
Ella mata con traje y cuando se viste sport
She kills it in a suit and when she dresses sporty
Tiene el booty XL, pero usa los pantie' small
She has an XL booty, but wears small panties
Una pa' aguntar presión y la tienen bloquea', eh
One to withstand pressure and they have her blocked, eh
Un par de psycho, stalkear
A couple of psychos stalking
No brega en la calle, pero está backea'
She doesn't hustle on the street, but she's backed up
La baby está muy dura, pa' que está hackea', eh
The baby is too hot, for me she's hacked, eh
Chiquitita pero grandota
Small but big
En la uni buena' nota', eh
Good grades at uni, eh
Niña buena, se le nota
Good girl, it shows
Pero le explota la nota y
But she explodes the grade and
Se hace la que no me conoce (la que no me conoce)
She pretends she doesn't know me (the one who doesn't know me)
Pero en mi cama se lo metí en cuatro y en to'ita' las pose' (toita' las pose')
But in my bed I put it in four and in all the poses (all the poses)
Me la como entera, nadie se entera con par de amiga' (un par de amiga')
I eat her whole, nobody finds out with a couple of friends (a couple of friends)
Toas solteras, siempre la velan pa' que ella siga (pa' que ella siga)
All single, they always watch over her so she can keep going (so she can keep going)
Se hace la que no me conoce (la que no me conoce)
She pretends she doesn't know me (the one who doesn't know me)
Pero en mi cama se volvió un vicio como la 5-12 (como la 5-12)
But in my bed she became an addiction like the 5-12 (like the 5-12)
Me la como entera y nadie se entera, un par de amiga' (¿me sigue'?)
I eat her whole and nobody finds out, a couple of friends (are you following?)
Toas solteras, siempre la velan pa' que ella siga (pa' que ella siga, la que sigue)
All single, they always watch over her so she can keep going (so she can keep going, the one who keeps going)
Me llama pa' que yo la pruebe y
She calls me so I can taste her and
Cuando yo la toco, eso llueve ahí
When I touch her, it rains there
Ella se vistió y yo la desvestí
She got dressed and I undressed her
Nunca dice: "no", siempre dice: "sí"
She never says "no", she always says "yes"
Cuando quiere bailar, el dembow la azota
When she wants to dance, the dembow throws her around
Ella se pone loca
She goes crazy
Ella lo que quiere es peinarse y arreglarse
She just wants to comb her hair and get ready
Llega a la disco a soltarse
She arrives at the club to let loose
Que si me conoce, dice: "no"
If she knows me, she says "no"
Pero sabe bien que
But she knows well that she does
Ella lo mezcla con alcohol
She mixes it with alcohol
Como cuando yo le di
Like when I gave it to her
En toda' las poses
In all the poses
Preguntan y dice: "no sé"
They ask and she says: "I don't know"
De contacto tiene José
Her contact is José
Y siempre después de las once o doce
And always after eleven or twelve
Me tira pa' que yo la pruebe
She calls me so I can taste her
Se pone olorosa y me gusta como huele (como huele)
She gets fragrant and I like how she smells (how she smells)
Instagram privado pa' que nadie la vele
Private Instagram so nobody can see her
Se puso bonita porque sabe que hoy se bebe
She got pretty because she knows that today she drinks
A portarse mal, pa' sentirse bien
To misbehave, to feel good
No quería fumar, pero le dio al pen (sí)
She didn't want to smoke, but she hit the pen (yes)
Una Barbie, pero no busca un Ken (no)
A Barbie, but she's not looking for a Ken (no)
Siempre le llego cuando dice "ven"
I always get to her when she says "come"
Pa' portarse mal, se viste bien
To misbehave, she dresses well
Dice la verdad y a vece' miente también
She tells the truth and sometimes lies too
Apaga las notificacione' en el cel (cel)
She turns off notifications on her cell (cell)
Ella tiene lo suyo, pero hoy quiere joder
She has her own thing, but today she wants to mess around
Y yo le di por el expreso
And I gave it to her on the expressway
Le llené el cuello de beso'
I filled her neck with kisses
Le hice tiempo como un preso
I made time for her like a prisoner
Si la ve' no le hable' de eso, que
If you see her, don't talk to her about that, that
Se hace la que no me conoce (la que no me conoce)
She pretends she doesn't know me (the one who doesn't know me)
Pero en mi cama se volvió un vicio como la 5-12 (como la 5-12)
But in my bed she became an addiction like the 5-12 (like the 5-12)
Me la como entera y nadie se entera, un par de amiga' (un par de amiga')
I eat her whole and nobody finds out, a couple of friends (a couple of friends)
Toas solteras, siempre la velan pa' que ella siga (siga)
All single, they always watch over her so she can keep going (keep going)
Se hace la que no me conoce (la que no me conoce)
She pretends she doesn't know me (the one who doesn't know me)
Pero en mi cama se volvió un vicio como la 5-12 (como la 5-12)
But in my bed she became an addiction like the 5-12 (like the 5-12)
Me la como entera y nadie se entera, un par de amiga' (un par de amiga')
I eat her whole and nobody finds out, a couple of friends (a couple of friends)
Toas solteras siempre la velan pa' que ella siga (ah-ah-aah)
All single, they always watch over her so she can keep going (ah-ah-aah)
¿Me sigue'? (J Balvin man)
Are you following? (J Balvin man)
Dímelo Balvin, Bad Bunny
Tell me Balvin, Bad Bunny
Latino Gang (¿me sigue'?)
Latino Gang (are you following?)
La Presión (Jhayco, Jhay Cortez)
The Pressure (Jhayco, Jhay Cortez)
Jhayco, Jhay Cortez, eh (Oasis Team)
Jhayco, Jhay Cortez, eh (Oasis Team)
Bad Bunny, na-na-na (yeh-yeh-yeh-yeh)
Bad Bunny, na-na-na (yeh-yeh-yeh-yeh)
Bad Bunny, J Balvin (Bad Bunny, baby-be-bé)
Bad Bunny, J Balvin (Bad Bunny, baby-be-bé)
Jhay Cortez (Na', no va a ser ustedes)
Jhay Cortez (Nah, it's not gonna be you guys)
Bad Bunny, baby-be-bé, eh-eh-eh (¿me sigue' o no me sigue' todavía?)
Bad Bunny, baby-be-bé, eh-eh-eh (Are you still following or not?)
Yo creo que (sí, Masis vuelve a poner un ritmo así, lo vuelvo a partir)
I think so (yes, Masis put a beat like that again, I'll break it again)
¿Qué fue?, ja, ja
What was it?, haha
Oasis, Oasis (La Trinidad)
Oasis, Oasis (The Trinity)


Jhay Cortez feat. J Balvin & Bad Bunny - No Me Conoce (Remix)
No Me Conoce (Remix)
date de sortie

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