Pues muy bien ultimamente e estado pensando en varias cosas y queria hablar con tigo
Well, I've been thinking about a lot of things lately, and I wanted to talk to you.
Aquí estoy cuentame
I'm here, tell me.
Pues nose como decirte.
Well, I don't know how to say this.
Ya dime me estas asustando.
Just tell me, you're scaring me.
Hace tiempo que me gustas, me fijé en ti y estoy enamorado difícil saber si me podrias dar una oportunidad de empezar un romance con tigo.
I've liked you for a while, I noticed you, and I'm in love. It's hard to know if you could give me a chance to start a romance with you.
Disculpame esque a mi me gusta alguien más y a ti te puedo ver solo como amigo
I'm sorry, but I like someone else, and I can only see you as a friend.
No tengo nada que reprochar en cierto, pero ojalá encuentres alguien como yo que te ame a corazón abierto que texteando en madrugadas por ti se encuente despierto y sepa como aconsejarte que para eso fui un experto consideró soy culpable perdi una amistad valiosa, pero tal vez tu rechazaste una relación hermosa pude a ver dado de mi lo mejor para conquistarte.
I have nothing to reproach, really, but I hope you find someone like me who will love you with an open heart, who will stay up late texting you, and who knows how to advise you, because I was an expert at that. I consider myself guilty; I lost a valuable friendship, but maybe you rejected a beautiful relationship. I could have given my best to win you over.
Pero dijiste que no y con ese sueño acabaste.
But you said no, and with that, you ended the dream.
Siempre te defendí ante todo en cada situación, recuerda cuando te asaltaron te sorprendió mi reacción logré regresarte el móvil esa tarde nunca olvidó me besaste en la mejilla anduve todo distraído.
I always defended you above all else in every situation, remember when you were robbed? You were surprised by my reaction. I got your phone back that afternoon, you never forgot. You kissed me on the cheek, I was all distracted.
Tareas realizadas las pláticas los martes excusas que me inventaba solo para que me Marqués
Completed tasks, conversations on Tuesdays, excuses I made up just to impress you.
No aguanté mintiendo así decidí confesar todo lo que sentía y me dejaste de hablar.
I couldn't stand lying like that, so I decided to confess everything I felt, and you stopped talking to me.
Solo amigos fuimos, porque cometi un error arriesgar lo que tuvimos por querer algo mejor
We were just friends because I made a mistake, risking what we had for wanting something better.
Solo amigos fuimos perdón por ilusionarme sabiendo que al final optarias por rechazarme.
We were just friends, I'm sorry for getting my hopes up, knowing that in the end, you would choose to reject me.
Solo amigos fuimos, porque cometi un error arriesgar lo qué tuvimos por querer algo mejor.
We were just friends because I made a mistake, risking what we had for wanting something better.
Solo amigos fuimos perdón por ilusionarme sabiendo que al final optarias por rechazarme.
We were just friends, I'm sorry for getting my hopes up, knowing that in the end, you would choose to reject me.
Esta llamada aque se debe que te a dado por buscarme, después de ése dia que hablamos jamas volviste a mirarme.
Why this call? What made you look for me after that day we talked? You never looked at me again.
Incluso fui a disculparme respondió tu indiferencia a un que por mi imprudencia así asumí las consecuencias
I even went to apologize, your indifference answered me, though for my imprudence, I assumed the consequences.
¿Pero Como te a hido?
But how have you been?
No muy bien últimamente.
Not very well lately.
Según tú estabas Segura que el con tigo estaría siempre
According to you, you were sure he would always be with you.
¿Te fue infiel?
He was unfaithful to you?
Si, pensé qué era diferente.
Yes, I thought he was different.
Tal vez el físico importa, pero mas lo que uno siente
Maybe looks matter, but what one feels matters more.
Yo te ofrecí amor sincero rechazo recibí, pero la vida da vueltas y hoy me estas buscando a mi
I offered you sincere love, I received rejection, but life turns around, and today you are looking for me.
Pense que era lo mejor pero mira bien es triste no me bayas a salir con que ya te arrepentiste.
I thought it was for the best, but look closely, it's sad. Don't come to me saying you've changed your mind.
Cuando menos lo espere y llego fue maravilloso como tu un pasado triste, se hizo un presente grandioso.
When I least expected it, it arrived and it was wonderful. Like you, a sad past became a great present.
Te declare mi amor y me dijiste eres mi amigo
I declared my love to you, and you said you were my friend.
Ahora discúlpame nena ya no quiero hablar con tigo.
Now excuse me, babe, I don't want to talk to you anymore.
Solo amigos fuimos, porque cometí un error arriesgar lo que tuvimos por querer algo mejor.
We were just friends because I made a mistake, risking what we had for wanting something better.
Solo amigos fuimos perdón por ilucionarme sabiendo que al final optarías por rechazarme.
We were just friends, I'm sorry for getting my hopes up, knowing that in the end, you would choose to reject me.
Solo amigos fuimos, porque cometí un error arriesgar lo que tuvimos por querer algo mejor.
We were just friends because I made a mistake, risking what we had for wanting something better.
Solo amigos fuimos perdón por ilusionarme sabiendo que al final optarias por rechazarme.
We were just friends, I'm sorry for getting my hopes up, knowing that in the end, you would choose to reject me.
Jheyc produce
Jheyc produces
Jhobick Zamora
Jhobick Zamora
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