Jhonny Lexus feat. Kiara - La Despedida - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jhonny Lexus feat. Kiara - La Despedida

La Despedida
The Farewell
Presiento.(yeah jhonny lexus el starman)
I have a feeling (yeah Johnny Lexus the Starman)
No me volverás
You won't come back to me
Extrañame (mi nombre es johnny)no me volverás
Miss me (my name is Johnny) you won't come back to me
Pre siento no me volverás a ver
I have a feeling you won't see me again
Tuu... no me volverás
You... won't come back to me
No me volveras
You won't come back to me
Alo amor mio estoy desesperado
Hello my love I'm desperate
Alguien nos derrotó y los pacos an llegado
Someone defeated us and the cops have arrived
Se nos cayó el camello, nos sapearon
The deal went south, they jumped us
Tenemos la platita y si salimos que se abran disparos
We have the money and if we get out, open fire
Dime que hago no pienso estar encerrado
Tell me what to do, I'm not going to be locked up
Y te llame x si no alcanzo a despedirme
And I called you in case I don't get to say goodbye
O estar a tu lado
Or be by your side
Y aunque suene raro
And even if it sounds strange
X primera vez en la vida me repugna esto que hago
For the first time in my life I'm disgusted by what I do
Y tengo miedo la verdad esque tengo miedo
And I'm scared, the truth is I'm scared
Y ay levanta el sentimiento de que acaso hoy no llego
And there arises the feeling that maybe I won't make it today
Si algo me pasa no olvides cuanto te quiero
If something happens to me, don't forget how much I love you
Y que tu fuiste y que serás siempre
And that you were and always will be
Mi amor verdadero
My true love
A lo sincero mi vida si esta es mi despedida
To be honest my life, if this is my goodbye
Gracias te doy por ser mi mujer y mi amiga
Thank you for being my woman and my friend
Te agradezco el insistir que dejará esta vida
I thank you for insisting that I leave this life
No te ise caso y hoy la muerte será la salida
I didn't listen to you and today death will be the way out
Cuida a mi hija y evitarla para que no falle
Take care of my daughter and prevent her from failing
Y no permitas k se entere kien yo fui con detalle
And don't let her know who I was in detail
Solo dile que la muerte me acabo en la calle
Just tell her that death took me on the street
Y que siempre la cuidare donde quiera que me halle
And that I will always take care of her wherever I am
Hazla que estudie y se prepare para que no se pierda
Make her study and prepare so she doesn't get lost
Para que esta injusta sociedad no la lleve a la mie
So that this unjust society doesn't lead her to mine
Dile que la amo si se encuentra despierta
Tell her that I love her if she's awake
Y si ella duerme dale un beso por que...
And if she's asleep, give her a kiss because...
Presiento que no me volverás a ver
I have a feeling I won't see you again
Extrañame que yo te extrañare también
Miss me because I will miss you too
Presiento que no me volverás a ver
I have a feeling I won't see you again
Extrañame que yo te extrañare tambien
Miss me because I will miss you too
No me volveras...
You won't come back...
Dile a mi madre que la voy a extrañar
Tell my mother that I'm going to miss her
La casa que le prometi no se la pude comprar
The house I promised her, I couldn't buy it
Que me perdone al escoger un mal camino
May she forgive me for choosing a bad path
Pero es que me canse de verla lavándole
But I got tired of seeing her washing clothes
La ropa a los vecinos a diario
For the neighbours every day
Luchando y sin horario
Struggling and without a schedule
Para haiga un pan en casa y
So that there would be bread at home and
No fiar en la tienda del barrio
Not to rely on the neighborhood store
Dile que me perdone el error
Tell her to forgive me for the mistake
Nunca fui el doctor que soñaba me hice ladrón
I never became the doctor she dreamed of, I became a thief
Que decepcion, para mi vieja
What a disappointment, for my old lady
La primera vez que me vio tras las rejas
The first time she saw me behind bars
Entre llantos me abrazó y me dijo perpleja
Between sobs, she hugged me and said perplexed
Porque lo hiciste .si ser pobre no me acompleja
Why did you do it? Being poor doesn't bother me
Orgulloso estoy de mi viejita
I'm proud of my old lady
Prometeme que ay estarás si algun dia te necesita
Promise me that you will be there if she ever needs you
De mis días anteriores dale una platita
From my previous days, give her some money
Y dale tu la noticia si algo me va a pasar ahorita.
And you give her the news if something is going to happen to me now
Presiento no me volverás a ver
I have a feeling I won't see you again
Extrañame que yo te extrañare también
Miss me because I will miss you too
Presiento que no me volverás a ver
I have a feeling I won't see you again
Extrañame que yo te extrañare tmbn
Miss me because I will miss you too
No me volveras...
You won't come back to me...
Mi amor si caigo ya tu sabes que hacer
My love, if I fall, you know what to do
Los pacos llegaran a querer sorprender
The cops will come and want to surprise you
No digas nada no sabes nada
Don't say anything, you don't know anything
Nunca nada
Never give anything away
Que la plata que a ellos les tocó, ya fue entregada
That the money they got, was already delivered
Prometo no estará aquí involucrada
I promise you won't be involved here
Si hoy yo muero no fue en vano (en parte)
If I die today, it was not in vain (partly)
Fue sapada
It was worth it
Sabes que no quedará desamparada
You know you won't be left helpless
Lo que dejó nadie puede quitarte nada
What I left, no one can take from you
Y extrañame hasta mi tumba flores llevame
And miss me, take flowers to my grave
Cuando conozcas a alguien bueno. solo casate
When you meet someone good, just get married
Forma una familia pero no vayas a dejar que alguien maltrate a mi niña
Start a family but don't let anyone mistreat my little girl
La quiero tanto
I love her so much
Promete que si me velan vas a controlar el llanto
Promise that if they watch over me, you will control the crying
Y no me vayan a vestir de blanco
And don't dress me in white
Cuando allá donde yo voy (achacados) me están esperando
When there where I'm going (buried) they are waiting for me
Y ke mi caja la carguen los k si me quisieron
And let my coffin be carried by those who did love me
Pues la bandeja sabe bien k aya los primero
Because the tray knows well that there are the first
Mi pueblo va a llorar cuando sepan k me dieron
My people will cry when they know they got me
K me velen allá primero
That they watch over me there first
Todos mis llavecitas no faltarán a la cita
All my little keys will not miss the appointment
De akel k cuando pudo apoyo en (durita)
Of the one who, when he could, supported in (hard times)
Mi amor (comenzando pa acabar su rita)
My love (beginning to finish her drink)
Me despido por que voy a salir.
I say goodbye because I'm going out.
(La policía a montado un impresionante
(The police have mounted an impressive
Operativo no sabemos cuanto detenidos...)
Operation we don't know how many detainees...)
Plaa plaaaa pummm!!!
Bang bang bang!!!
Yo te extrañare tmbn
I will miss you too
Noo noooo
No no no
Uuu uuu
Uuu uuu
Te siento
I feel you
Te siento
I feel you
Bueno esta cancion va dedicada para el barrio
Well this song is dedicated to the neighborhood
Para los de mi vecindario y los del otro vecindario jeje
For those in my neighborhood and those in the other neighborhood hehe
Pa los k ya se an ido
For those who have already left
Y pa los k siguen en la hacienda allí metidos.
And for those who are still stuck in the farm there.
Oye de todo corazón
Hey from the bottom of my heart
A mi me toco ser rapero y a ti lambon
I had to be a rapper and you a yes-man
Hermano ya tu sabes
Brother you already know
Solo el que ha pasado necesidad
Only the one who has gone through need
Sabe k esta historia es verdad
Knows that this story is true
Oye ya tu sabe te la dedico amigo
Hey you know I dedicate it to you friend
No puedo decir tu nombre
I can't say your name
Pero tu sabe
But you know
Seguimos sobreviviendo como hombres
We continue surviving as men
No me volveras...
You won't come back to me...

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