Jhonny Lexus - Te Mate - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Jhonny Lexus - Te Mate

Te Mate
I Killed You
Te mate y no pienso retractarme ni un segundo
I killed you and I don't regret it for a second
Soy culpable de borrarte de este mundo
I'm guilty of wiping you from this world
Porq ya no había sitio para los dos
Because there was no longer room for both of us
Por eso ya no pude mas y te mate
That's why I couldn't take it anymore and I killed you
En honor a la verdad no me arrepiento
In honor of the truth, I have no regrets
Y de mi no escucharan decir lo siento
And you will not hear me say I'm sorry
Si le hicistes lo mismo a mi corazón
If you did the same to my heart
La venganza fue mas fuerte y te mate
Revenge was stronger and I killed you
Por q ya pensar en ti ya era una tortura
Because thinking about you was already torture
Y llorar desconsolado no no ayuda
And crying inconsolably does no good
Mientras escucho q con otro alguien te vio
As I hear that someone else saw you
El dolor me doblego y te mate
The pain overcame me and I killed you
Por q de verdad era algo necesario
Because it was really necessary
El dolor había cojido de ir a diario
The pain had taken to going daily
De visita a casa para hablar de ti
On house visits to talk about you
Y ya no soporte mas de ti y dispare
And I couldn't stand any more of you and I shot
Una bala cargada de indiferencia
A bullet loaded with indifference
Dirigida a tu cabeza y tu conciencia
Directed at your head and your conscience
Q te llene de dolor y a de amnesia
May it fill you with pain and me with amnesia
Cuando alguien toque el tema del amor
When someone brings up the subject of love
Q te duela cada vez al recordarme
May it hurt you every time you remember me
Q fallaste y q te sientas miserable
That you failed and that you feel miserable
Y te culpe a cada rato por dejar
And blame yourself every moment for leaving
Al idiota q en la vida mira mas te amo
The idiot who loves you the most in life
Y te pongas a llorar viendo mi foto
And make yourself cry looking at my picture
Y simpre pienses e mi aunq tengas otro
And always think of me even though you have someone else
Mientras yo gozo en la vida como un loco
While I enjoy life like a madman
Q si ayer sufrió por ti ya se olvido
Who suffered for you yesterday and has already forgotten
Te mate y la verdad no me arrepiento
I killed you and I really don't regret it
Te mate y acabe con el sufrimiento
I killed you and ended the suffering
Y no sabe lo orgulloso q me siento
And I don't know how proud I feel
Por q de mi vida yo te mate te mate
Because from my life I killed you killed you
Te mate
I killed you
De mi vida te mate
From my life I killed you
De mi vida te mate
From my life I killed you
Te mate te mate
I killed you killed you
De mi vida te mate te mate
From my life I killed you killed you
De mi vida te mate
From my life I killed you
Si le hiciste lo mismo a mi corazón
If you did the same to my heart
Si le hiciste lo mismo a mi corazón
If you did the same to my heart
Si le hiciste lo mismo a mi corazón
If you did the same to my heart
Si le hiciste lo mismo a mi corazón
If you did the same to my heart

Writer(s): D.r.a., Jhonny Lexus

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