Este o piesa compusa de charles dumont in 1973 fiind una dintre cele msi iubite piese frantuzesti cantata de Edith Piaf
. Aceasta a fost folosita ca muzica de fundal in multe filme ca de exemplu The Dreamers!
This is a song composed by Charles Dumont in 1973 and is one of the most beloved French songs sung by Edith Piaf. It has been used as background music in many films, such as The Dreamers!
2.Mon mec a moi
2. My man
In 1987 a fost lansata de Patricia Kaas si a fost al3-lea single tinand mult timp locul
1 in topurile muzicale! Piesa arata dragostea ei presarata cu multe minciuni si dezamagiri din partea masculina!
In 1987 it was released by Patricia Kaas and was the third single to hold the number
1 spot on the music charts for a long time! The song shows her love sprinkled with many lies and disappointments from the male side!
3.Padam Padam
3. Padam Padam
4.La vie en rose
4. Life in Pink
Celebrul film care ne prrzinta viata cantaretei Edith Piaf poarta si numele urmatoarei piese La vie en rose!
The famous film that shows us the life of the singer Edith Piaf also bears the name of the following song La vie en rose!
5.Mademoiselle chante blues
5. Mademoiselle sings the blues
Poarta numele albumului de debut al patriciei kaas lansat in 1988
It bears the name of Patricia Kaas' debut album released in 1988.
6.La boheme
6. La boheme
7.Champs elysees
7. Champs elysees
Urmat piesa se numeste C.E a fost lansata in australia dar joe dassin a refacut versurile in franceza si asa a luat fiinta in 1969!
The next song is called C.E. It was released in Australia, but Joe Dassin reworked the lyrics in French and that's how it came into being in 1969!
8. From Germany
Un alt hit al Patriciei Kaas de pe albumul Madmoiselle Chante
Another hit by Patricia Kaas from the album Madmoiselle Chante
9.Je t aime
9. I love you
10.Lees amants d un jour
10. The lovers of a day
11. Milord
12.L accordeoniste
12. The accordionist
13.La foule
13. The crowd
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