When I wake up in the evening, I just space out and first of all, get on the Internet, ignoring my phone and e-mails, and quickly click around and "Like!" things
I kill time like that and keep zoning out until night
Seriously, I've gone too far, but I don't even care anymore
I forgot. What day of the week is it?
I have an important appointment,
But I'm so out of it that even a hopeless situation like this is fun
Lately, I have no feelings and do nothing but type
I'm sorry
「俺はやっぱりネットやりすぎてる せいかは知らないけれど、」
I'm really bad at the Internet, or maybe because of it, I don't know, but
Um, uh, words aren't coming out, so
Can I type it on the keyboard?
I can't say "I might be no good anymore"
Wake up in 夕方ももう終わる頃、そろそろと動く まるで虫のよう
Wake up in the evening when the day's almost over, slowly moving about, just like a bug
そのモニター越しに 言葉と他の意味 柔らかい指先とか記号のみ どっぷり浸かってるCloudの海
Words and other meanings through that computer monitor, only soft fingertips and symbols, deeply immersed in the Cloud's sea
Wake up in 夕方ももう終わる頃、そろそろと動く まるで虫のよう
Wake up in the evening when the day's almost over, slowly moving about, just like a bug