Joan Dausà - Jo Mai Mai - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Joan Dausà - Jo Mai Mai

Jo Mai Mai
I Never Ever
Avui l'Albert arriba a l'hora
Today Albert arrives on time
Em dóna el cava
He gives me the cava
I el poso en fred
And I put it in the fridge
I arriben l'Héctor i la Clara
And Hector and Clara arrive
Porten la nena adormida en el cotxet
They bring their little girl asleep in the car
I obro la porta a la Judit
And I open the door for Judit
Avui vens sola, m'encanta el teu vestit
Today you come alone, I love your dress
I va arribant tota la colla
And the whole group arrives
Quan són a taula trec el sopar
When they're at the table I bring out dinner
Un menjar exquisit, vull provar aquest vi
Exquisite food, I want to try this wine
Qui vol café? Hi ha gin-tonics també
Who wants coffee? There are also gin and tonics
I juguem al joc d'aquelles nits d'estiu
And we play the game from those summer nights
No parleu tant fort que la nena
Don't talk so loud, the little girl
I l'Héctor diu
And Hector says
Jo mai mai he desitjat fer un petó a la Judit
I never ever wished to kiss Judit
I afegeix
And he adds
Jo mai mai he desitjat que deixés al seu marit
I never ever wished she would leave her husband
Tothom em mira i ningú beu
Everyone looks at me and no one drinks
I aquell dard emmatzinat
And that poisoned dart
Se m'ha clavat al cor
Has pierced my heart
I ho reconec i faig un glop
And I admit it and take a sip
I veig que tots riuen de cop
And I see that everyone suddenly laughs
Però la Judit aixeca el got, em mira i diu
But Judit raises her glass, looks at me and says
Jo mai mai no he pensat que seria més feliç al teu costat
I never ever thought I'd be happier by your side
Jo mai mai no he pensat que seria més feliç al teu costat
I never ever thought I'd be happier by your side
I jo em congelo i ella beu
And I freeze and she drinks

Writer(s): Joan Dausà

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