Joan Dausà - Martina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Joan Dausà - Martina

De petita, quan tancava els ulls per pensar
As a child, when I closed my eyes to think
Quin desig demanaria al veure volar
What wish I would make when I saw it fly
La llavor de color blanc que agafava entre les mans
The white seed that I held in my hands
I bufant deixava anar
And blew away
Sempre es veia en una casa amb grans finestrals
I always saw myself in a house with large windows
Esmorzant a la porxada amb un home elegant
Having breakfast on the porch with an elegant man
Ara viu sola en un pis amb un gat que sembla trist
Now she lives alone in an apartment with a cat that seems sad
I una taula massa gran
And a table that's too big
Però al creuar la porta avui se sent més forta
But today, as she walks through the door, she feels stronger
Passeja per les Rambles un vestit vermell
Walking down the Ramblas in a red dress
Comprarà algun llibre i li escriurà una nota
She'll buy a book and write a note for him
I sense embolicar el guardarà per ell
And without wrapping it, she'll keep it for him
La seva germana treu el cava enmig del sopar
Her sister brings out the champagne in the middle of dinner
Per sorpresa li proposa abans de brindar
To her surprise, she proposes before toasting
Si voldrà ser la padrina del petit o la petita
If she wants to be the godmother of her little boy or girl
Que vindrà abans de Nadal
Who will come before Christmas
Mentre plora d'alegria
As she cries with joy
No pot evitar
She can't help
Imaginar que potser un dia
Imagining that maybe someday
En algun sopar
At some dinner
Ella pugui treure el cava i els expliqui emocionada
She can take out the champagne and tell them excitedly
Que per fi ja l'ha trobat
That she has finally found him
Però ella encara no sap
But she doesn't know yet
Que els anys passen volant
That the years fly by
I un dia
And one day
Un mirall esquerdat li dirà "ja et fas gran"
A cracked mirror will tell her "you're getting old"
I la seva soledat serà el fidel amant
And her loneliness will be her faithful lover
I al creuar la porta avui se sent més forta
But today, as she walks through the door, she feels stronger
Passeja per les Rambles un vestit vermell
Walking down the Ramblas in a red dress
Comprarà algun llibre i li escriurà una nota
She'll buy a book and write a note for him
I sense embolicar el guardarà per ell
And without wrapping it, she'll keep it for him

Writer(s): Joan Dausà

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