Joan Garrido - Un Dia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Joan Garrido - Un Dia

Un Dia
Vaig trobar la calma
I found peace
Ho recordo com si fos ahir
I remember it like it was yesterday
Mai podré explicar-me
I can never explain to myself
Com hem arribat aquí
How we got here
Potser va ser la màgia de la mar
Maybe it was the magic of the sea
O jo que em vaig deixar hipnotitzar
Or I let myself get hypnotized
I si recordo aquell somriure
And if I remember that smile
Penso en tot allò que em vaig prometre
I think about everything I promised to myself
Que un dia et diria
That one day I would tell you
Sempre et busco on et trobava a l'arribar
I always look for you where I found you when I arrived
I ja no puc veure (Eo)
And I can't see anymore (Eo)
I ja no puc creure (Eo)
And I can't believe anymore (Eo)
Sento que ara em falta un dia al teu costat
I feel like I'm missing a day with you now
Però per dintre (Eo)
But inside (Eo)
Alguna cosa (Eo)
Something (Eo)
Em diu que això ens havia de passar
Tells me that this had to happen to us
Bé, la veritat és que em senta
Well, the truth is, it feels good
Cada frase d'aquest paper
Every sentence on this paper
Ja no puc evitar-ho més (Evitar-ho més)
I can't avoid it anymore (Avoid it anymore)
I és que a la nit d'aquest hivern
And it's that on the night of this winter
Em desvetlla d'un somni etern
It wakes me up from an eternal dream
On mai hi caurà la pluja
Where the rain will never fall
Potser va ser la màgia de la mar
Maybe it was the magic of the sea
O jo que em vaig deixar hipnotitzar
Or I let myself get hypnotized
I si recordo aquell somriure
And if I remember that smile
Penso en tot allò que em vaig prometre
I think about everything I promised to myself
Que un dia et diria
That one day I would tell you
Sempre et busco on et trobava a l'arribar
I always look for you where I found you when I arrived
I ja no puc veure (Eo)
And I can't see anymore (Eo)
I ja no puc creure (Eo)
And I can't believe anymore (Eo)
Sento que ara em falta un dia al teu costat
I feel like I'm missing a day with you now
Però per dintre (Eo)
But inside (Eo)
Alguna cosa (Eo)
Something (Eo)
Em diu que això ens havia de passar
Tells me that this had to happen to us
Sempre et busco on et trobava a l'arribar
I always look for you where I found you when I arrived
I ja no puc veure (Eo)
And I can't see anymore (Eo)
I ja no puc creure (Eo)
And I can't believe anymore (Eo)
Sento que ara em falta un dia al teu costat
I feel like I'm missing a day with you now
Però per dintre (Eo)
But inside (Eo)
Alguna cosa (Eo)
Something (Eo)
Em diu que això ens havia de passar
Tells me that this had to happen to us
Em diu que això ens havia de passar
Tells me that this had to happen to us

Writer(s): Adrián Ghiardo, Joan Garrido

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