Joan Isaac - Una de Dues - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Joan Isaac - Una de Dues

Una de Dues
One of Two
No saps el greu dilema que em provoca
You do not know the difficult dilemma which causes me
Passar de tot i no dir-te ni mu.
To ignore everything and not say anything to you.
Però avui jo sóc aquí, toca a qui toca.
But today I am here, and it's my turn.
Ni més ni menys com no faries tu.
No more, no less than you would do yourself.
M'he enamorat, que ho sàpigues, col lega,
I have fallen in love, so you know, colleague,
D'aquesta dona que duus al teu costat.
With this woman you lead by your side.
Potser em diràs que es una estupidesa,
Maybe you will tell me it's stupid
Però no controlo quan estic penjat.
But I don't control myself when I'm in love.
Una de dues,
One of two things,
O m'emporto aquest bombó
Either I take this sweet thing,
O entre tots tres ens muntem la festa,
Or between the three of us we will have a party,
Ho vulguis o no.
Whether you like it or not.
Una de dues,
One of two things,
O m'emporto aquest bombó
Either I take this sweet thing,
O entre tots tres ens muntem la festa,
Or between the three of us we will have a party,
Ho vulguis o no.
Whether you like it or not.
No creguis que t'estic parlant de broma.
Do not think I am joking with you.
El ten somriure es encisador.
Her smile is captivating.
Aquestes coses s'agafen de conya,
These things are taken seriously,
A destralades o al camp de l'honor.
With blows or on the field of honor.
No es tracta de Desdèmones ni Otel los,
This is not about Desdemonas or Othellos,
Ni drames mexicans dels de Buñuel.
Or Mexican dramas by Buñuel.
Recorda que per un afer de gelosia
Remember that for a matter of jealousy
Caïm va carregar-se un tal Abel.
Cain offed a certain Abel.
Una de dues,
One of two things,
O m'emporto aquest bombó
Either I take this sweet thing,
O entre tots tres ens muntem la festa,
Or between the three of us we will have a party,
Ho vulguis o no.
Whether you like it or not.
Una de dues,
One of two things,
O m'emporto aquest bombó
Either I take this sweet thing,
O entre tots tres ens muntem la festa,
Or between the three of us we will have a party,
Ho vulguis o no.
Whether you like it or not.
De què em serveix cansar-te amb tants sondejos?
Why should I tire you with so many polls?
A tu jo no puc fer-te llum de gas.
I cannot gaslight you.
Aquestes coses sols les fan els Iletjos.
Only ugly people do such things.
Deixem-nos de romanços. Anem al gra.
Let's leave behind the romance. Let's get down to business.
Que aquesta dona em vulgui no es tan tràgic,
That this woman might want me is not so tragic,
Si penses que a tu t'estima també.
If you think she also loves you.
El seu raonament es molt pragmàtic.
Her reasoning is very pragmatic.
Només pretén no perdre's ni un sol tren.
She only intends not to miss a single train.
Una de dues,
One of two things,
O m'emporto aquest bombó
Either I take this sweet thing,
O entre tots tres ens muntem la festa,
Or between the three of us we will have a party,
Ho vulguis o no.
Whether you like it or not.
Una de dues,
One of two things,
O m'emporto aquest bombó
Either I take this sweet thing,
O entre tots tres ens muntem la festa,
Or between the three of us we will have a party,
Ho vulguis o no.
Whether you like it or not.
Una de dues,
One of two things,
O m'emporto aquest bombó
Either I take this sweet thing,
O entre tots tres ens muntem la festa,
Or between the three of us we will have a party,
Ho vulguis o no.
Whether you like it or not.
Una de dues,
One of two things,
O m'emporto aquest bombó
Either I take this sweet thing,
O entre tots tres ens muntem la festa,
Or between the three of us we will have a party,
Ho vulguis o no.
Whether you like it or not.

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