Joan Manuel Serrat - Capgros - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Joan Manuel Serrat - Capgros

Te'n recordes, Capgròs, del carallot aquell que vam abandonar a Marsella un bon dia fugint amb la muller en un paquebot grec víctima de malsons que en despertar es complien. I te'n recordes que el Jofre i la Maria amb un continuarà cloïen la cançó. Profètic acudit. Ahir a la Boqueria vaig ensopegar amb ell i es creu que és de debò. De debò com el tall glaçat del ganivet que va posar-me al coll clamant sang i venjança pels anys malbaratats, pels patiments haguts, per haver-lo deixat tirat a un port de França. Quin escàndol, Capgròs... Sort que d'una parada li van fotre pel cap un meló i en Petràs li va clavar un bolet i, amb quilo i mig d'orada, de rebot, la Siseta Ii va rebentar el nas. Ja més tranquils, sucant capipota al Pinotxo, va confessar-me el seu calvari d'ençà que la dona, farta d'anar amunt i avall com bojos i de vetllar malsons, va tocar el dos també. Que mentre tu, Capgròs, gaudies els plaers de la vida enredant els del fisc i la banca, ell no tingué una nit ni un dia de repòs... Sempre vetllant, fugint, mentint, patint, fent trampes. Va demanar per tu i li va entrar plorera en saber que eres mort, que él cor et va dir prou. Commogut m'abraçà dient: "Ja saps com era... Un gos capaç de fer el que fos per tocar els ous". Ara el tinc instal-lat a casa i diu que es queda fins que prescrigui el crim o el jutgin innocent o canviem el final del Malson per entregues i tal acabi amb barca nova i bon vent. Em suplanta al mirall quan m'estic afaitant. Treu el cap pel bidet quan m'esbandeixo els baixos. M'endinya cada ensurt que em deixa tremolant. Travessa les parets, em remena els calaixos. M'has de fotre una mà, que aquest no està per hòsties. T'espero per sopar. T'agradarà el menú: Tecamondres, peixin i marinet de postres. Si ell ha pogut tornar, per què no tu, Capgròs...? Per què no tu...?
Do you remember, Bighead, that jerk we abandoned in Marseille one fine day, fleeing with his wife on a Greek steamer, a victim of nightmares that came true upon waking? And do you remember how Jofre and Maria ended the song with a "to be continued"? Prophetic joke. Yesterday at the Boqueria market, I bumped into him, and he thinks it's for real. For real like the icy blade of the knife he pressed against my throat, demanding blood and vengeance for the wasted years, the suffering endured, for leaving him stranded in a French port. What a scandal, Bighead... Luckily, from a stall, they chucked a melon at his head, and Petràs ¹ landed a mushroom ² on him, and with a kilo and a half of sea bream, Siseta ¹ accidentally busted his nose. Calmer now, dipping bread in the capipota at Pinotxo's ¹, he confessed his ordeal since his wife, tired of running around like mad and enduring nightmares, also took off. That while you, Bighead, enjoyed life's pleasures, fooling the taxman and the banks, he didn't have a single night or day of rest... Always on edge, fleeing, lying, suffering, cheating. He asked about you and burst into tears upon learning you were dead, that your heart had given out. Moved, he hugged me saying: "You know how he was... A dog capable of doing anything to stir up trouble." Now I have him installed at home, and he says he's staying until the crime expires, or they judge him innocent, or we change the ending of the Nightmare by installments, and everything ends well with a new boat and fair winds. He impersonates me in the mirror when I'm shaving. He pops his head out of the bidet when I'm rinsing my privates. He gives me such frights that I'm left trembling. He walks through walls, rummages through my drawers. You have to give me a hand, this guy isn't playing around. I'm expecting you for dinner. You'll like the menu: Tecamondres, peixín, and marinet ³ for dessert. If he could come back, why not you, Bighead...? Why not you...?
Pesadilla por entregas (2ª parte)
Nightmare by installments (2nd part)
A la memoria de mi amigo Josep Maria Bardagí
In memory of my friend Josep Maria Bardagí
Te acuerdas, Cabezón, de aquel gilipollas
Do you remember, Bighead, that jerk
Que abandonamos en Marsella un buen día
We abandoned in Marseille one fine day
Huyendo con su mujer en un paquebote griego
Fleeing with his wife on a Greek steamer
Víctima de pesadillas que al despertarse se cumplían.
A victim of nightmares that came true upon waking.
Y te acuerdas de que Jofre y María
And do you remember how Jofre and Maria
Con un continuará concluían la canción.
With a "to be continued" concluded the song.
Profética ocurrencia. Ayer en la Boquería
Prophetic occurrence. Yesterday at the Boqueria market
Me tropecé con él y se cree que es de verdad.
I bumped into him, and he thinks it's for real.
De verdad como el filo gélido del cuchillo
For real like the icy blade of the knife
Que me puso al cuello clamando sangre y venganza
He pressed against my throat, demanding blood and vengeance
Por los años desperdiciados, por los sufrimientos habidos,
For the wasted years, the suffering endured,
Por haberlo dejado tirado en un puerto de Francia.
For leaving him stranded in a French port.
Qué escándalo, Cabezón... Suerte que desde un puesto
What a scandal, Bighead... Luckily, from a stall
Le tiraron un melón a la cabeza y Petràs ¹
They chucked a melon at his head, and Petràs ¹
Le arreó un bolet ² y, con kilo y medio de dorada,
Landed a mushroom ² on him, and with a kilo and a half of sea bream,
De rebote, Siseta ¹ le reventó la nariz.
Siseta ¹ accidentally busted his nose.
Ya más tranquilos, mojando pan en el capipota del Pinotxo ¹,
Calmer now, dipping bread in the capipota at Pinotxo's ¹,
Me confesó su calvario desde que
He confessed his ordeal since
Su mujer, harta de ir de aquí para allá como locos
His wife, tired of running around like mad
Y de velar pesadillas, se las piró también.
And of enduring nightmares, also took off.
Que mientras tú, Cabezón, disfrutabas de los placeres
That while you, Bighead, enjoyed life's pleasures
De la vida engatusando a los del fisco y la banca,
Fooling the taxman and the banks,
él no tuvo ni una noche ni un día de descanso...
He didn't have a single night or day of rest...
Siempre en vilo, huyendo, mintiendo, sufriendo, haciendo trampas.
Always on edge, fleeing, lying, suffering, cheating.
Preguntó por ti y le entró llorera
He asked about you and burst into tears
Al saber que habías muerto, que el corazón te había dicho basta.
Upon learning you were dead, that your heart had given out.
Conmovido me abrazó diciendo: "Ya sabes cómo era...
Moved, he hugged me saying: "You know how he was...
Un perro capaz de hacer lo que fuera por tocar los huevos".
A dog capable of doing anything to stir up trouble."
Ahora lo tengo instalado en casa y dice que se queda
Now I have him installed at home, and he says he's staying
Hasta que prescriba el crimen o lo juzguen inocente
Until the crime expires, or they judge him innocent
O cambiemos el final de la Pesadilla por entregas
Or we change the ending of the Nightmare by installments
Y todo acabe bien, viento en popa y buen viaje.
And everything ends well, with fair winds and following seas.
Me suplanta en el espejo cuando me estoy afeitando.
He impersonates me in the mirror when I'm shaving.
Asoma la cabeza por el bidet cuando me aclaro los bajos.
He pops his head out of the bidet when I'm rinsing my privates.
Me endiña cada susto que me deja temblando.
He gives me such frights that I'm left trembling.
Atraviesa las paredes, me revuelve los cajones.
He walks through walls, rummages through my drawers.
Tienes que echarme una mano, que éste no está por hostias.
You have to give me a hand, this guy isn't playing around.
Te espero a cenar. Te gustará el menú:
I'm expecting you for dinner. You'll like the menu:
Tecamondres, peixín y marinet ³ de postre.
Tecamondres, peixín, and marinet ³ for dessert.
Si él ha podido volver, ¿por qué no tú, Cabezón...?
If he could come back, why not you, Bighead...?
¿Por que no tú...?
Why not you...?

Writer(s): joan manuel serrat

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