Collita de fruits: Ulls clucs l'amor / Si la despullava / Visca l'amor / Blanca bruna
Collita de fruits: Ulls clucs l'amor / Si la despullava / Visca l'amor / Blanca bruna
AMOR Ulls clucs l'amor sap que la vida sempre és una festa una cançó Déu se l'estima com la llàntia
Closed eyes love knows that life is always a party a song God loves it like a lamp
Encesa ulls clucs l'amor Déu li manava que que es lligués la bena passava jo i ara es venjava fent que fossis meva: xiula i feineja fa ta cambreta SI LA DESPULLAVA Si la despullava oh, la meva amor!
Lit closed eyes love God ordered it to tie its blindfold passed me and now it took revenge making you mine: whistle and work do your little room IF I UNDRESSED HER If I undressed her oh, my love!
Un botó que queia ja em donava goig -ara la bruseta i el cinyell tot pret, mel rosada i fresca la sina després: al mig de la toia clavellets vermells.
A button that fell already gave me joy -now the blouse and waist all nice, honey pink and fresh breast afterwards: in the middle of the bundle red carnations.
Si la despullava oh, la meva amor!
If I undressed her oh, my love!
Un botó que queia ja em donava goig VISCA L'
A button that fell already gave me joy LONG LIVE
AMOR Visca l'amor que m'ha donat l'amiga fresca i polida com un maig content!
LOVE Long live the love that gave me my girlfriend fresh and beautiful like a happy May!
Visca l'amor l'he cridada i venia -tota era blanca com un glop de llet.
Long live love I called her and she came -she was all white like a sip of milk.
Visca l'amor que ella també es delia.
Long live the love that she so desired.
Visca l'amor: la volia i l'he pres.
Long live love: I wanted her and I took her.
BLANCA BRUNA Blanca, bruna, i fina com un pa de mel -més que una amoreta collida al carrer la seva geniva floria de sang verge i desvestida (-joliu dolençant) camisa de seda com la lluna al ple la rosa vermella floria també: si ahir era poncella ara és mon tresor -com la satalia cada pit rodó.
WHITE BROWN White, brown, and fine as a honey bun -more than a little love picked up on the street her gum blossomed with virgin blood and undressed (-pretty painful) silk shirt like the moon at full the red rose blossomed too: if yesterday she was a maiden now she is my treasure -like the satalia each round breast.
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