Joan Manuel Serrat - El Teu Àngel de la Guarda - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Joan Manuel Serrat - El Teu Àngel de la Guarda

El Teu Àngel de la Guarda
Your Guardian Angel
Com el vell faroner que amb llanterna de foc, contra el vent, escombra la mar negra encenent les nits sense lluna, advertint els vaixells del perill dels esculls esmolats que els aguaiten traidors, amagats, emboscats en l′escuma. Com el vell faroner que amb llanterna de foc, contra el vent, escombra la mar negra encenent les nits sense lluna, jo tinc encès un far per dur-te estàlvia on trobis empar, perquè se t'empassi la mar i et respectin les ones. No fos cas que la mar li fes basarda al teu àngel de la guarda. Com el guardabarrera del pas a nivell que, gelós, espera el tren que passa veloç aixecant polseguera i brandant el fanal agraeix el xiulet de l′amic que per camins de ferro i de nit fuig sense mirar enrere. Com el guardabarrera del pas a nivell que, gelós, espera el tren que passa veloç aixecant polseguera, vigilo amb zel d'amant que res no aturi el teu camí franc i arribis sense cap entrebanc on la vida t'espera. No fos cas que el camí li fes basarda al teu àngel de la guarda. Com el sereno que carregat amb un manat de claus vetllava pel silenci i la pau del barri que dormia i cuitós feia cap, colpejant la llanceta, al reclam del veí que picava de mans, a obrir laporteria. Com el sereno que carregat amb un manat de claus vetllava pel silenci i la pau del barri que dormia, pensa que sempre hi sóc. A tota hora i en quaselvol lloc. Només crida′m i ho deixaré tot per fer-te companyia. No fos cas que la nit li fes basarda al teu àngel de la guarda.
Like the old lighthouse keeper who, with a fiery lantern, against the wind, sweeps the black sea, illuminating moonless nights, warning ships of the danger of sharp reefs that lie in wait, treacherous, hidden, lurking in the foam. Like the old lighthouse keeper who, with a fiery lantern, against the wind, sweeps the black sea, illuminating moonless nights, I have a lighthouse lit to guide you safely where you find shelter, so that the sea doesn't swallow you and the waves respect you. Just in case the sea scares your guardian angel. Like the gatekeeper at the level crossing who, diligently, awaits the train that passes swiftly, raising dust and waving his lantern, grateful for the whistle of the friend who flees on iron tracks and through the night without looking back. Like the gatekeeper at the level crossing who, diligently, awaits the train that passes swiftly, raising dust, I watch with a lover's zeal that nothing stops your clear path and you arrive without any obstacle where life awaits you. Just in case the path scares your guardian angel. Like the night watchman who, burdened with a bunch of keys, watched over the silence and peace of the sleeping neighborhood and promptly attended, striking his staff, to the call of the neighbor who clapped his hands, to open the door. Like the night watchman who, burdened with a bunch of keys, watched over the silence and peace of the sleeping neighborhood, know that I am always there. At all hours and in any place. Just call me and I will leave everything to keep you company. Just in case the night scares your guardian angel.
Para Candela
For Candela
Como el viejo farero que con linterna de fuego, contra el viento, barre la mar negra encendiendo las noches sin luna, advirtiendo a los barcos del peligro de los escollos afilados que acechan traidores, escondidos, emboscados en la espuma. Como el viejo farero que con linterna de fuego, contra el viento, barre la mar negra encendiendo las noches sin luna, yo tengo encendido un faro para llevarte a salvo donde halles amparo, para que no se te trague la mar y te respeten las olas. No sea que la mar le miedo a tu ángel de la guarda. Como el guardabarrera del paso a nivel que, celoso, espera el tren que pasa veloz levantando polvareda y balanceando el farol agradece el silbato del amigo que por caminos de hierro y de noche huye sin mirar atrás. Como el guardabarrera del paso a nivel que, celoso, espera el tren que pasa veloz levantando polvareda, vigilo con celo de amante que nada detenga tu camino franco y llegues sin tropiezo alguno donde la vida te espera. No sea que el camino le miedo a tu ángel de la guarda. Como el sereno que cargado con un manojo de llaves velaba por el silencio y la paz del barrio que dormía y diligente acudía, golpenado el chuzo, al reclamo del vecino que daba palmas, a abrir la portería. Como el sereno que cargado con un manojo de llaves velaba por el silencio y la paz del barrio que dormía, piensa que siempre estoy. A todas horas y en cualquier lugar. Sólo llámame y lo dejaré todo para hacerte compañía. No sea que la noche le miedo a tu ángel de la guarda.
Like the old lighthouse keeper who, with a fiery lantern, against the wind, sweeps the black sea, illuminating moonless nights, warning ships of the danger of sharp reefs that lie in wait, treacherous, hidden, lurking in the foam. Like the old lighthouse keeper who, with a fiery lantern, against the wind, sweeps the black sea, illuminating moonless nights, I have a lighthouse lit to guide you safely where you find shelter, so that the sea doesn't swallow you and the waves respect you. Just in case the sea scares your guardian angel. Like the gatekeeper at the level crossing who, diligently, awaits the train that passes swiftly, raising dust and waving his lantern, grateful for the whistle of the friend who flees on iron tracks and through the night without looking back. Like the gatekeeper at the level crossing who, diligently, awaits the train that passes swiftly, raising dust, I watch with a lover's zeal that nothing stops your clear path and you arrive without any obstacle where life awaits you. Just in case the path scares your guardian angel. Like the night watchman who, burdened with a bunch of keys, watched over the silence and peace of the sleeping neighborhood and promptly attended, striking his staff, to the call of the neighbor who clapped his hands, to open the door. Like the night watchman who, burdened with a bunch of keys, watched over the silence and peace of the sleeping neighborhood, know that I am always there. At all hours and in any place. Just call me and I will leave everything to keep you company. Just in case the night scares your guardian angel.

Writer(s): joan manuel serrat

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