Joan Manuel Serrat - Salam Rashid - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Joan Manuel Serrat - Salam Rashid

Salam Rashid
Salam Rashid
T′ho havien dit
They said to you
Allà baix a la terra dels teus pares
There down in the land of your parents
T'ho havien dit
They said to you
Que Europa era molt gran, per això hi anares
That Europe was very big, that's why you went there
Des del gran Sud
From the great South
On l′ombra de les palmeres és dolça
Where the shade of the palm trees is sweet
I l'aigua dels rius
And the water of the rivers
Camina de puntetes, cautelosa
Walks on tiptoe, cautiously
T'ho havien dit
They said to you
De nit les passes lentes de les dunes.
At night the slow steps of the dunes.
T′ho havien dit
They said to you
Que el desert es va fent gran a mesura
That the desert grows bigger as you go
Que els rics del Nord
That the rich of the North
Hi trenquen els seus rellotges de sorra
There, they break their sand clocks
A contracor
I tu només tenies ganes de córrer
And you just wanted to run
Què hi fas, Rashid, perdut a la frontissa
What are you doing, Rashid, lost on the border
D′un Nord poruc i un Sud que es desespera?
Of a fearful North and a desperate South?
T'han estripat l′honor i la camisa
They have torn your honor and your shirt
I un cop aquí no tornaràs enrera
And once here, you will not go back
Pell de color de dàtil o de sutge
Skin the color of date or soot
Que sempre està fent cua a Laietana
That is always queuing at Laietana
No ets innocent sigui qui sigui el jutge
You are not innocent whoever the judge is
Ets el pecat, el camell, la fulana
You are the sin, the camel, the whore
Dècim trencat, propina d'urinari
Broken dime, tip of the urinal
Ets tot allò que el fariseu rebutja
You are everything that the Pharisee rejects
Trinca la creu i puja al teu calvari.
Take the cross and go up to your calvary.
Salam Rashid
Salam Rashid
Ja ni saps quan
You no longer know when
Fa que camines per ciutats llogades
Makes you walk through rented cities
La sensació que a tot arreu sobraves
The feeling that everywhere you were left over
Et coneixem
We know you
Ets carn de soterrani i de conquesta
You are the flesh of the basement and of the conquest
La falca justa perquè
The fair falcon because
No trontolli la taula de la festa
So that the table of the party does not wobble
Bulls al perol
Bulls in the cauldron
Somnis del Sud contra la incerta ràbia
Dreams of the South against the uncertain rage
De morir sol
Of dying alone
Volies volar, i Europa és una gàbia
You wanted to fly, and Europe is a cage
I vas perdent
And you are losing
A poc a poc records per les voreres
Little by little memories by the sidewalks
Però et sents viu i esperes com les feres
But you feel alive and wait like the wild animals
El món es mou pels qui com tu caminen
The world moves for those who, like you, walk
Més del que volen d′obra barata
More than they want cheap labor
Sobrevivents de presons i pallisses
Survivors of prisons and beatings
Que han decidit que els guiïn les sabates
Who have decided to be guided by their shoes
Demà per tu somriurà la Mona Lisa
Tomorrow the Mona Lisa will smile at you
Faràs servir el Louvre de nevera
You will use the Louvre as a refrigerator
Les catedrals alternaran la missa
The cathedrals will alternate the mass
Amb l'Alcorà i les danses barbaresques
With the Koran and the Barbary dances
Però mentrestant Europa va fent d′esma
But meanwhile Europe is falling asleep
Ha embolicat les porres amb banderes
She has wrapped the batons with flags
I a tu et reserva un jardí del Maresme
And for you, she reserves a garden in the Maresme
Salam Rashid
Salam Rashid

Writer(s): Juan Manuel Serrat, Joan Barril Cuixart

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