Joan Manuel Serrat - Seria Fantastic - En Directo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Joan Manuel Serrat - Seria Fantastic - En Directo

Seria Fantastic - En Directo
It Would Be Fantastic - Live
She says
Sería fantástico
It would be fantastic
Que yo estuviese equivocado
If I was wrong
Y que el wàter no estuviese ocupado
And that the toilet was not occupied
Que hoy hiciese un buen día
That it would be a beautiful day today
Que me diera un buen pedazo
That I would get a good piece
Y que San Pedro, no cantase ni aunque le pagarán
And that Saint Peter, wouldn't sing even if they paid him
Sería fantástico
It would be fantastic
Que no hubiese nada urgente
That there was nothing urgent
No pasar nunca de largo y servir para algo
To never pass by and be of use for something
Ir por la vida sin cumplidos
To go through life without compliments
Llamando a las cosas por su nombre
Calling things by their name
Cobrar en especies
To get paid in kind
Y sentirse bien tratado
And feel well treated
Y mearse de la risa
And piss myself laughing
Y echar a volar todas las palomas
And release all the doves to fly
Sería todo un detalle
It would be a great gesture
Todo un síntoma de urbanidad
A great sign of civility
Que no perdieran siempre los mismos
That it wouldn't always be the same people losing
Y que heredasen los desheredados
And that the disinherited would inherit
Sería fantástico
It would be fantastic
Que ganase el mejor
That the best would win
Y que la fuerza no fuese la razón
And that force wouldn't be the reason
Que se instalara en mi barrio
That earthly paradise
El paraíso terrenal
Would be installed in my neighborhood
Y que la ciencia fuese neutral
And that science would be neutral
Sería fantástico
It would be fantastic
No pasar por el tubo
To not go through the tube
Que todo fuera como está mandado
That everything would be as it is supposed to be
Y que no mande nadie
And that nobody would be in charge
Encontrarse como en casa en cualquier sitio
To find yourself at home anywhere
Poder ir distraído sin correr peligro
To be able to be distracted without being in danger
Sería fantástico que todos fuéramos hijos de Dios
It would be fantastic if we were all children of God
Sería todo un detalle
It would be a great gesture
Y todo un gesto por tu parte
And a gesture from you
Que coincidiésemos, te dejaste convencer
That we agree, that you would let yourself be convinced
Y fueses como yo siempre te imagine
And be just as I have always imagined you
(Eso más o menos es lo que vine a contar este manojo de sueños)
(That's more or less what I came to tell with this bunch of dreams)
Seria fantàstic
It would be fantastic
Que anés equivocat
If I was wrong
I que el wàter no fos ocupat
And that the toilet was not occupied
Que fes un bon dia
That it would be a beautiful day today
I que ens fes bon pes
And that we would have a good time
Que sant pere, pagant, no cantés
That Saint Peter, even if they paid him, wouldn't sing
Seria fantàstic
It would be fantastic
Que res no fos urgent
That there was nothing urgent
No passar mai de llarg I servir per quelcom
To never pass by and be of use for something
Anar per la vida sense compliments
To go through life without compliments
Anomenant les coses pel seu nom
Calling things by their name
Cobrar en espècies I sentir-se ben tractat
To get paid in kind and feel well treated
I pixar-se de riure I fer volar coloms
And piss myself laughing and release pigeons to fly
Seria tot un detall
It would be a great gesture
Tot un símptoma d'urbanitat
A great sign of civility
Que no perdessin sempre els mateixos
That it wouldn't always be the same people losing
I que heretessin els desheretats
And that the disinherited would inherit
Seria fantàstic
It would be fantastic
Que guanyés el millor
That the best would win
I que la força no fos la raó
And that force wouldn't be the reason
Que s'instal•lés al barri
That earthly paradise
El paradís terrenal
Would be installed in my neighborhood
Que la ciència fos neutral
That science would be neutral
Seria fantàstic
It would be fantastic
No passar per l'embut
To not go through the tube
Que tot fos com és manat I ningú no manés
That everything would be as it is supposed to be, and that nobody would be in charge
Que arribés el dia del sentit comú
That the day of common sense will arrive
Trobar-se com a casa a tot arreu
To find yourself at home anywhere
Poder badar sense córrer perill
To be able to be distracted without being in danger
Seria fantàstic que tots fóssim fills de déu
It would be fantastic if we were all children of God
Seria tot un detall
It would be a great gesture
I tot un gest, per la teva part
And a gesture from you
Que coincidíssim, et deixessis convèncer
That we agree, that you would let yourself be convinced
I fossis tal com jo t'he imaginat
And be just as I have always imagined you

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