Joe Flizzow - Kongsi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Joe Flizzow - Kongsi

Ramai sangat gangster kat KL sekarang ni
There are so many gangsters in KL these days
Budak-budak kecik
Little kids
Jual nama, tak hormat orang tua
Selling their names, disrespecting their elders
Gangster taik kucing semua, haha
All pussycat gangsters, haha
Kongsi, kongsi mari bicara
Share, share let us talk
Kongsi pendapat dan juga idea
Share opinions and ideas
Masuk kongsi tiada keluar
Once you enter there's no getting out
Biar kongsi jadi kongsi, kita duduk diam
Let's keep it silent, keep the peace
Kongsi, kongsi mari bicara
Share, share let us talk
Kongsi pendapat dan juga idea
Share opinions and ideas
Masuk kongsi tiada keluar
Once you enter there's no getting out
Biar kongsi jadi kongsi, kita duduk diam
Let's keep it silent, keep the peace
Naik bukit, turun bukit
Up the hill, down the hill
Gua dah lama tengok wayang tak perlu minta tiket
I've been watching movies for so long I don't need a ticket
Dan silakan picit telefon panggil lah sedozen
And please use your phone to call a dozen
Gua pun teringin nak tengok lu punya sepuluh sen
I'm curious to see your dime
Alamak, lu kredit pun takde, terpaksa tembak
Oops, you don't even have any credit, you'll have to shoot
Tak guna lu bawak pisau ke peraduan menembak
It's no use bringing a knife to a gunfight
Tak guna ada bola kalau tak reti sepak
It's no use having a ball if you don't know how to kick
Tak guna ada jalan kalau destinasi tak nampak
It's no use having a road if you can't see the destination
Tak guna jadi gangster kalau tiada wang
It's no use being a gangster if you have no money
Gua tetap di jalanan tapi gua usahawan
I'm still on the streets but I'm an entrepreneur
Gua bursa sahamkan setiap perniagaan
I'm stockpiling every business
Dan setiap gerak geri, pelan harus dipersiapkan
And every move, every plan must be prepared
Jangan kita mudah lupa, kita bukan selamanya muda
Let's not forget, we're not young forever
Jadi kerahkan tenaga, pergunakan usia
So let's put in the effort, use our time wisely
Bila jumpa orang lama, jangan malu bersoal
When you meet an old friend, don't be ashamed to ask questions
Jika mahu kunci kuasa, harus ada modal
If you want the key to power, you must have capital
Kongsi, kongsi mari bicara
Share, share let us talk
Kongsi pendapat dan juga idea
Share opinions and ideas
Masuk kongsi tiada keluar
Once you enter there's no getting out
Biar kongsi jadi kongsi, kita duduk diam
Let's keep it silent, keep the peace
Kongsi, kongsi mari bicara
Share, share let us talk
Kongsi pendapat dan juga idea
Share opinions and ideas
Masuk kongsi tiada keluar
Once you enter there's no getting out
Biar kongsi jadi kongsi, kita duduk dia
Let's keep it silent, keep the peace
Ada cara duduk, ada cara berdiri
There's a way to sit, there's a way to stand
Tangkap orang menyamar, tangkap orang menyanyi
Catch people disguising themselves, catch people singing
Tangkap orang melalak, tangkap budak berlagak
Catch people screaming, catch kids acting out
Tangkap mulut berbuih, berbual lepas cakap
Catch people with their mouths full of foam, talking nonsense
Tangkap budak kosong bogel dan tak pakai baju
Catch naked kids with no clothes on
Ramai sangat kelekatu, nak mendekati lampu
There are so many mayflies, wanting to get close to the light
Teringin hendak menyinar naik Sheikh, tapi tiada dinar
Wanting to shine like a Sheikh, but no dinars
Bila kena pegang gegar sikit, air mata berlinang
When they get a little shaken, tears start to flow
Bukan nak jadi brader, gua nak jadi orang berada
I don't want to be a brother, I want to be a wealthy man
Supaya dapat menjaga setiap ahli keluarga
So that I can take care of every member of my family
Bukan duniawi semata, emas putih permata
Not just the worldly, gold, diamonds, and jewels
Kadang kala aku rabun, pakaikan cermin mata
Sometimes I'm blind, put on my glasses
Tuhan berikan petanda, supaya ku selamat di sana
God has given me a sign, so that I may be safe there
Dan selamat di sini, setiap usaha diberkati
And safe here, every effort is blessed
Budak tersusun rapi, gerak cara koperasi
Kids are organized, move like a cooperative
Biar mereka jadi besar, kongsi kami gergasi
Let them grow, our association is a giant
Kongsi, kongsi mari bicara
Share, share let us talk
Kongsi pendapat dan juga idea
Share opinions and ideas
Masuk kongsi tiada keluar
Once you enter there's no getting out
Biar kongsi jadi kongsi, kita duduk diam
Let's keep it silent, keep the peace
Kongsi, kongsi mari bicara
Share, share let us talk
Kongsi pendapat dan juga idea
Share opinions and ideas
Masuk kongsi tiada keluar
Once you enter there's no getting out
Biar kongsi jadi kongsi, kita duduk diam
Let's keep it silent, keep the peace

Writer(s): Johan Ishak, Mikael Adam Bin Mohd Rafae Michel

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