Text von Hans Fritz Beckmann Wenn ich an dich denketut das Herz mir weh, weil ich leider fuer uns beidenoch kein gutes Ende seh! Manchmal bist du zaertlich, manchmal bist du kuehl, niemals bin ich mir im Klarenueber dein Gefuel... Refrain: Liebling, was wird nun aus uns beiden? Darf ich gluecklich oder traurig sein? Werden sich unsre Wege scheidenoder geh'n wir ins Land der Liebe ein? Ich mu
Lyrics by Hans Fritz Beckmann When I think of you, my heart aches, because unfortunately I still see no good end for the two of us! Sometimes you are tender, sometimes you are cold, I am never clear about your feelings... Chorus: Darling, what will become of us now? May I be happy or sad? Will our paths part or will we enter the land of love? I must suffer from longing for you, which is sad but true! Darling, what will become of us now? If it were up to me: a couple in love! If I could forget you I would sometimes be happy, because the great uncertainty that oppresses me so much! Do you love someone else? Do you not love me anymore? Say something, something, don't torture me so much! Darling, what will become of us now... (repeat)
B vor Sehnsucht nach dir leiden, das ist zwar traurig aber wahr! Liebling, was wird nun aus uns beiden? Wenn's nach mir geht: ein verliebtes Paar! Koennt' ich dich vergessenwaer' ich manchmal froh, denn die gro
B I long for you, which is sad but true! Darling, what will become of us now? If it were up to me: a couple in love! If I could forget you I would sometimes be happy, because the great uncertainty that oppresses me so much! Do you love someone else? Do you not love me anymore? Say something, something, don't torture me so much! Darling, what will become of us now... (repeat)
Be Ungewissheit, die bedrueckt mich immer so! Liebst du eine(n) andre(n), liebst du mich nicht mehr? Sag doch etwas, irgend etwas, quael mich nicht so sehr!. Liebling, was wird nun aus uns beiden... (wiederholen)
B I long for you, which is sad but true! Darling, what will become of us now? If it were up to me: a couple in love! If I could forget you I would sometimes be happy, because the great uncertainty that oppresses me so much! Do you love someone else? Do you not love me anymore? Say something, something, don't torture me so much! Darling, what will become of us now... (repeat)
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