Johny Machette feat. Candy Mane - Ať Tu Není Ticho - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Johny Machette feat. Candy Mane - Ať Tu Není Ticho

Ať Tu Není Ticho
May It Not Be Quiet Here
a ty, a nikdo jiný tady se mnou,
You and I, and no one else here with me,
Ostel velká jako runway chci odlítnout,
A bed as big as a runway, I want to take off,
Tenhle byt bude prístav, budeme plout,
This apartment will be a harbor, we'll set sail,
Tmou budeme plout
We'll sail through the darkness
Jen a ty a nikdo jinýtadi se mnou postel
Just you and I and no one else here with me, a bed
Velká jako runway chci odlítnout
As big as a runway, I want to take off
Tenhle byt bude prístav budeme plout
This apartment will be a harbor, we'll set sail
Tmou budeme plout
We'll sail through the darkness
Jsem v košili bielích, protože
I'm in a white shirt because
Takhle je mi nejlíp,
That's how I feel the most comfortable,
že jsou všichni kluci stejní
That all the guys are the same
To jse moje mila mílíš
That's my dear mile
Znám ty kterí nejsou verní
I know those who are not faithful
Ktery umej lhát divadlo na holhy hrát, ale ten typ
Who can lie that theater on holhy to play, but that type
I'm not
Chceš si se mnou psát chceš u mne dneska spát,
Do you want to write to me, do you want to sleep with me today,
Budeme delat veci co hodná holka nedela, kdyz jsme
We're going to do things that a good girl doesn't do when we are
U toho tak vlastne nebudeme ani spat
With it so we won't even sleep
Rikej tomu treba tak ze si kafe jdeme dat,
Call it something like we're going to have coffee,
Rikej tomu jak chceš nikdo se nedoví,
Call it what you want, no one will know,
Co spolu my dva máme nikomu nepovím,
What we have together I won't tell anyone,
Co medzi náma bylo,
What was between us,
Jestli bylo jenom kino,
If it was just a cinema,
Jestli si u mne spala,
If you slept with me,
Chránim si svoje soukromí .
I protect my privacy.
Pro ostatní Johny, ale pro tebe jsem Jonáš .
For others Johny, but for you I'm Jonáš.
Jestli k sobe máme trochu víc, to stejne
If we have a little more for each other, it's the same
Každý pozná .
Everyone will know.
Cejtim k tobe víc, víc než k ostatním,
I feel something more for you, more than for others,
Když jsem s tebou jsem sám sebou a to je to podstatný .
When I'm with you I'm myself and that's what's important.
a ty a nikdo jinej tady se mnou,
You and I, and no one else here with me,
Postel velká jako runway,
A bed as big as a runway,
Chci odlítnout, tenhle byt budem prístav budem plout
I want to take off, this apartment will be a harbor, we'll set sail
Tmou budeme plout .
We'll sail through the darkness.
Jen a ty a nikdo jinej tady se mnou,
Just you and I and no one else here with me,
Postel velká jako runway chci odlítnout,
A bed as big as a runway, I want to take off,
Tenhle byt budem prístav budem plout
This apartment will be a harbor, we'll set sail
Tmou budeme plout .
We'll sail through the darkness.
Hej, holka naleju ti trochu vína,
Hey, girl, I'll pour you some wine,
Dneska sedíš tady ty, ale co zítra .
Today you're sitting here, but what about tomorrow.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 moje oblíbený čísla,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 my favorite numbers,
Tak hlavne tu není ticho,
So most importantly, may it not be quiet here,
Ješte jednou ríkám tu není ticho,
I say it once more, may it not be quiet here,
Dneska mám tady celej svet,
Today I have the whole world here,
Mám ady Amstrdam, Bogotu a v láhvi Portoriko rum .
I have Ady Amsterdam, Bogota and Puerto Rico rum in a bottle.
Pro tihle chvíle delám to co delám je to tak,
For these moments, I do what I do, that's how it is,
Jenom s tebou jsem spokojenej chlap,
Only with you I am a satisfied man,
Nikdy v živote jsem nemel peníze a strach,
I've never had money or fear in my life,
Utratíme všechno spolu, nemusíš jse bát .
We'll spend everything together, you don't have to be afraid.
A když te delám je to hra tak jsem game boy,
And when I do you, it's a game so I'm a game boy,
Svlíknu te donaha a zahrajem si paintball,
I'll strip you naked and we'll play paintball,
A mám gun plnej lásky a ty jse ráda necháš sejmout .
And I have a gun full of love and you'll be happy to be shot.
Jen a ty a nikdo jinej tady se mnou,
Just you and I and no one else here with me,
Postel velká jako runway chci odlítnout,
A bed as big as a runway, I want to take off,
Tenhle byt budem prístav budem plout
This apartment will be a harbor, we'll set sail
Tmou budeme plout .
We'll sail through the darkness.
Jen a ty a nikdo jinej tady se mnou,
Just you and I and no one else here with me,
Postel velká jako runway chci odlítnout,
A bed as big as a runway, I want to take off,
Tenhle byt budem prístav budem plout
This apartment will be a harbor, we'll set sail
Tmou budeme plout .
We'll sail through the darkness.
a ty a nikdo jinej tady se mnou,
You and I, and no one else here with me,
Postel velká jako runway chci odlítnout,
A bed as big as a runway, I want to take off,
Tenhle byt budem prístav budem plout
This apartment will be a harbor, we'll set sail
Tmou budeme plout .
We'll sail through the darkness.
Jen a ty a nikdo jinej tady se mnou,
Just you and I and no one else here with me,
Postel velká jako runway chci odlítnout,
A bed as big as a runway, I want to take off,
Tenhle byt budem prístav budem plout
This apartment will be a harbor, we'll set sail
Tmou budeme plout .
We'll sail through the darkness.

Writer(s): Jergus Szczotka, Candymane Candymane, Johny Machette

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