Joker Xue - 崇拜 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Joker Xue - 崇拜

I have a childish thought,
To cast a spell that binds me to you.
我變成雪人的話 就可以慢慢融化
If I become a snowman, I can slowly melt away,
讓你收下 我最美的年華
Letting you accept the most beautiful years of my life.
I also have a naive thought,
拋棄世界吧 就剩我們倆
To abandon the world, leaving just us two.
若現實不是童話 我就變成你的白馬
If reality isn't a fairytale, I'll become your white horse,
只帶你去摘下 用我傷疤 灌溉的鮮花
Taking you only to pick flowers watered by my scars.
我崇拜 你回眸一笑 就萬里火海
I adore you, your glance back ignites a wildfire in my heart,
能明白 我孤獨的存在
Understanding my lonely existence.
世間萬般等待 不及你口先開
All the waiting in the world is nothing compared to you speaking first,
Will you come with me?
可好奇怪 你回眸一笑 就愛恨重來
But it's strange, your glance back restarts the cycle of love and hate.
我還在 用上次的遺骸
I'm still here, with the remains of the last time,
只要記憶還在 我就不知悔改
As long as the memory remains, I remain unrepentant,
Leaving you satisfied.
I give you a way to stop me,
從現在開始 不準說真話
From now on, don't speak the truth.
你提問我來回答 輸的人慢慢木化
You ask, I answer, the loser slowly petrifies,
但願我很優雅 傷口還能長出你愛的花
I hope I'm elegant, and my wounds can still grow the flowers you love.
我崇拜 你回眸一笑 就刀山火海
I adore you, your glance back makes me face a mountain of blades and a sea of fire.
我本來 應該一生無愛
I was originally meant to live a life without love,
世間好多遺憾 一切都有替代
There are so many regrets in the world, everything can be replaced,
But not you.
躲不開 你回眸一笑 我捲土重來
I can't escape, your glance back makes me rise again.
我大概 沒你就不存在
I probably wouldn't exist without you,
只要你還緬懷 我會潔身自愛
As long as you still remember, I'll keep myself pure,
Continuing my adoration.
我崇拜 可好奇怪
I adore you, but it's so strange,
我崇拜 又躲不開
I adore you, and I can't escape.
愛上了你以來 耗盡所有崇拜
Since falling in love with you, I've exhausted all my adoration,
I no longer exist.

Writer(s): Zhi Qian Xue, Guan Ting Guo, Zi Wang

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