Jonas - Segue a Tua Vida - traduction des paroles en anglais

Segue a Tua Vida - Jonastraduction en anglais

Segue a Tua Vida
Follow Your Own Path
Aquilo que eu escrevo para voces nunca vai fazer sentido
What I write to you guys will never make sense
Voces nao querem ouvir verdades mas eu nao minto
You guys don't want to hear the truth but I don't lie
Tou a falar pos niggas que metem gucci no cinto
I'm talking about those posers who wear Gucci on their belts
Mas saiem no sabado para afogarem magoas no absinto
But go out on Saturdays to drown their sorrows in absinthe
No instagram o squad todo pausa tipo que e rico
On Instagram, the whole squad flexes like they're rich
Na vida real o que a mae passa nunca foi bonito
In real life, what their mothers go through is never pretty
Mas eles fingem, so fazem promessas as cotas mas nao atingem
But they pretend, they make promises to the girls but don't deliver
Querem mas nao decidem
They want to but they don't decide
Um bando de falsos com covardia
A bunch of fakes with cowardice
Fatos tao sempre em dia mas a pessoa que sustentou trabalha quatro vezes por dia
Their outfits are always on point but the person who supports them works four times a day
E voces nas redes sociais tenham cuidado
And you guys on social media, be careful
As vezes a pessoa com mais seguidores e o menos amado
Sometimes the person with the most followers is the least loved
Vou vos dar um raciocinio um pouco mais elevado
I'm going to give you some higher-level reasoning
Quando acordas para trabalhar nao mudas o estado
When you wake up for work, you don't change your status
Segue a tua vida segue a tua vida
Follow your own path, follow your own path
Pq nunca vais viver atraves dos teus niggas
Because you'll never live through your boys
Segue a tua vida segue a tua vida
Follow your own path, follow your own path
Pq nunca vais viver atraves das amigas
Because you'll never live through your girlfriends
Segue a tua vida segue a tua vida
Follow your own path, follow your own path
Deixa de invejar as fotos que tu ves no insta
Stop envying the photos you see on Insta
Segue a tua vida segue a tua vida
Follow your own path, follow your own path
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Tantas saudades do iziquiel nigga
Missing Iziquiel, man
A lei diz que ele e mau mas eu sei quem ele e nigga
The law says he's bad but I know who he is, man
Aquilo que ele sacrificou por mim e o meu dread nigga
What he sacrificed for me and my dreads, man
Nunca vao saber a ele eu beijo os pes nigga
You'll never know, I kiss his feet, man
Isto e serio a vida dele nao e justa
This is serious, his life isn't fair
O terror que ele ja passou eu sei que as barras nao assustam
The terror he's been through, I know the bars don't scare him
Quero que ele tenha fe mas nao e ai que as contas se ajustam
I want him to have faith but that's not where the bills get paid
E se nao tiveres conta advogados nunca ajudam
And if you don't have money, lawyers never help
As vezes queria que ele tivesse xibado
Sometimes I wish he had snitched
Streetcode we know coraji fitxado
Street code, we know, courage locked up
Mas se isso tivesse acontecido ele poderia receber tres em vez de dois presentes quando chegasse a casa
But if that had happened, he might have received three gifts instead of two when he got home
Eu sou honesto eu dou props para os meus
I'm honest, I give props to my people
Porque durante a minha infancia a minha fam foi deus
Because during my childhood, my family was God
Deram me uma educacao que muita gente perdeu
They gave me an education that many people lost
Entao caro ouvinte peco toma conta dos teus
So dear listener, I ask you, take care of yours
Segue a tua vida segue a tua vida
Follow your own path, follow your own path
Pq nunca vais viver atraves dos teus niggas
Because you'll never live through your boys
Segue a tua vida segue a tua vida
Follow your own path, follow your own path
Pq nunca vais viver atraves das amigas
Because you'll never live through your girlfriends
Segue a tua vida segue a tua vida
Follow your own path, follow your own path
Deixa de invejar as fotos que tu ves no insta
Stop envying the photos you see on Insta
Segue a tua vida segue a tua vida
Follow your own path, follow your own path
Mais ações menos tempo para copiares dicas
More action, less time copying tips

Writer(s): Jonas Da Costa

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